The Omnistore System

Chapter 204 Personal milf

Chapter 204 Personal milf

Keith straddled Kevin's lap, her legs wrapped around him as he sat on the bed, her hands on Kevin's face as she kissed him with fervor.

With Kevin's shirt tossed aside, Keith remained in her undergarments, a set of black underwear and a slightly snug sports bra. The contrast between her wide shoulders and Kevin's broader frame was evident as her medium-sized chest pressed sensuously against him.

While Keith's hands held Kevin's face in place for her passionate kisses, Kevin's hands busily explored her butt, fondling the soft curves and the muscular thighs. He spread them apart, squeezed them, and ground her against his crotch, savoring every sensation of their intimate contact.

As Kevin was lost in the pleasure of her kisses, he began to notice a subtle change in her kissing rhythm. With a hint of concern, he opened his eyes to see her teary-eyed and clearly distressed. He paused the kiss and gently withdrew his hand from her enticing backside. With genuine worry in his voice, he asked, "Are you okay?"

Her tearful eyes met his as she nodded, sniffing softly. "I'm fine," she managed to say between tears, but her emotional state was quite evident. Kevin couldn't help but be concerned. "Then why are you crying?" he asked, his worry deepening.

Kevin couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance, knowing that their intimate moment had been interrupted. However, he considered himself a gentleman, and part of being a gentleman was to comfort a woman in her times of need, allowing her to release her pent-up emotions.

Keith, despite feeling embarrassed for breaking down, couldn't hold back her sobs as she choked out, "I... I miss Kari so much." Her tears flowed freely, and the sobs grew louder, making her grief all too evident.

Kevin couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle as he saw Keith cry. Gently, he wiped away her tears and flushed face, hugging her closely. He tried to offer some reassurance, saying, "Don't worry, she'll be fine. I'm sure she's missing you just as much."

Though he knew these words might not be enough to console her fully, they seemed to have some effect. Keith continued to cry, but her sobs grew quieter, and in a trembling voice, she asked, "Really? Would she miss me even after what I did to her?"

Kevin was puzzled by her question. "What did you do to her? Is she still angry about me and you?"

Keith shook her head, tears flowing as she continued to share her turmoil. "No, when she ran from the party... earlier... I tried to talk to her and make her understand about us, but then... then I kissed her..."

Kevin's eyes widened in shock as he heard Keith's tearful, stuttered confession. "You kissed her?" he repeated, his tone laced with disbelief.

Keith's crying became slightly more pronounced as she looked at Kevin with guilt. She nodded, her voice strained as she asked, "Is it wrong? Will she hate me?"

Kevin, having experienced his own share of unconventional situations, didn't see Keith's action as inherently wrong. He shook his head and offered reassurance. "No, it's not wrong. You were just expressing your feelings for her. I'm sure she understands that. And you showed your love for her and I am sure she felt it too."

Keith, trying to regain her composure, acted like an innocent child as she asked Kevin with tears still on her cheeks, "She did?"

Kevin, with a warm smile, nodded, which brought a small, appreciative smile to Keith's face. She continued, her expression thoughtful, "She was smiling at me and even hugged me when she left..."

Kevin, still gently cupping her face in his hands, reassured her, "See, she doesn't hate you. If she did, why would she hug you?"

It was a comforting gesture, like soothing a child who had been crying, and Kevin didn't mind at all. It was a sign of trust and emotional vulnerability, something that people often reserved for those they felt genuinely comfortable with.

Keith nodded, and Kevin couldn't help but smile at her response. He asked, "So, how was it? The kiss?"

Keith's smile grew even brighter, and she said, "It was sweet... she really had soft lips..."

"Really? Softer than yours..." Kevin said playfully, still smiling.

Keith, in a teasing but cute tone, warned, "Yeah, softer than mine... and don't even think about trying them..." Her eyes had a bit of a mischievous twinkle despite being puffed from crying.

Kevin reassured her, "I won't..." and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Keith, her tears now dried, blushed a bit and said, "I knew you came here for something else, and I started crying. I'm sorry, but we can continue now..."

Kevin shook his head with a gentle smile and said, "Don't worry. We can always do it sometime later. For now, why don't we get some rest? I haven't slept for 2 days."

Keith nodded and asked, "What were you doing that you didn't sleep?"

Kevin smiled mischievously and replied, "Oh, you know, the usual."

Keith looked a bit surprised and inquired, "Were you with that milf all night? This is so unfair. I want a personal milf too!"

Kevin continued to tease Keith, enjoying her reactions. He playfully said, "Well, it seems you've got a taste for adventure too, Keith. Kissing your niece and wanting a personal milf? you are such a player, Keith."

Keith blushed at the playful banter and retorted, "Oh, stop it, you! You're the one who's been making a name for yourself with all these ladies."

Kevin smirked, "Guilty as charged, but you're the one who's stolen my heart, Keith. That counts for something, right?"

Keith looked at him with a bit amused expression and said. "Don't lie. Did you already score with my grandma and her friends?" 

Hearing it Kevin's face became bit bitter as he said. "I was about to but your sister called me for meeting and now here am I, with you..."

Keith laughed at Kevin's response. "Well, I guess you'll have to finish your business with them another time. Meanwhile, I'm here to make sure you don't get too distracted," she teased.

Kevin smiled and pulled her into a warm embrace. "I don't need anyone else, Keith. You're more than enough for me."

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