The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 67

Chapter 67 – Who Knows What He’s Thinking (1)

Inside the box were two books and a mana pill. Among them, the former were advanced swordsmanship and mana cultivation methods that I was already familiar with.

Of course, these are considered advanced by continental standards, but within the Empire, they’re treated as mere mid-tier items.

“The moon is quite bright tonight, isn’t it?”

“Enough with the nonsense.”

I cut off Count Kaiman’s small talk.

“You know who I am, right?”


He agreed so readily that it left even me a bit deflated.

“Confident, aren’t you?”

“I just wanted to let you know in advance that there’s nothing I don’t know.”

“Then what’s this?”

“As you can see, it’s a small gift from me.”

My lips naturally curled up into a smile.

“Are you trying to recruit me to the Empire?”

“Of course. His Majesty, the Emperor, values talented people.”

“What about me caught his attention?”

“Your very existence makes you the kind of talent His Majesty would welcome.”

He meant that my status alone offered endless possibilities for exploitation. As he said this, his eyes curved into a sly smile.

“Won’t you join hands with me?”

“I don’t hold hands with men.”

“I’m not joking.”

Although he was still smiling, his voice at that moment was utterly serious.

“You want revenge, don’t you?”


“You want to become stronger as quickly as possible and return, don’t you? After all, you almost ended up living your life as a slave because of those you once considered family.”



Was it because I denied it so flatly? For the first time, he fell silent.

“Answer my question first. It was you, wasn’t it? The one who gave me that damn note.”

Immediately, Count Kaiman’s expression turned strange.

“May I ask why you think that?”

The reason was quite simple and clear.

“Because you’re from the Empire.”


Contrary to my expectations, he didn’t deny it. He just stared at me with that same unsettling expression.

“……You’re using the alias ‘Ancelot’, I hear……”

Count Kaiman spoke up.

“Are you perhaps carrying on the legacy of the great hero?”

“Answering a question with another question— where did you learn such rude manners?”

“I apologize, but I’m in a bit of a hurry too.”

“Why should I care about your circumstances?”

He didn’t relent.

“You’re being assisted by the leader of the Mask of Night, you know how to open the Five Heroes’ Tomb, and most importantly, I’ve heard that the mana of someone I respect has manifested in an unexpected place like this.”

He was already suspicious that I was the source of the blaze.

“Isn’t it too much of a coincidence?”




Suddenly, I burst into laughter. It was genuinely funny.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s not polite to laugh like this in front of someone, but…… Pffft.”

“……What’s so amusing? Care to share?”

“I just wondered if His Majesty, that great Emperor of yours, still hasn’t managed to escape the shadow of the great hero.”


For the first time, Count Kaiman’s expression hardened at my comment.

“It’s been over 20 years since he died. During that time, the Empire has become an unrivaled superpower. And yet, is His Majesty still afraid of a ghost?”

Even as I spoke, small bursts of laughter kept escaping me. How could I not find it amusing? Using the alias ‘Ancelot’ and causing the blaze.

All of it was just a measure to ensure that even the Emperor, like me, would suffer from nightmares, if only for a single day.

“……So, you already know the hidden truths of history. That only confirms my suspicions.”

“What you’re doing now isn’t asking questions; it’s called confirmation.”

“Excuse me?”

“You already had your answer before you even met me, didn’t you? Unless you hear the answer you want from my mouth, you’ll keep bothering me until you do. Or……”

I trailed off, a sly smile forming on my lips.

“……You might just kill me.”

Because that’s how the Empire operates.

“Well…… it seems you have a rather poor impression of us. Swallow isn’t just a place for madmen. It’s a place where people live, just like here.”

“Sure, if you say so.”

Perhaps realizing that the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, he changed the subject.

“……Putting everything else aside, the Mask of Night is always motivated by what they stand to gain. Especially not the lazy leader.”

“As you said, I’m not an ordinary talent. I must have something they want if they’re sticking around me, right?”

“I’m genuinely curious about what it is they’re trying to get from you.”

“Want me to show you?”


Without a word, I drew my sword from its sheath. Even then, my opponent didn’t flinch. He must be incredibly confident in himself.

“Don’t misunderstand. I’m just showing you something.”

There was a considerable distance between us.

“With a single downward slash, flames fall like snowflakes.”


As I softly murmured, his eyes widened. He was surprised.


It was just a simple downward slash. Yet, in an instant, the surroundings were brightly illuminated.

Fragments of mana.

Flames scattered in every direction like glowing embers, almost like fireflies in summer.


“It’s the swordsmanship manual you gave me.”

I could tell just by looking at his face.

He was genuinely shocked, and he had every right to be. It hadn’t even been two hours. Yet, here I was, flawlessly executing the sword techniques from the manual he gave me.

“I’m a genius, like the great hero.”

“……Excuse me?”

“The leader is investing in someone like me. As you can see, I’m quite a promising investment. Before long, I’ll probably be the ‘best on the continent’.”


For a brief moment, Count Kaiman’s eyes widened. Then, shortly after—


He let out a small laugh.

“Oh! I wasn’t mocking you just now.”

“……It sure sounded like you were.”

“It’s just that…… you’re much more innocent than I expected. It’s rather refreshing.”

“Enough of that. I answered one of your questions, so shouldn’t you do the same for one of mine?”

He smiled and nodded.

“Alright. What do you want to know?”

“Whose side are you really on?”

“Excuse me? Well, obviously, I’m on the Emperor’s……”

“Spare me the obvious answer. There must be someone you truly follow in your heart.”

I knew.

The relationship between those three— Blazes, Full Moon, and the Undefeated.

Their strongest rival, me, had disappeared. Would those greedy bastards be satisfied with that?

Far from it!

They wanted to be the best. They wanted to put each other beneath their feet. Because that’s the instinct of a male.

“……Lord Narakas would have told you if you had asked him.”

“Nothing in this world is free, especially in a give-and-take relationship.”

“……To answer your question, I don’t follow anyone. Not yet, at least.”

“And I’m supposed to believe that?”

“It’s the truth. Now it’s my turn.”

His face became serious again.

“Investing in overwhelming talent…… Fine, I can understand that much. But how did you manage to open the hero’s tomb?”


At that moment, an unexpected figure appeared beside me like a shadow.

“You two are practically advertising that you’re having a secret meeting.”


“Wrap it up. Thanks to this guy, it looks like people will soon be swarming here. And……”

Narakas flicked away the remaining embers and spoke.

“I told him.”


“Being in the business of information, I came across the password. Frankly, how could I resist? It’s the Five Heroes’ Tomb, after all.”

“……So you were trying to cover your tracks?”

“It’s embarrassing, really. I used a kid out of greed and ended up walking right into a trap with no gain. That’s why I’m now stuck being dragged around by this prince.”

“……I’m not completely satisfied with that answer, but if that was the case, I can understand somewhat. Still, you went too far, given our relationship.”

“Human greed knows no bounds. If you’d given me even a hint about what was inside, I wouldn’t have gone to such lengths.”

“So you’re saying it’s my fault?”

“In a situation where we can’t trust each other, how can we have an open conversation? Let’s stop ruining my investment and call it a day.”


Count Kaiman looked at me again.

“One side seeks revenge, the other seeks investment. Alright, I understand that it’s a relationship of mutual need.”

“Next time, bring me a gift that’ll tempt me. I’m always open.”

I threw my arm over Narakas’ shoulder.

“What I’m saying is, instead of pulling these kinds of stunts, try and do some business— like him.”

I nodded at Narakas.

“Everything about you is great, except for that cocky attitude. How old do you think I am?”

Watching this unfold, Count Kaiman smiled warmly.

“I think it’s time to take my leave. Regardless, you two look good together.”

“Look good together, my foot……”

Narakas muttered in annoyance.

Count Kaiman chuckled and continued.

“In any case, I should come prepared with something that’ll really win over my partner tomorrow.”

And so, our long, long night finally came to an end.

At the same time, in the mansion of Count Arsene, located in the capital.

“……Is this really the right thing to do?”

“It’s the royal palace, of all places! At least you guys have your status as a safety net. If I get caught, you won’t even find my bones.”

Despite his words, Harun had already covered himself entirely, complete with a mask.

“But why did Master suddenly beat up that butter-faced fool?”

“……It’s probably because of Kirian.”

The answer came from Jan.


Harun nodded in understanding.

There had been a minor incident with a kid named Winzer or something in between, but no matter how much they thought about it, that was the only reason they could think of.

“In the end, because of me……”

Just as Kirian was sinking into gloom, Harun quickly intervened.

“Hey, the Master isn’t someone who acts on emotions.”


“I’ve been around the master a bit longer than you guys.”

Harun vividly remembered it. The sight of his master throwing him into a horde of dozens of bandits. The devilish voice that said if he couldn’t survive, then so be it.

He had had nightmares of Ancelot, his eyes rolled back white, who told him to kill or be killed— something he never wanted to experience again.


Unconsciously swearing, Harun patted Kirian on the shoulder.

“Anyway, there’s no need to feel too guilty. If you feel bad, just get stronger. Strong enough so that you never cause this kind of trouble again.”


Kirian nodded slightly. At that moment.


The light in the room suddenly brightened.

“……What are you all doing?”



It was Count Arsene. The sight that greeted him in the room was nothing short of absurd. Three kids dressed entirely in black, masks covering their faces.

‘They look no different from thieves.’

Their intentions were crystal clear.

“……What? Were you planning to sneak into the royal palace?”

Count Arsene let out a deep sigh, and looked at the other corner of the room.

“And what are you two doing?”

“M-My lord!”

“Th-The thing is……”

He had noticed Viscount Rodri and Baron Tucker, dressed in the same attire.

“H-How could we let the kids go to such a dangerous place alone?”

“Our plan was to use our status to get into the outer palace somehow, and then secretly rescue the honored guest.”

“Don’t worry about a thing, my lord! We will make sure no harm comes to the family!”

“Yes! We’re doing this because we have our own motives. If we get caught, we’ll bite our tongues and die on the spot!”

Count Arsene clutched his throbbing head.

“Well done, you fools. Instead of stopping the kids from causing trouble, you’re planning to get into trouble with them!?”

“W-We apologize!”

“Enough. Everyone, stop.”

Then Count Arsene talked as if making a declaration.

“That child is already a member of our family. If a child makes a mistake, it is the head of the family’s duty to take responsibility. Isn’t that right?”


Everyone’s eyes widened.

“I already requested an audience with His Majesty this morning. During that meeting, I will officially report that Ancelot is a member of our family.”


“M-My lord……”

It’s worth noting that Ancelot participated in this knight exam not as a squire of Count Arsene but as a ‘commoner’.

‘Because officially affiliating him with us might hinder his future prospects.’

Naturally, Count Arsene wanted Ancelot more than anyone.

No, who wouldn’t?

Any family would eagerly welcome such a talented individual. Just look at how Marquis Foltaine acted. But what if he shamelessly forced an affiliation in this situation?

‘In the future, when that child wants to join an organization for real, our current affiliation could negatively impact him.’

Swearing loyalty to one lord until death. Standing steadfast in one place, like a thousand-year-old rock, no matter how much time passes. That was the knight’s code shared by all nations.

People who switch sides left and right are never respected, no matter where they go. That’s how trust works. Once broken, it’s nearly impossible to restore. There will always be suspicion that you’ll switch sides again in a time of need.

As such.

“I will tell His Majesty that I’ve taken him in as my adopted son.”




Being a son is fundamentally different from being a squire. Even if he changes his affiliation later, there will be no grounds for criticism.

Traditionally, when the eldest son inherits the family, it’s customary for the other siblings to leave. This ensures a smoother succession.

Those who leave often end up serving other noble families.

Some become heirs by marrying into other noble families, while others with great talent might serve as knights to distinguished lords for the rest of their lives.

“Of course, I won’t impose any responsibilities or duties on him. I’ll just provide him with what he needs, and, as a father, protect him if he’s in danger.”

“M-My lord……”

“Don’t you all forget this.”

Count Arsene spoke firmly.

“Those who forget the favors they’ve received are no better than beasts.”

“We’ll remember!”

Their voices resounded loudly.

Finally, Count Arsene nodded.

“I will bear Ancelot’s punishment, as his father.”


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