The Omnistore System

Chapter 258 Loviataro Emporium

Chapter 258 Loviataro Emporium

On the seventh day since arriving at the den, Keyara and her crew embarked toward the merchant's base. Their recent discovery of treasure had infused them with an infectious joy as they traversed the dense jungle, setting aside the challenges of gathering the noxlight flowers and engaging in lively conversations along the way.

"How long do you think we'll be staying at the camp?" Yelena inquired, walking alongside Keyara.

After a thoughtful pause, Keyara shook her head. "Can't say for sure, maybe around a week or so. It'll give us a chance to rest up and boost our strengths a bit... plus, the newcomers could use some training."

Yelena glanced at Stuart and Kevin upon hearing Keyara's plans. "Stuart just needs to boost his cultivation; he's currently the lowest among us."

"Exactly," Keyara affirmed. "With the qi water and crystals, a week should suffice for him to reach the group's average strength." She then turned her attention to Kevin, who had a small black lupin perched on his shoulder. "Kevin, on the other hand, needs more time... He's doing alright considering his current abilities, but his combat skills need more refining."

"Yeah, definitely," Yelena agreed, recalling Kevin's practice with the dash attack.

Viana joined their conversation. "It might be smooth sailing in these outer regions, but once we venture deeper, that's when things could get challenging."

"Keith could really help Kevin with some additional training, teaching him new moves," Yelena suggested, receiving a nod of agreement from Keyara.

Meanwhile, as the trio strategized their plans for the merchant's base, Kevin and the rest of the group discussed the merchant himself.

"Do you have any idea who this merchant is?" Stuart inquired.

"All I know is that they hail from the central cities of the kingdom and are associated with the expansive Loviataro Emporium that spans multiple kingdoms," Ken replied, a touch of annoyance apparent in his tone.

"I've heard rumors of their involvement in the black market and other shady dealings," Benny chimed in.

"Most powerful organizations tend to have a shadowy side," Zaria remarked, her tone reflecting a mix of caution and concern. "Let's hope none of that spills over into our dealings here."

Kevin's interest piqued at the mention of the black market, considering his business as a store owner selling cultivation resources. "Do we have any black markets in Lucima City as well?"

"Sure, there are a few shady corners in the city, mostly dealing with illegal drugs and such, but when it comes to the black markets, this Loviataro group's involvement is a whole different level," Ken explained.

"What kind of stuff?" Kevin inquired.

This time, Robert decided to respond. "Things like slave trading, selling dark techniques, contract killings... and more."

Kevin was repulsed by the idea of slave trading; the rest seemed somewhat acceptable, considering it was common in his previous world. "So, it's risky getting tangled with them."

"Yeah, it is, but our dealings are straightforward, so it shouldn't get too serious... I just want to wrap it up as soon as possible," Ken expressed, a hint of frustration in his tone.

As the conversation lingered on the dangers associated with the Loviataro group, Keyara interjected with a determined tone. "We need to stay cautious, but let's focus on our plan. We're here for our own objectives, not to delve into their shady dealings."

"Absolutely," Yelena affirmed. "Our objective is crystal clear. Let's settle our debt and make a swift exit. And remember, no mentions of qi crystals or anything linked to that cave."

"But what about the soil and moss we collected? We can't just hold onto them indefinitely; they'll spoil in our space rings," Stuart voiced his concern.

"They should be alright for about 4 to 6 months, so we've got time to figure something out," Viana pondered after a moment.

"How about having Kevin handle the sale? He does run a cultivation store, right?" Arya suggested, prompting everyone to turn their attention to Kevin.

"Even if he can manage it, selling these items for basic currency might not be the best move. They're more valuable than mere virtual coins," Keith interjected.

Keyara weighed in, considering their options. "Keith has a point. These resources are unique; selling them off without understanding their true value might not be wise."

Yelena nodded, adding, "We need to find the right market for these goods, a place where their worth is truly recognized."

Kevin, contemplating the situation, spoke up, "I might have connections that could appreciate the rarity of these items. I'll explore avenues beyond the conventional markets." 

Stuart leaned in, intrigued. "Do you think your cultivation network could handle it? It's not every day you come across soil and moss from such a unique place."

"Exactly," Viana chimed in. "Maybe a specialized clientele would pay a premium for these resources."

Ken, considering the risks and benefits, concluded, "If Kevin can find the right buyers, it could be worth the effort. But let's be cautious; we don't want any unwanted attention."

The group nodded in agreement, their focus shifting from a simple sale to strategically finding the right buyers for their valuable, unconventional goods.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the dense canopy above cast eerie shadows, and the air grew thick with an otherworldly quietness. Leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, amplifying the sense of isolation.

The moon descended, enveloping the jungle in darkness for several more hours, yet they pressed on, determined to reach the merchant's camp before daybreak.

Keyara took the lead, her senses finely tuned for any potential threats. "Keep your guard up, folks. We're closing in on the camp," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

The group treaded cautiously, the faint glow of their qi-infused lanterns illuminating the path ahead. Each step seemed to echo in the haunting silence.

Yelena glanced around, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "This place gives me the creeps. Feels like we're being watched."

Viana scanned the surroundings, her eyes narrowed in concentration. "There's an unusual energy here. It's unsettling."

Despite the unnerving sensation creeping down their spines, the group marched through the pitch-black forest. Keyara, with a perplexed expression, glanced at her watch, which held the merchant's camp location. "This is odd... the camp should be right here..."

As she uttered these words, two fire torches suddenly flared to life in the darkness, revealing two men standing before them. The unexpected sight startled the group, but one of the guards spoke up, "Welcome to Chernobog's Den, a branch of the Loviataro Emporium."

The group exchanged cautious glances, the torchlight casting an eerie glow on the men before them. Keyara, maintaining her composure, inquired, "We were expecting the merchant's camp here. Is there a change in location?"

The guards maintained their stoic demeanor, their faces inscrutable amidst the dancing torchlight. "The camp has been transformed into a temporary branch of the Loviataro Emporium."

The group stood in astonishment, their gazes traversing the unforeseen spectacle that unfolded before them. The guards, stoic and unyielding, stood by as the gate materialized seemingly out of thin air, ushering them into an unexpected realm.

As they crossed the threshold, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. What was anticipated to be a merchant's camp transformed into an expansive, thriving cityscape. Lights flickered from the myriad of shops lining the bustling streets, casting a vibrant glow on the multitude of people moving with purpose through the city.

Keyara exchanged bewildered glances with her companions, each one mirroring the other's perplexed expression. This unforeseen turn of events left them grappling with the abrupt transition from a secluded campsite to this thriving metropolis.

The guard's voice cut through the surreal moment. "Are you here to submit noxlight flowers?" The question lingered in the air, demanding a response amidst the unfolding spectacle.

The group, still reeling from the unexpected revelation, nodded in unison, their silence a testament to their lack of knowledge about this drastic development.

"Then please proceed to meet the head of the branch at the main building," the guard directed, opening the gate with an air of authority. Its appearance and disappearance seemed almost mystical, an enigma amidst the already perplexing situation.

However, what lay beyond the gate surpassed their wildest expectations. The city, expansive and bustling, was an intricate maze of life and commerce. People from diverse backgrounds bustled about, engaging in trades, discussions, and various activities.

Stuart, wide-eyed, muttered, "I thought we were walking into a merchant's camp, not a thriving city."

Kevin's gaze swept across the expansive cityscape, his eyes widened in sheer disbelief. The city sprawled across several kilometers, boasting structures not as towering as Lucima City's skyscrapers, yet substantial enough to dominate the skyline for miles—a stark contrast to the uncharted wilderness they traversed until now.

Kevin gawked at the vast cityscape, his disbelief written all over his face. "I mean, seriously? We didn't spot a single building on our entire journey, and now we stumble into a whole city?"

"Guarded by illusion formations," Zaria chimed in, pointing upward to explain Kevin's bewilderment.

Looking up, Kevin squinted at the sky, seeing a seemingly fake blue canopy, then glanced back at where they'd come from—there were walls and a gate now, which seemed to have materialized out of nowhere.

Benny's shock was palpable. "Why call it a 'temporary branch' when they've got this massive city going on? How long have they been hiding this from everyone?"

Keyara furrowed her brow, trying to make sense of it all. "This is more than a temporary setup. There's something fishy going on here."

Yelena nodded, still trying to take it all in. "Seriously, you don't just build a city like this overnight. It's gotta take ages."

Viana, intrigued, pitched in, "I wonder what they're up to, turning a camp into a full-blown city."

Kevin scratched his head, totally baffled. "There's a huge plan behind this, way beyond what we get. But why keep it under the 'temporary branch' label?"

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