The Pleasure Lord

Chapter 218 The Big Day - Part 3

Chapter 218 The Big Day - Part 3

The people issued warm applause. Especially the females, they were filled with passion and had already started dreaming about their own wedding to be done in this way.

Alex took the bride’s hand one by one and walked them to the front of the old woman that had the responsibility similar to the priests on the earth. They were not priests, any elder man or woman can do so.

The old lady’s name was Helga and she was previously a resident of the slum and took care of the orphan children with the best of her abilities. Therefore Helga got the chance to officiate the ceremony. It was a very proud moment for her.

"Do you take Ms. Ciera, to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death does you part? If so, then say, I do"

"I do"

"Do you take Ms. Sierra, to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death does you part? If so, then say, I do"

"I do"

"Do you take Ms. Selena Clayton, to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death does you part? If so, then say, I do"

"I do"

Each time when Helga asked the question, Alex would place a silver ring on the bride’s finger, each having Alex’s name on inlaid on it.

"Do you take Lord of the Seashell Island, Alex Mordrake, to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death does you part? If so, then say, I do"

"We Do!!!"

Because Alex could only wear a single wedding ring, Ceira, Siera, and Selena together held the ring and put it on Alex’s fourth finger.

The silver ring had all the three brides’ names depicted beautifully on that one ring.

Those under the stage burst into thunderous applause. For a long time, the applause didn’t slow down at all. It continued on with Alex and his newly wedded wives bowed their heads towards the family member and then towards the guests. This action was unprecedented, therefore, the applause, the whistles, and the cheers went on for a while.

The ceremony was coming to an end.

Alex was waving his hands towards the crowd and thanking them for coming to his wedding ceremony. He asked them to eat to their heart content tonight.

Alex had developed a habit to use his spiritual sense and scan his surroundings once every ten minutes. Therefore he scanned his surrounding without expecting any kind danger to appear in his heart. The puppets were also there and they were inspecting everyone, never letting their guard down therefore Alex would have already known about the threat by now.

But something happened during the spiritual scan that made Alex’s heart drop.

A lady dressed gorgeously slowly made her way towards the stage, bypassing the crowd and the puppets sentinels as if they were not even there. It felt like she had no presence, and she moved closer and closer to the stage, the puppets couldn’t find the abnormality even after the women passed by under their eyes.

Alex casually scanned the area with his eyes without changing expressions. But his heart dropped once again when he couldn’t even find the silhouette of the women in the crowd through his naked eyes. Only through spiritual sense could he vaguely feel her presence and see her body moving towards him.

Alarms bells started ringing in his mind, Alex alerted his puppets about the women but even then they could not find the girl through eyes. If they make any big movement then that could cause that mysterious woman to become alert too and if any fight started here then it would be disastrous for the general public and may even endanger the lives of his family.

Alex kept on smiling but his heart was already crying and trying to mind a solution to this problem.

Trystan knew her Junior sister has started to make her move. The security here made it difficult even for him to kill the target under the eyes of the guard’s but it was not that hard him.

His strength cultivation level was above everyone present here therefore, he also wasn’t fearing for his life. It just that he is here to watch over his junior sister complete the mission successfully without any help. Only when Nora dies or gets captured, will Trystan make a move to kill the target. Before that, he will not lift even a finger or do anything that causes him to lose his disguise.

Alex’s brain was thinking furiously, his heart dropped even more when he suddenly spotted another abnormality. A person in haggard clothes stood amidst the crowd clapping his hands to congratulate him but Alex felt a kind of breath seeping out from his body that screened assassin.

He was only able to catch onto this person now because the mysterious women forced him to check other people even more closely to find her accomplice if there was any. Before, he just scanned casually to see if the people were carrying any dangerous items.

’Think Alex, think! It’s fucking life and death situation.’ Alex thought of many possibilities but nothing was good came to his mind.

’Let’s just hope their target his only me...’


A load roar suddenly resounded across the island. It came from the far eastern direction of the Swamp Marsh Forest.

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