The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 238: Here she comes. She’s crazy.

Chapter 238

On the other side of the river, China's special forces were also stunned for a moment, and then began to look forward to it.

Those dots falling down were...

Weapons? Ammunition?

Are they delivering equipment to them?

Hey hey hey!

They are on the other side of the river!

Just as they were shouting in their hearts, they were speechless to find that those black dots did not fall towards the other side of the river.

Instead, they went straight to the fortress!

Special Forces: "..."

What's going on?

Bombing the enemy's face, delivering supplies to the enemy?

But soon, someone discovered through a telescope that it was not an airdrop.

It's paratroopers!

The special forces began to fall silent, and then swear.

Why did the paratroopers land on the enemy's head?

To be a target?

Sure enough, in the fortress on the opposite bank.

The militants had already excitedly begun to set up cannons.

"Blow them up!"

"Haha! How silly! Actually airborne here!"

"Kill them all! Kill them one by one!"

But just as they set up their weapons and got ready...

The 7 people who were falling from the sky began to act swiftly!

Teng Shihai, the heavy infantryman who had the heaviest load, fell the fastest. As he fell, he had already set up a rocket launcher on his shoulder.

Before the people below could react.


A rocket was already fired.

Firing while descending!

A lethal shot, hitting the fortress straight on!

In an instant, the fortress was blown apart.

Blasting open, turned into ruins.

Three militants were killed on the spot, and several startled ones scattered and fled very quickly.

A total of 12 people, 9 left!

The militants wanted to fire at the sky? You have to calculate factors like gravity, angle, etc.

But firing down from above? With the double blessing of free fall and impact force, you have the advantage in both speed and range.

But there's one thing!

The requirements for the gunners' aim and aerial combat are extremely high!

Few people can do this.

But don't forget, Lingshan Military Region is an air force base!

Is the air force's years of training just for fun?

They have a lot of training content!

Setting up weapons mid-air and while descending, they take it seriously.

Besides, China's soldiers have always liked to go overpowered!

Teng Shihai's move not only stunned the militants, but also made the special forces on the other side of the river look at them admiringly.

Good stuff, turns out to be an elite force!

Was worried for nothing.

That rocket blast felt so cool, unfortunately they didn't have rocket launchers or rocket tubes.

Tsk tsk!

Oh well, leave the rest to the paratroopers, they'll start building a bridge over.


After Teng Shihai finished blasting with one shot, he quickly adjusted his posture and angle, and descended rapidly.

At the same time, he grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.


That shot just now made him look so cool!

At the same time in another direction, Nan XiangWan controlled her direction and descended towards a tree.

It was her first time parachuting, and she felt pretty good.

As for discomfort and other aspects, maybe others had them, but she not only didn't, she was particularly comfortable.

A few seconds before she was about to land on the branches, she threw away the parachute backpack!

The parachute continued to drift downwards in front of her.

But Nan XiangWan was already holding an assault rifle, and quickly jumped onto the tree below.

The rubbing sound of the surrounding tree trunks and branches made a rustling sound.

After Nan XiangWan landed, she jumped and walked on the branches.

Once again turned into a nimble monkey!

As she descended, she had already memorized the escape routes of the remaining few militants.

There were three in her current location.

The three militants saw the landing spot of the paratroopers and even started groping towards the descending parachutes.

The current situation was no longer about friendly negotiations, only kill or be killed!

One militant crawled on the ground and set up a sniper rifle.

He licked his lips, his eyes fierce.

China's paratrooper!

I'll let you die in a bit!

But just as he had just set up the sniper rifle.


An assault rifle fired a bullet from 300 meters away.

The next second, a hole was blown in this person's head.

Blood splattered everywhere!

The sniper rifle in his hand and his body tilted to the side,

Fell into the pool of blood!

The other two militants were still laughing at the landing spot of the China paratroopers, thinking that as soon as the parachutes landed, they would sweep fire at them, believing that they could shoot a hole through them.

But while laughing, horror surfaced in their smiles.

Of their three men, one had died!

The rest...

Bang! Bang!

Two more gunshots, in quick succession.

Nan XiangWan had one leg straddling a branch and the other leg supporting the trunk.

Holding an assault rifle, three shots fired instantly!

Although the three people were in different positions, as soon as she landed on the tree, she had direction and targets, and soon found them.

Not to mention, two out of the three even had time to chat?

Did they not know General Nan's superb hearing?

The remaining two, one bullet hit the throat, one entered the temple.

Taken care of instantly!

Nan XiangWan picked up her gun, didn't even glance at them, and quickly jumped towards another direction on the branches.

9 people, 6 left!

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