The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 231: Do You Remember

Chapter 231

At this time, 5 kilometers beyond the designated assembly point, Nan XiangWan put down her heavy backpack to the south, looking around in confusion.

She was so focused on chasing and fleeing with Teng Shihai that she accelerated like crazy.

She did manage to throw him off, but she also completely overran.

There was only jungle around, and only the compass in her backpack could discern direction.

Cell phone, no signal.

Nan XiangWan scratched her head, she was lost!

But she wasn't in a hurry either, squatting down to open her heavy backpack and check her equipment.

A large package of stuff, fully equipped.

Field tent, personal combat gear, personal forward bag, field operation box, 12x telescope, compass...


Also full water bottles and compressed biscuits.

It's just that the amount was a bit small, Nan XiangWan wouldn't be full, and she really didn't want to eat this compressed food.

Just as she was at a loss as to what to do next, planning to look back to find the way.

Suddenly footsteps were heard not far away.

Nan XiangWan's ears twitched as she turned her head, on guard!

The bushes were pulled apart by a pair of hands, and Gu Beihuai walked out.

As he came out, he was still leisurely patting the weeds on his body, then put down his backpack and leaned against the tree trunk to rest.

Nan XiangWan: "..."

Gu Beihuai looked up at her: "You know you overran it, don't you?"

Nan XiangWan: "Probably know."

Just don't know the exact orientation of the assembly point, otherwise she could run back.

No one would have thought she would get lost while running, so no one told her any landmarks.

Gu Beihuai: "5 kilometers southwest."

Nan XiangWan shouldered the heavy backpack and was about to leave!

Gu Beihuai: "Wait, let me rest for a while, okay?"

He had chased all the way here, and was also very tired.

Nan XiangWan put the heavy backpack down again: "Oh."

Very formal, sitting on the ground.

Gu Beihuai was also convinced, and immediately asked: "Have you looked at the stuff in the bag?"

Nan XiangWan nodded with bright eyes: "Well! But I don't know how to use a lot of stuff."

Gu Beihuai opened his own backpack, took out a bunch of black stuff and shook it in his hand.

There were steel tubes, springs, and a bunch of weird stuff.

Gu Beihuai: "Do you know what this is?"

Nan XiangWan tilted her head: "Don't know."

Gu Beihuai: "Type 95 automatic rifle."

Nan XiangWan was shocked: "Wow?!"

Gu Beihuai smiled: "Can you assemble it?"

Nan XiangWan: "Can't!"

Gu Beihuai: "Watch closely."

Click click!

His fingers moved quickly, parts and components snapped together in an instant, and in less than a minute, an automatic rifle was assembled.

The long gun felt quite heavy in his hand.

In the past, he only needed half a minute to disassemble and assemble a gun, which was the elite soldier standard!

Now that he hadn't practiced for a long time, his hands were out of practice and his speed had decreased significantly.

Gu Beihuai pointed the muzzle at Nan XiangWan and took aim: "Remember it?"

Nan XiangWan started assembling on the spot with the gun components in her backpack.

Click click!

After a round of assembly!

It took her two minutes to complete the assembly, not as skilled as Gu Beihuai. This was her first time assembling.

And this was the first time she had touched a real gun!

Being able to assemble in 2 minutes and complete it without any omissions was already very impressive.

A different light flashed in Gu Beihuai's eyes: "Sure enough talented."

Then he started disassembling quickly again.

Click click!

In another minute, a Type 95 automatic rifle was disassembled into a bunch of parts.

While disassembling, he shook his head, his hands were so out of practice they were almost rusty.

Gu Beihuai: "Remember it?"

Nan XiangWan nodded and started disassembling the one in her hand on the spot.

It took two minutes to disassemble it completely!

Gu Beihuai's smile was even more obvious now: "Remember the steps, don't forget."

Nan XiangWan nodded heavily: "Won't forget!"

She had a new toy and was excited.

Gu Beihuai pointed at the backpack again: "The configured bullet magazines are in the bag."

Nan XiangWan opened it to find them, and there they were as he said.

Just as she was about to try one.

Gu Beihuai said again: "But they're blanks, live ammo is not issued for training."

Nan XiangWan was disappointed and put it back.

Got excited for nothing.

Gu Beihuai got up: "Alright, time's almost up, this is your first time with heavy load running training, don't fail at the end."

Nan XiangWan stood up with her heavy pack and hurried back.

The two arrived at the assembly point just in time.

Exactly 2 hours.

Mantou had been waiting impatiently.

Seeing the two come back, he rushed up on the spot wanting to give Gu Beihuai a kick.

But Gu Beihuai was as light as a swallow, and dodged with a slight tilt of his body.

Mantou: "Running around randomly!"

Gu Beihuai: "Ran too far."

Mantou: "You didn't stop her either?"

Gu Beihuai: "Anyway there was still time to make it back."

Mantou: "I give up! Really hard to lead!"

Teng Shihai stared at them from afar, his expression simply indescribable in its grievance.

Couldn't compare in any aspect, and even freaking lost sight of her.

Nan XiangWan put down her pack and rushed into the crowd, guarding the big pot of cooked rice waiting for the meal to start.

The entire 20 km heavy load run training ended just before noon.

The female soldiers around her crowded around curiously.

"Nan XiangWan you overran it?"

Nan XiangWan: "Yeah!"

"How far did you run?"

Nan XiangWan: "5 km northeast."

"Round trip five kilometers is ten kilometers. You ran 30 kilometers in 2 hours?!"

"Damn, awesome!"

"Just overrunning is terrifying enough, being able to make it back on time is even more terrifying!"

"Your heavy load running is incredible, perfect for field combat."

At this point, Nan XiangWan couldn't take in their chatter, she only wanted to know when the rice in this pot would be ready?

At this time, a military Jeep stopped.

Sun Hui brought the other 10 actors over to assemble.

Nan XiangWan had run a full 30 kilometers in 2 hours, carrying 35 kg of weight. Gu Beihuai was the same.

The other 10 actors had only run 3 kilometers, taking them two hours...

Tan Shen was the most tired of all, the others carried 2 kg, he carried 4 kg.

Just because he talked too much!

At this point, none of the actors had the strength to speak, paralyzed where they stood after getting off the car, unable to move.

Sun Hui came over again to urge them to eat quickly.

There were still other training tasks in the afternoon after the meal!

Ji Jirou and Zhu Yun leaned against each other, both women exhausted to the point of tears.

Hua Ying dragged her weary steps over to Nan XiangWan and sat down next to her.

Nan XiangWan: "Sis Hua Ying why does your face look like that? How come it's so pale!"

Hua Ying rolled her eyes: "Tired."

Nan XiangWan: "Oh."

Tired will do, she didn't feel tired at all.

Finally everyone was present and the meal started!

Feng Kai Ji was also at the assembly point, except he hadn't gone out with everyone, but stayed in the tent to observe.

A few officers stood beside him, including Han Ting.

Soon, Sun Hui and Long Yue walked into the tent side by side to report the situation.

Feng Kai Ji listened attentively.

Sure enough, Nan XiangWan's performance was the best!

He was so excited to have found the right lead actress!

At this time Han Ting nodded: "Continue observing. Also, change the afternoon training content."

Han Ting thought for a moment: "Change it to 24 hours of cross-country survival training, including 60 km heavy load run, halve the food."

Sun Hui: "Yes!"

Han Ting: "Nan XiangWan can't recognize landmarks, Long Yue teach her."

Long Yue: "Yes!"

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