The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 251: 251 refugees

Chapter 251: 251 refugees

Chapter 251 251. Refugees

Looking at these people, some had broken arms and legs, some had only half of their heads left, some had angry eyes, and some still looked frightened even to death, which made people sigh.

In war, no matter who wins or loses, everyone is actually the loser.

How many lives and prices have been paid for the vain rights and status, glory and wealth.

How tragic and heroic that one general will eventually become all dead bones!

Now he only hopes that this battle will be the last battle of the Jin Dynasty, and that the best policy is to live in harmony with his neighbors in the future.

They slaughtered all the elites in Beidi. I heard that a tribe elected a new leader and took them to move north.

They are not the ones who want to kill everyone, so they will not disturb them easily.

On the other hand, some of the surrounding small countries had the idea to annihilate the entire Beidi clan and divide their land and resources. However, the Iron King's eagle team who stayed in the dark knocked on the mountains and shocked the tigers, destroying the three thousand lions of the leading country.

Henceforth, no one dared to have any thoughts about the remnants of Beidi.

Xiao Muqian began to admire the little emperor's uncle's ability more and more.

People are thousands of miles away, but they are arranged so well.

Not only has the siege of Liangzhou been solved, but it has not allowed any of the surrounding countries to become stronger. Everything remains the same, except that Beidi paid a heavy price for his greed.

Two or three hours later, the soldiers came to report that everything was ready.

Xiao Muqian gave an order to bury the soldiers who died in this battle one by one.

At this point, what later became known as the "War to Destroy the North" could come to an end.

When Liangzhou delivered the good news to the Lanshui River, General Su was so happy that he burst into tears and looked up to the sky and roared!

God bless me in Jin Dynasty, God bless me in Liangzhou!

They who were uninformed naturally thought that the city defenders and the Jeju Army had saved Liangzhou City. Little did they know that the Iron King Eagles accounted for half of the credit, but they had no intention of cherishing this great achievement and had long since disappeared without a trace.

Knowing what they meant, Xiao Ji did not mention many words about them in the victory report.

On the contrary, the Ninth Prince, who received the good news, suddenly recovered from his "illness".

Immediately sent people from surrounding counties and counties to recruit people who could build bridges and roads, and sent 50,000 troops to help. For a time, the speed of building bridges was more than ten times faster than before.

General Su and the captain looked at each other, and they both understood the Ninth Prince's desire to take credit.

He was so angry that he secretly wrote a letter and gave it to the lieutenant's subordinates to attack the eastern capital and deliver it to Prince Ding's palace!

After burying the soldiers, Xiao Muqian led his people back to Liangzhou City. Unexpectedly, he met some refugees on the road.

These refugees have no nationality or household registration. They are just ordinary people who work around here to eat.

Neither belongs to the Jin Dynasty nor Beidi, so life has been very difficult for many years.

Now that their homes have been destroyed due to war, they naturally have nowhere to go and can only wander around and rely on grass roots for food.

When Xiao Muqian saw them, they were all hungry and skinny, with sallow complexions and thin muscles.

There were several women and children with their children who could only scream and scream when they saw these armored men, and they could not even speak a single word clearly.

Hey, sigh.

He gave them the few rations he had with him, but they were all plundered in a short time.

Those who grabbed it stuffed their lives into their mouths, while those who didn't grabbed it could only look at Xiao Muqian helplessly, and were in a dilemma for a while.

After thinking for a while, he asked people to hurry up and report to Xiao Ji. If he took the person back, would there be a place where they could be placed?

In Liangzhou City today, things are still getting better. It's really inappropriate to take so many people back rashly. It's better to see what the second uncle's plan is before making a decision.

They were stationed on the spot, and the soldiers gave them all the water, dry food, and even medicine they had.

A few of the men who could speak a few words in Dajin dialect came out timidly and thanked Xiao Muqian profusely.

"It doesn't have to be like this. After all, you are just involved in this war."

After hearing what he said, those people fell silent. After a while, they translated it into words that their tribe could understand for everyone to listen to.

For a time, I was crying, sitting, and the wandering for many days was finally released at this moment.

Ten miles away, whether it was close or far away, the soldier who reported the news hurried back and said to Xiao Muqian, "Major General, General Xiao ordered you to bring all these people back. The resettlement facilities have been set up in the city." place."


Second uncle is indeed kind-hearted.

So he said to the man who could speak Dajin dialect, "Would you like to follow me back to Liangzhou City? There will be food, drink, and a place to live!"

Try to use the simplest words to tell him what you mean. The man nodded after understanding, and then shook his head.

He gave a jittery explanation to his own tribe.

After the quarrel lasted for a while, the man said, "Okay, but we have to leave later!"

These people think that if they go, they will become slaves, so naturally they don't want to, but now they have no way to survive if they stay outside. They can only take care of their stomachs first and think about other things later.

Xiao Muqian nodded in agreement, "You can come and go freely in Liangzhou City, just don't worry."

So when he returned to the city, Xiao Muqian not only brought back soldiers, but also brought back hundreds of foreigners.

This matter spread quickly in Liangzhou City.

Some people think that he is kind-hearted and willing to live with others, while others are worried that there are spies among these foreigners, who are deliberately pretending to be miserable and waiting for opportunities to spy on the military situation.

So there was a lot of noise on both sides!

Fengshan stood firmly on the same line as Xiao Ji and Xiao Muqian, and spoke out when everyone was quarreling.

"Okay, everyone is just worried that they will cause chaos in Liangzhou City, but there are only a few hundred foreigners, including women and children. How can they be more chaotic than the Beidi people? They are also innocent victims. We can help as much as we can, and there is no need to make other arrangements. Arent the open-air tents used to treat the wounded soldiers not yet been dismantled? It doesnt cost much food to just house them temporarily.

After saying that, he handed another list to Xiao Ji.

"General Xiao, this is my Feng family's contribution to the reconstruction of Liangzhou. We have food, cloth, horses, iron tools, and medicinal materials. If there is anything missing, just tell me and Fengshan will find a way to raise it for you."

After his statement, other merchants also expressed their feelings.

After this battle, they knew that Xiao Ji and the city defenders were the absolute anchor to Liangzhou. They could help them recover as quickly as possible. This was a good thing for Liangzhou City.

General, there are also people from my Tie family.

This is from my Ma family.

And more, dont forget about my Huo family!

The city has not been broken, and their roots have not been damaged at all, so it is not difficult to take out these things.

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