The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 250: Are You a Man or a Ghost

Chapter 250

In the end, [Nan XiangWan] was still not allowed to eat a second pack of duck claws.

[Xiao Dong] ate up all the leftovers by himself!

[Xiao Dong]: "[Nan XiangWan], you have to remember that you are a celebrity."

[Nan XiangWan]: "You also have to remember that you are a nutritionist!"

[Xiao Dong]: "No, I'm just an assistant with a nutritionist certificate. I don't make money with my face."

[Nan XiangWan]: "......"

[Cheng Xue] interrupted the two of them: "The court session was yesterday."

[Nan XiangWan] became interested: "[Cheng Dong Entertainment]? Did they pay compensation? How much?"

[Cheng Xue]: "They have to pay, but the money is actually just small change. The real major action is the subsequent commercial warfare, which is also our ultimate goal. The day before the court session, we released information that exposed everything the female artist with the Miao surname did, and we also heated up the accident that happened during the first concert rehearsal of [Destiny Girls]."

[Nan XiangWan]: "I don't understand, just tell me the result."

[Cheng Xue]: "The result is that [Chengdong Entertainment] stocks crashed and they were condemned by the entire Internet. We made a huge profit."

[Nan XiangWan] took out her phone and eagerly went online to watch the drama unfold.

Although it was something from yesterday, there would still be some leftovers to nibble on today.

Might as well join in the excitement!

But when she opened Weibo, she saw a large number of unread messages piling up in the bottom right corner.

Well, over a hundred thousand unread private messages!

And when she looked at the comments...

Her fans were almost crazy from waiting!

In the past few days, [Nan XiangWan] had disappeared, not only refusing to stream, but also not posting anything.

As a result, her fans missed her so much that, crazed with longing, they made a video compilation to appease themselves.

When [Nan XiangWan] tapped into it to take a look, her face darkened like the bottom of a pot!

In the short one-minute edited video, a gorilla's face had been replaced with [Nan XiangWan]'s face through P-editing.

The video content was of that gorilla with [Nan XiangWan]'s face aggressively bullying the weak, beating up other gorillas.

Title - 【Tyrant Boss Nan XiangWan】

Lots of likes, shares, and comments!

As the fans couldn't wait for [Nan XiangWan] to show up and had gone crazy, they had become increasingly perverse.

They were very receptive to this kind of video and were even furiously tagging her to come see it!

[Nan XiangWan]: "......"

This generation of fans was really toxic!


At the same time, in a certain conference room somewhere.

A group of military and political leaders appeared, each dressed in military uniform, their shoulder insignia dazzling.

A man in his 60s sat in the chief position and was currently flipping through the documents on the table.

His name was [Zhong Hongyi].

He held many positions, one of which was principal of the military academy.

The other ten people were also looking through the same documents in their respective positions.

They were looking at the same thing—a strangely unique zero-mark Gaokao essay.

[Zhong Hongyi] had been frowning the entire time. After finishing it, he looked up and said, “The candidate sent over from the [Lingshan Military Region], she really has some unique ideas!”

Vice Principal [Zuo Zhiye] said speechlessly, “She did decently on her other subjects, it’s just her Chinese exam. A zero-mark essay is really unprecedented."

[Zhong Hongyi] shook his head and said, “The 29th class of the [Special Arms Department] has a total enrollment of 27 people. The previous 26 all had no issues, whether it was physical fitness, combat aptitude, or intelligence, they were all elites handpicked by the various military regions. But this one...[Nan XiangWan]!”

[Zuo Zhiye]: “Wasn’t she strongly recommended by Major General [Han Ting]? Her political background and other aspects are fine. And we investigated her as well—her family background is quite impressive. She didn't use any backdoors, so if it weren't for this essay...”

[Zhong Hongyi] said helplessly, “The soldiers recommended by [Han Ting] have always been outstanding. The kid from last term was great, but this [Nan XiangWan]... You all should know our military academy recruits over a thousand students every year, but the [Special Arms Department] is the most special among all the special departments. The officers it cultivates all get allocated to the nine major special forces. In its 29 years since establishment until now, it has only trained two exceptional female military officers!”

[Zuo Zhiye]: "Is there going to be a third one soon? Or does the principal disagree?"

[Zhong Hongyi]: “There’s nothing wrong with [Nan XiangWan] herself, but this psychological quality really needs more practice! What was she even thinking when she wrote this essay? She might as well have just come up with an extremely intense training curriculum! And those exclamation marks—three at the end of every paragraph, who did she learn essay writing from? I really wonder which squad of special forces is going to be unlucky in four years and get a commander like her... If her subordinates learn her bad habits, none of them are going to turn out normal!”

[Zuo Zhiye] started laughing. “But it also shows she usually undergoes a lot of training.”

[Zhong Hongyi]: “Forget it, let’s not dwell on it. We’ll vote on whether to give her special recruitment.”

After he finished speaking, everyone raised their hands.

The 10 school leaders had all raised their hands.

It passed unanimously!

But after approving her, everyone started laughing.

[Zhong Hongyi] said speechlessly, "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

[Zuo Zhiye]: “Not exactly. We were just very curious what kind of person she is and what her oddly unique subordinates would be like. Haha!”

[Zhong Hongyi]: “Sigh! I really wonder which squad of special forces is going to be unlucky in four years and get a commander like her...”


The flight from [Yong City] to [Shang Hai] took two hours.

When [Nan XiangWan] and her two companions arrived, it was 2 p.m.

Right after, they immediately rushed over to the rehearsal site of “The Singer” to rehearse.

The veteran singers participating on this show had already finished rehearsing; only [Nan XiangWan] was left.

"The Singer"’s chief director [Zhang Rui] was arranging things on site. This show had already run for several seasons, so the staff and directors were very familiar with the process.

In the industry, it was considered a benchmark.

Some singers desperately wanted to get on it, while others avoided it like the plague for fear of falling from grace because of it.

It could be said that those who could participate and battle to the very end were definitely powerhouses in the music world!

The show’s rules were that eight singers would take turns performing, then their rankings would be revealed through online voting, with eight narrowing down to seven and one singer eliminated.

Starting from the second episode, challenger singers would appear, still with eight people competing, continuing with eight narrowing down to seven and one more eliminated.

This cycle would repeat 12 episodes until the final decisive match!

The competition system was harsh and the contests intensely fierce.

The gold content of every season’s “Singer King” title was very high—at least for people who had won several Golden Melody Awards.

As a newcomer making her debut, [Nan XiangWan] coming on this show at this point was largely due to [Chengdong Entertainment]’s status in the entertainment industry.

So when chief director [Zhang Rui] first saw her, he didn’t think much of her—he just thought the girl was good-looking.

Then after a simple check of the equipment status, [Zhang Rui] left the site.

He didn’t care about [Nan XiangWan]’s rehearsal status. Out of the eight singers, seven were veteran celebrities that he needed to personally greet and pay attention to.

As for [Nan XiangWan]...forget about her!

[Cheng Xue] and [Xiao Dong] were accompanying her on site.

After [Nan XiangWan] went on stage, she first tested the audio equipment, then started vocalizing.

The musicians in the accompanying band also didn’t think much of her at first—newcomers squeezing their way onto this show through all sorts of connections only to get eliminated after one or two rounds were a dime a dozen.

But when [Nan XiangWan] started singing, effortlessly traversing who knows how many octaves from high notes to low notes, the entire site fell silent!

The hundred or so musicians collectively widened their eyes and stared at [Nan XiangWan] in the center of the stage.

Are you human or ghost?

Was that range just now something humans can achieve?

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