The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 231 A Bad Feeling

[fufu Master, this was the best feeling I ever had]

[It was like I was on fire, and someone kept pouncing my inside with an explosion]

"The fuck are you even saying. 

"Let's head back now. I will get too exhausted and strained if I keep my loop going."

[Okay Master]

Aizel opened his eyes slowly as the sunshine began to illuminate the cave.

His eyes landed on Seraphine, Daisy, Edumont, and Raven who were sitting in a small group near the cave entrance and appeared to be enjoying a meal together. 

His senses were teased by the enticing scent of cooked food. But he couldn't help but note that neither Soren nor the princess were present.

Aizel rose from his spot and approached the group.

Raven, ever perceptive, handed him a portion of the grilled meat, which he accepted with a nod of gratitude. 

He sat down with the rest of his group and asked, "Did they leave already?"

"Yes. Soren was bugging non-stop since the morning," Raven replied.

"Hmm.. Daisy wanna head out?"

"Are you sure it's safe to go out?" She asked.

"Don't worry. I am getting bored here in the cave."

"Okay, if you say so,"

"Where are you guys even going?" Raven asked suddenly.

"Who knows?" Aizel shrugged.

Aizel and Daisy slowly rose from their positions. Without uttering a word, they made their way toward the cave's entrance, leaving Raven and Edumont behind in the cave.

After seeing them completely leave the cave, Edumont gazed at Raven and asked, "Now we are alone, should we..

"Not now. I am not in the mood for that."

In a swift motion, Edumont closed the distance between them, his arms enveloping Raven in a tight embrace.

"Come on,"

"I said no,"


With the new kingdom's stunning landscapes as their backdrop, Aizel and Daisy set off on a leisurely stroll through the enchanted forest and fascinating mountains. 

Their steps were light and carefree as they wandered down the meandering roads, taking in the breathtaking scenery.

They felt liberated and adventurous as they ventured out into the vast wilderness, enjoying the thrill of the unknown.

"Aizel, do you think I can learn the technique that Princess showed and explained?" Daisy asked.

"Of course, if you keep practicing daily. Nothing is impossible," Aizel replied.

Aizel carefully selected a long stem from the ground and plucked a single blade of lush green grass. 

Bringing the grass to his lips, he placed the end in his mouth, allowing the sweet taste of nature to dance upon his tongue. As he walked through the forest, the grass swayed gently with each step, an emblem of his connection to the wilderness surrounding him. 

"What are you doing?"

He cut another blade of lush green grass and tossed it to her with a winking gesture.

Mimicking Aizel's earlier action, she delicately placed the fresh grass between her lips, joining in their shared indulgence.

"Hoho, look at you both. Enjoying some lovely moments together now, eh?"

They both looked over their shoulders at the same time in shock after hearing that.

There, standing before them, was Grandmaster Gogo.

"How did you know we were here?" Aizel asked.

"Idiot, who would inform me other than Vespara?" Grandmaster Gogo replied.

"Ahhh, I forgot. hehe..."Aizel chuckled while rubbing the back of his head.

[Fufu, so you are the grandmaster]

Suddenly Sekki materialized in its sword form, its blade shimmering with radiant energy. 

"Your spirit sword is already starting to take form, kid. How the hell is it growing so fast?" Gogo asked in surprise after seeing Sekki.

[It's my master's powers, of course. He is the best man in the world, fufu]

Oye, don't go overboard," Aizle quickly relays the message in his mind.

[I know]

"This is just incredible. Come with me to my place. I want to see more of what it can do."

"Okay, let's go, Grandmaster. Even we both were looking for a place to go."

"Alright then,"

Grandmaster Gogo made an elegant motion, and a crimson veil appeared, enclosing Aizel and Daisy in a whirlwind of energy. They felt a gentle lifting as the veil engulfed them, and their bodies rose gently into the air.

The landscape beneath them shifted rapidly, as if time and space were being manipulated.

They flew far above towering mountains, their tops capped with wisps of clouds, and smoothly went through lush forests, where sunshine glistened off the leaves. 

Their journey eventually led them to a colossal mountain, its imposing silhouette reaching towards the heavens.

At its zenith, perched precariously on the edge of a sheer cliff, stood a solitary wooden house.

Its modest exterior was at odds with the majesty of the surrounding countryside, yet inside, an air of ancient wisdom prevailed.

"That's a sweet home you got there," Aizel commented.

"You can have that once I relocate again," Gogo replied with a smile.

"Then I won't reject your kindness,"

[Master, living here with kids and Daisy will be wonderful.]

Yes, wait.. Did you forget Vespara and Shelly?

[They can live with us too, but I want them to build their own house]

And what about Alora?" 

[About her... I don't know, but I am scared of her. She gives me a bad feeling]

Aizel's eyebrows frowned after hearing that.

"What happened, kid?" Gogo noticed that subtle change and asked.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about a technique I recently created."

"Ohh good, then show me how it is,"

They walked softly onto the ground behind Grandmaster Gogo as he led them through the ordinary wooden house's front door. 

Once inside, they were met with a welcoming atmosphere that was both warm and quiet. 

The hall, which was hung with tapestries representing ancient legends, led them to the other rooms, including a simple bedroom, a kitchen with all the necessary appliances, and a restroom.

However, it was the mysterious door at the far end of the hall that captured their attention. 

With a silent nod from Grandmaster Gogo, they followed him into the depths below. Their gaze then landed on a magic circle that was inscribed on the ground.

As the trio stepped onto the meticulously inscribed magic circle, an air of anticipation filled the room.

Grandmaster Gogo held the magic crystal tenderly. The crystal throbbed with spectral light, reflecting the vitality in its center.

He gently let go, allowing the crystal to absorb the core energy and glow with dazzling intensity. The crystal dissolved into thin air and was gone from the grandmaster's hands in a flash.

A wave of energy struck the three at the same time. Everything around them whirled and distorted as though subject to the whims of magic. 

With a soft whisper, they were whisked away from the room, their bodies disintegrating into the fabric of time and space as they were teleported.

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