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9 hours ago
Earth is dying. The sun is expanding at an uncontrollable rate, but Theo Spencer is alright with... Read more Earth is dying. The sun is expanding at an uncontrollable rate, but Theo Spencer is alright with this. He's led a deplorable life as a government assassin, spending his days removing political opponents in far-off lands. When the end comes, a mysterious entity grants him the gift of reincarnation. The gift of a quiet life as an alchemist.Theo awakens in a small town in the southern reaches of a small kingdom in a non-human body. Broken Tusk doesn't seem like much, but his legendary alchemy skills will soon turn their fortune.Join Theo on his journey to turn the swamp-town of Broken Tusk into a prosperous trade town. ***This story contains no romantic elements, no combat, and no bad vibes. From the start, to the finish, it's all alchemy all the time.Schedule is m-w-f. Collapse Game Elements, High Fantasy, LitRPG, Sword And Magic, Male Protagonist, Non-human Protagonist, Age Progression, Reincarnated in Another World, Business Management, Clever Protagonist, Medieval, Special Abilities, System, Weak to Strong, Alchemy Good Slice Of Life.....But Everything Else Is Trash.....Mc Is A Demon Alchemist In A System World.. Where Demons,Demon lords, Monsters, Dangerous Supernatural Exist But He Is A Mere Alchemist ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€Mc Wanted A Peaceful Life Because He Was An Assassin Previously But A Peaceful Life In A System World While Being An Alchemist And A Demon? Yeah Too Illogical... Anyone Powerful Can Dictate Mc Life Slow Burn Because Mc Levels Up By Making Potions So He Levels Slowly Than A Snail If An Average Person Level Is 30 Then Mc Level Is 10 is there a novel purely about an alchemist:? Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~ This novel talks about a man who died once and feared death, so he uses alchemy in search of immortality (a dark novel) Personas con muerte cerebral The novel is a great read 4.4/5 definitely recommend. I came for the alchemy stayed for the town-building.WARNINGThis novel say it caters to niche of alchemy and it does, but it more of a city building novel than an alchemy novel. Any romance in this? Rank: C+review by gott-hanchest at NU Novelupdate? I don't remember commenting on it, but ok I think he made a mistake, but you really commented on this novel, you just don't remember #panic# we need an alchemy tag This novel reminds me of a game called 'Potion Craft', in which you play as an alchemist. A leisure read. Purely slice of life and as of chapter 36 no fights. Overall a good book No way, Beware of Chicken v2? Obviously it won't be as good but it doesn't matter. So it's near identical to beware of chicken?Also what's exciting or fun to read there? I started, didn't feel hooked and haven't continued since the visit to the FL's home village. Comedy was not as much as I was hoping for and the chapters had weird continuity. I haven't read it, I'm just going off of the description.Beware of Chicken is something only veterans will appreciate. If you don't have 10000+ chapters of face-slapping xianxia cultivation novels under your belt you won't really see the appeal. Soooooo true Mooooooooooooooooooore