The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 301 Off The Course

"Ah... This feeling... How strange—so different yet so familiar."

Basil slightly frowned at Ione, who was revelling in the sensation of being blessed by him. She had been moaning quite sensually for the pas 10 seconds, and Basil couldn't help wondering if she was messing with him.

He had blessed Iliana more than once, after all, and she had never once reacted that way. She had revelled in the unique sensation too, but she had never shown the urge to let out some unique noises like Ione.

Clang! Clang!

Ione was awaken from her half dazed state at the sound, and Basil heaved a light sigh of exasperation as he deactivated his Pacifer Seal.

He had sensed that a person was coming since half a minute ago, and by the looks of it, said person had just jumped into a wrong conclusion. Turning to the door of his room, he waited for the person behind the door to enter.

He waited for a few seconds, but the person still didn't show any intention to enter. Unwilling to waste anymore time, he walked to the door, opened it, and was greeted by Poppy's horrified look.

A tray filled with foods had fallen to the floor, littering it with cutlery, some broken porcelain plates, and, of course, well cooked delicacies.

"I-I-I am sorry! I-I didn't mean to interrupt your p-p-perv—private moment!" Poppy turned her body around to dash away as soon as she said this, but Basil caught her wrist, keeping her in her place.

"This is a misunderstanding."

"N-No, don't worry, young master. I won't say a single word to your girlfriend!"

"It is fine even if you tell her—there was really nothing happened."

"A-A fiend!"

"... Do you want me to show you how an actual fiend behaves?" Basil's eyes turned cold as he pulled Poppy closer. "I will make you cry in pain and ecstasy at the same time."

Eyes widened in horror, Poppy reflexively responded, "L-Let's do it gently! I-I am not into hardcore!"

"..." Blinking his eyes in surprise, Basil let go of Poppy's wrist. "I didn't think you would really take it seriously ... I was just joking."

"..." Poppy turned completely red—she lost the courage to open her mouth.

"Whatever you are thinking we have done, you are definitely wrong." Ione stood right beside Basil as she looked at Poppy mischievously.

"Basil has just performed a Mana powered massage on me, and he is really good at it. I was just surprised, so I made some strange noises, which I believe aren't that strange ... What do you think we were doing though?"

At this point, Poppy, who were not that clueless in this kind of matter, already figured that Basil and Ione were teasing her. Despite that however, she still couldn't think of a perfect comeback.

She didn't know whether the two were lying or saying the truth, but judging from how eager they were to tease her, she was inclined to believe they were saying the truth. In other words, they didn't do what she had thought they were doing.

"I-I will return with another batch of foods." Poppy bowed. "I will make sure to not spill all of them this time—excuse me!"

In the end, Poppy decided to be professional and acted as if what had happened didn't happen at all. With face as flat as the surface of a new sheet of paper, she walked away while ignoring Basil's and Ione's look of amusement.

Basil shook his head faintly in the next moment, then closed the door. Infusing his Mana into the Isolation Runes he had Carved on the wall of his room, the Runes immediately created a Mana Barrier that completely isolated them.

"We shall not be bothered any longer with this," Basil remarked as he retracted his Mana.

"What about your maid? Wouldn't she be unable to enter your room this way?" Ione asked curiously.

"If you are that concerned about your stomach, I have a good news for you. I can take whatever Poppy brings us inside without opening the door."

Nodding her head in understanding, Ione then gazed at Basil suggestively. "Are you planing to do something to me, my Lord? Even if you didn't isolate us, I could keep it quiet, you know?"

"Quit yapping nonsense." Basil waved his hand with a light frown. "We are here to talk about why you are here, and some things about Pacifer Clan I should know about."

Quirking her eyebrow at how serious Basil was taking her words, Ione nodded her head lightly before sitting down on his bed. Basil sat down on the sofa right in front of his bed, and they stared at each other silently before Ione finally opened her mouth.

"My interest... Destroying the Empire for what they have done to our Clan is my interest," Ione said calmly with a hint of emotion. "I came here solely for the purpose of evoking chaos in Braxtein Kingdom."

"Is that why you joined Charles Blois?"

"... I was actually planning to do it myself, but that man just suddenly appeared in front of me out of nowhere." Ione frowned. "He is strong—unebelievably so for someone who is not a Pacifer."

Basil lightly nodded his head at Ione's statement. Although he had never fought that seriously with Charles in his past life, his first and last clash with Charles had made a strong impression on him.

Charles deserved his title of genius—no, it was more proper to call him a monster. He really had an absurd comprehension ability, which made his advancement in Magic second only to Basil.

Aside from the descendants of the Human Emperor, very few people outside Pacifer Clan could have such a talent, which was the reason why Charles could impress Ione.

"He is not that impressive compared to our Clan's genius, but he managed to impress me at that time." Ione shrugged. "He asked me to join him after asking what I am going to do in Braxtein, and I accepted his offer right away."

Genius as he might be, compared to the monsters of Pacifer, however, Charles was still nothing. This was also the reason why Charles had immediately retreated as soon as he figured how strong Basil was in the past.

He was, however, currently still stronger than Basil, so unlike in the past, Basil couldn't afford to have a clash against Charles yet. It was also the case with Ione: she had been defeated by Charles, and that was the reason why she had joined him.

"What is that lunatic going to do?"

"I am actually not quite sure about it, but it has something to do with the Artefact buried in Southevile—one of the Sacred Grounds," Ione said with a snort at the mention of the Sacred Grounds.

Basil didn't know what Artefacts were buried there—there was also no mention about them in his past life, so he was curious to know. Asking the Guide for information, the Guide surprised him by giving him the information about each of the Artefacts.

"Do you have any idea about which Artefact he is interested in?"

"The one that requires the blood of 666 innocent virgins."

"Cursed Artefact: Red Coffin," Basil muttered with a frown. "That lunatic... Is he going to be a Warlock this soon?"

Warlock was a term used to call a male Mage who practiced Dark Magic. Warlocks were the equivalent of Witches, and all of them were hunted by every Mage and Knight in the world.

One only needed to know one Dark Spell or being seen casting a Dark Spell to be called a Warlock.

Dark Magic made one emit a sickening presence, and most of the time, the Spells required a sacrifice. They were easy to detect, which made finding Warlocks not hard at all.

With that being said, however, not every convicted Warlock was a Warlock. Some of them were Apostles, who practiced Black Magic, instead of Dark Magic—the difference between the two lies in the energy they used to fuel their Spells.

Warlocks—Dark Magic practitioners used their Mana and the Mana they had extracted from the people they and killed, meanwhile, Apostles—Black Magic practitioners used the Mana their Master, a Demon, provided them.

Both of the nature of their Mana was sickening, but only Apostles, who utilized Demonic Mana would suffer each time they cast a Spell. They were, after all, humans, so they wouldn't be able to control the chaotic Demonic Mana.

Apostles were the loyal dogs of Demons, however due to their Magic nature, people confused them a lot with Warlocks, which was the reason why very few people knew they had just encountered an Apostle.

All of them just wanted to see the world burn, which was the reason why all of them joined the Demons: no matter how painful it was for them, as long as they could see everyone suffer, it was worth it.

"What kind of Artefact is that—Red Coffin?" Ione asked, awakening Basil from his thought.

"It's an Artefact that will amplify your regeneration speed by 10 times, and increase your life span by 1,000 years. It's a really beneficial Artefact for an already strong individual."

"What is he going to use it for?"

,m "Taking over the whole world, obviously."

"Ambitious, isn't he?" Ione commented with a small ridiculing sneer. "Still, it can actually happen, if we just let him be." She glanced at Basil reverently. "Not that it's going to happen—we already have you after all."

Basil put his hand up. "Sure as you may be in my identity as the Fated Child, I still don't know much about it. I've heard some people recount the prophecy, but none of them explained to me what it takes to be the Fated Child."

"My Lord... Were you perhaps raised outside of the Clan?" Ione asked in bewilderment.

"That's a little bit late to realize it, but yes." Basil nodded his head lightly. "I was raised outside of the Clan."

"Your mother—"

"A former Maha Dmitra, Maya Pacifer."

Ione's eyes widened in absolute shock as she exclaimed, "Then, the Iliana you have been mentioning about—"


Unfortunately, right before she managed to finish her sentence, something powerful hit the Barrier covering Familia Hotel. She and Basil immediately widened their eyes in surprise—they immediately looked outside through the window.

Standing just a few meters away from the hotel, there they saw someone they had never expected to come to Raneil Barony ... Charles Blois.

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