The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 197 How It Feels To Be The Loser (6)


Basil gave an instruction to Deacon through their [Link], and jumped through the window. Deacon, who was sitting on the corner of the room in his Chibi form, immediately dashed forward and also jumped through the window right after Basil.

While midair, Deacon positioned himself below Basil as he returned to his original size—a 6 meters tall King Saberwolf that was half as big as the building. Basil landed on top of him smoothly, and together, they charged to the incoming horde of Demons.

"Uwah. That guy! He's really quick to act!" Everyone was awaken from their flustered state by Cray's exclamation.

Scolding themselves inwardly, the Mages quickly prepared their Art and Spell that they were going to use to face the incoming horde. The Knights were no different, as they were already activating their Aura Ability; they were ready to charge forward.

Even before the Battle Mages or the Knights dashed forward however, someone beat them to it; Iliana thrust herself forward by blasting Mana through her feet. Though she caused a lot of damage to the room—unlike Basil—she could join Basil riding on top of Deacon that way.

"Aren't they more Knight-like than us?!" Steven was pumped up at the display of the two people. "Let's go!" Right after shouting it, just like Basil and Iliana, he jumped through the window.

"Me too!" Unlike Steven who merely jumped through the window, Cray flew through it. "Woohoo! Beat me if you can!" A pair of wings made from wind were already attached on his back.

The rest of the Knights also jumped through the window right after, but none of them made any noise; they didn't even declare their intention to jump. Unlike the four battle maniacs who had shot forward earlier than anyone, they weren't very excited with the situation.

"Why are they coming here?" Alexandra muttered under her breath. There was a Magic Circle behind her that shone just as red as her eyes. "No matter how good their sense is, they shouldn't be able to detect us; all of us did a good job in hiding our presence."

"You shouldn't think of that matter now," Whitney rebuked.

"Though I agree with you, don't you find it's weird?" Robert asked.

Whitney ignored Robert's question, as he merely casted an Earth Element Spell. "Think about it later; we are in a battle! [Earthen Boundary]!"

Right after the name of the Spell was shouted, a thick earthen wall emerged from the ground, and surrounded the building the Mages were in. It didn't stop there; some of the earth also helped fortify the structure of the worn down building.

At Whitney's excellent display of Spellcasting, Alexandra turned to him. "Are you sure you are not a Geo Mage? Simply being a good Spellcaster doesn't bring you that result, after all."

"It has nothing to do with this situation." Whitney clicked his tongue. "Robert! I will be the Overseer. Take these two, and lead them as Guardians!"

"That means..."

"I'll take care of the fortress, so get on the wall!"

Robert glanced at Alexandra and Jocelyn briefly, before jumping through the window and got on top of the earthen wall that separated the building with the outside world. His partners, Alexandra and Jocelyn, appeared behind him right after.

Looking at the plain in front of them, they could see that their fellow students and the Knights had already engaged in a battle with the horde in the middle of it. Robert spread his hand to the side, and his partners quickly distanced themselves from him.

"We will only slay those who pass them; we won't be attacking any of the Monster in front of them. We can't risk hurting them. Understood?"

"Yes, sire!" Alexandra and Jocelyn answered in unison.

Robert took a deep breath, and extended his hand forward; his Grimoire that was floating in the air was flipped open. When the pages of his Grimoire stopped turning, Robert quickly casted the Spell he was going to use.


Four Magic Circles materialized behind his back; two of them were Grand Circles, and the rest of them were Major Circles. They shone intensely, as electricity ran through his arm to the tip of his finger.


Pointing his finger to the Demons that had passed the Knights and the Battle Mages, Robert muttered, "[Lightning Arrow]!" As the name of the Spell was called, an arrow of lightning was shot from the tip of his finger.

The arrow was two meters long, and it traveled in the air just as fast as a lightning. It didn't take long until it hit the intended target—the rabid Low Class Demons.


Those who were directly hit were charred to death, and those who weren't hit but close enough to those who were hit were shocked by the electricity. Many of them helplessly fell to the ground; they were conscious, but unable to move.

"Jocelyn, Alexandra!"

The two were quick to respond. Alexandra faced her palm to the sky as three marble sized fireballs hovered above it; Jocelyn flipped her Grimoire open, and quickly casted a Spell.


Magic Circles materialized behind their back as the surrounding air was overwhelmed with their Mana. Just like Robert, both of them possessed two Grand Circles. Extending their hand forward, they aimed their attack at the immobilized Demons.

"Let me show you the might of a Pyro Mage," Alexandra declared. Two of her Magic Circles were shining intensely in red. "[Solar Burst]!"

As the Spell was casted, the three marble sized fireballs shot forward with a high speed. They expanded themselves halfway, and the heat they produced was getting more intense.

At the same time, Jocelyn was also sending her attack at the Demons. "[Raging Gale]!" Unlike Alexandra however, her Spell wasn't as flashy.

A fierce and big gale suddenly appeared amongst the immobilized Demons, sucking them to its center.

While the immobilized Demons could only helplessly let their body get sucked into the eye of the gale, the Demons nearby—that were still able to move—tried their best to prevent their bodies from getting sucked into the middle of the gale.

Of course, that means they were too preoccupied to notice the 3 fireballs that had already turned into 3 spheres with a diameter of 4 meters sent by Alexandra at the same time Jocelyn sent her attack.


As the Demons that hadn't been sucked into the middle of the gale were either charred or blown away, the fire produced by the fireballs merged with the wind, creating a fierce firestorm.

A magnificent scene of murder was produced, as many Demons were sucked into the firestorm and charred.

Sadly, neither Jocelyn nor Alexandra could control the newly born firestorm. Therefore, they could only watch as it slowly faded, taking the damned soul of the Demons away with it.


Looking at the scen behind her, Iliana clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Darn it! What is the point of reporting this place, if we ended up chasing them off?" She was standing on Deacon's back, while attacking any Demon that dare to jump at her.



"Hmph! Know your place, maggots!" Iliana flicked the blood of the Demon she had killed off the blade of Sinister Piercer, before twirling it once. "Where are you going exactly, Sil?" Iliana looked down at the calmly sitting Basil before her.

"Their base."

"Their base?" Iliana quirked her eyebrow. "What are you trying to do?"

"Do you really want to know?"

Iliana lightly frowned. "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. There is no need to act secretive in front of me; I like you to be straightforward."

Instead of answering her, Basil commanded Deacon to clear the path before them that was blocked by a bunch of Lower Middle Class Minotaurs. Deacon quickly complied to Basil's command, as he opened his mouth right after.


Wind gathered in Deacon's mouth, creating a sphere of high pressured air. He shot the sphere out of his mouth in the next moment, shredding the Demons that were blocking his path, and carving a trench on the ground.

Seeing that their path was cleared once again, Basil slightly turned his head to gaze at Iliana who was standing behind him. "I will release the hostages—the civilians."

"Hoh? I didn't expect you would do something benevolent."

"You got me wrong." Basil turned his head back to the front. "I am merely going to release them, not save them ... They will be a good bait for the Low Grade Monsters, don't you think?"

At Basil's rather unexpected answer, Iliana hummed to herself in contemplation. She understood what Basil was aiming—the Middle Class Demons. While they weren't that many compared to the Low Class Demons, they were actually the one that caused the most problem.

Unlike Low Class Demons, Middle Class Demons weren't too interested in Evolving; they just wanted to cause as many chaos as they could with their power. In other words, even though they killed humans, they weren't so eager to eat humans.

That means, the hostages were a valuable assets only to the Low Class Demons that dominated the horde. If they set the hostages free, the Low Class Demons would leave the rank and chase the hostages, leaving the uninterested Middle Class Demons behind.

In result, Basil and the others could hunt for the Middle Class Demons—the more troublesome Demons to deal with—to make their job easier in the future.

"Monsters, though some of them are intelligent, are not very good at setting a priority; the Low Grade Monsters will definitely chase after the hostages no matter where they go. Some will stay in the rank for sure, but it is already enough," Basil added.

"Do you think the hostages—civilians—can run that far before eventually being captured by the Monsters?"

"No." Iliana was about to rebuke Basil when he added, "However, they have something that can help them in their 'escape.'"

"What is it?"

Basil stood himself up on Deacon's back, and pointed his sword at a boulder 70 meters away from the cage that the Demons used to entrap the hostages.

"There is an entrance to Death Howl Dungeon there."

Iliana widened her eyes. "That means..."

"I can control the Dungeon and help them 'escape.'" Basil waved Death Howl's Sealing Sword in his hand. "I will use them to distract the Low Grade Monsters until we slay all of the Middle Grade Monsters."

Iliana muttered, "What are you going to do with the civilians right after that?" She wanted know whether Basil would entrap them in the Dungeon together with the Demons or take them out.

In response to her question, Basil smirked faintly. "I think they can count on their Gods when that time comes."

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