The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 196 Another Tough Night

Darkholm Town...

Streets were empty, devoid of life. Fearful for their lives, residents of the town sought shelter inside their homes.

The slave mansion was now a horrific monument to death, and not even the most brazen criminals dared approach it.

The ground was drenched crimson, with blood pooling like eerie lakes, while lifeless bodies formed morbid peaks, resembling a gruesome mountain range.

A sinister atmosphere hung heavy in the air, accentuated by the arrival of dark-winged creatures.

Stench of blood attracted crows and other terrible birds from above, and they swooped down to investigate. They swooped over the bodies of the dead, their savage eating casting an eerie shadow over the eerie scene.

Vespara rushed to the scene as soon as she received the notification. When she arrived, she found Aizel sitting atop the mountain of corpses, soaked in blood. His piercing black eyes stared coldly at her as she approached him.

"Pretty boy, that's enough now."

"So, you have finally arrived. What are you here for?" Aizel asked in a cold voice.

"You have already created a lot of problems for me, let's head back now, this is enough,"

"OHHH.. and if I don't what will they do?"

"You don't want to do this,"

Aizel's hand tightened around the hilt of his sword as he firmly pulled it out of the lifeless body.

He raised his sword, its gleaming blade pointing directly at Vespara.

"So, whose side are you going to take, hag?"

"Don't go overboard." Vespara's expression turned grave as black smoke began to emanate from her eyes.

"You inferior creatures are all the same, fucking trash."

"Is this what you want, Aizel? Do you think the kids and Daisy will like this?

"They are waiting for you back at the inn so that you can take them to waterfall alley.

"Are you going to break that promise? You know, once you cross the line here, even I will be helpless. You still are not on that level, Aizel."

When Vespara brought up the kids and Daisy, Aizel's anger faded. He started thinking about what she had said and took some long breaths to steady himself.

Suddenly, the spikes within his armor extended, piercing his body with a jolt of pain and snapping him out of his enraged state.


"I..I am Sorry.

"Let's meet with Isabella first. She needs our help,"

Vespara nodded.

They made their way slowly towards the underground cellar, where the cries of the terrified slaves echoed through the air.

Fear kept them trapped within their cages, reluctant to venture outside.

Aizel and Vespara first approached the area where Isabella was, her tear-streaked face and trembling arms embracing the children tightly.

He averted his gaze, his heart heavy with the weight of the scene before him.

He couldn't bear to see the harsh truth play out once more.

Meanwhile, Vespara approached Isabella with a gentle stride, lowering herself down to her level. With tender care, she extended her hand to caress Isabella's tear-stained face.

"Isabella, we should give them a proper burial, my child."

Isabella, her emotions at breaking point, reached out to Vespara for solace. With open arms, Vespara warmly embraced Isabella, allowing her tears to flow freely.

Vespara hugged Isabella, her touch a source of comfort and reassurance, and gently stroked her back to ease her pain.

With utmost care, Isabella and Vespara cradled the lifeless bodies of the children, their hearts heavy with grief.

Then, Vespara acted swiftly, freeing the remaining slaves and telling them to go in search of freedom and safety.

In unity, the trio made their way to a nearby serene grassland adorned with delicate flowers, illuminated by the gentle glow of the moon.

They tenderly dug small graves in the earth, a final resting place for innocent souls.

Each child was laid to rest with tenderness, their bodies encircled by fragrant flowers as though the world itself were in mourning.

"I am sorry Aizel, here take this, you deserve it."

Suddenly, Isabella threw the pouch at Aizel, containing the shiny gold money. The pouch flew through the air and landed gently at his feet.

"I don't any money; keep it to yourself.

"Let's leave; I don't want to stay here anymore."


"I said I don't need your money. You should go back to your home and rest."

After that, the three of them left for Felgura City as the sun's first rays peaked over the horizon.

They made it to the outskirts of Felgura City just as the sun was beginning to paint the sky with vivid colors.

The towering walls and bustling streets welcomed them.

"Thank you for everything, Aizel. I hope I will meet you again."

Without waiting to hear their response or continuing the conversation, Isabella abruptly left Aizel and Vespara.

Aizel sighed.

"Let's head back to the inn," he said.

"You go on, I have to clean up your mess,"

"I am sorry, I caused you trouble, Vespara. When you return, I will treat you to something good."

"Oh, is that so," Vespara's eyes lingered on Aziel's lips before she licked her own, a seductive glint in her eyes.

"I didn't mean that, hag,"

"Hehe... by the way, pretty boy. Take the kids and Daisy with you tonight to the waterfall valley.

"The kids are really looking forward to it, and if you don't take them today, I will come and beat your ass."

"I know I know; I will take them today. Are you not coming? We can grill some food there and enjoy."

"I will try to come there directly."

"Okay, then see you tonight."

Aizel turned away, making his way back to his inn, leaving Vespara to watch his retreating figure.

"Now that you and everyone are gone, the plan can finally go ahead at full speed," Vespara whispered slowly.


The kids who were eagerly encircling Aizel welcomed him as he entered his room with enthusiastic embraces.

Their warmth and joy brought a bittersweet sensation to his heart, reminding him of the pain Isabella must be enduring.

"Another tough night?" Daisy said.


"Tell me about it, I will cook something for you in the meantime,"

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