The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 212: Artefact.

Chapter 212: Artefact.

"Well, I'm waiting. Tell me what happened right now." The woman said again while looking at the old man who was visibly confused. He had no idea what he could say to get out of the situation. He didn't want to offend Lao and Haru but he also didn't want to lie to his superior. 

"And for god's sake. Someone, arrest these two already." She then turned back to the small unit of soldiers that she was commanding. A few of them fumbled around before pulling out two sets of handcuffs and walking over to Haru as the woman walked away with the old man so he could tell her what had happened. 

"It was like this-" The old man went on to explain as the two men approached both Haru and Lao.

"Come on son, don't make this hard for yourself. We just have some questions for you." One of the men said with his hand outstretched toward Haru but as soon as his hand was about to make contact with his body. A green light formed a barrier around Haru's body and he touched that instead. 

As the man's hand hit the barrier a flash of light shot out and struck him in the stomach and he flew up into the sky from the force.

"So you attacked without even giving warning!? Do you even have proof that that boy was the one responsible for murdering anyone?" The woman asked with an angered sigh. She couldn't believe that anyone could be as incompetent as the two old men who had originally planned to rob Haru after killing him.

"Well yes, ma'am. I thought since he was here after the crime was reported then that must have meant that he was the one who was guilty." The old man replied. 

"Then we can just have the witness confirm if it was him or not when we bring them in for questioning. But how did ninety-five die?" The woman asked once more. 

"Well I think That the blue-haired man might be a god from another world. There is no way that someone of his calibre comes from a place like this." The old man explained. 

"An alien? You think so? But he doesn't look like the last one that we encountered. He looks like a human." The woman spoke with suspicion. 

"He killed ninety-five with a single finger. There is no other way to explain it."The old man whispered quietly. He was still afraid that the person he was talking about would be able to hear him even though they were a couple of hundred metres away. And he would be correct in thinking so. Since Lao had listened to them talking the whole time.

"A single finger! No this is bad. If we want to capture them then we will have to call-" The woman said in shock before a scream cried out from behind her.

"Aghh!" The man cried out as he hit the floor after being hit by a barrier similar to the one that was protecting Haru's house. 

Haru turned to look at Lao who just shrugged his shoulders in response. He did say that he would get rid of anyone who stood in his way. Haru guessed this was just his way of showing that he was willing to keep good on his promise. 

But as they saw one of their comrades fly through the air the soldiers all thought that Haru was the one responsible and took it as him resisting arrest.

"He's resisting! Quick stop him!" One of the men shouted as they all rushed toward Haru as fast as they could and surrounded him as they all dived on top of him. 

A few moments passed as Haru was nowhere to be seen as he had twenty soldiers piled on top of him before the same green light flashed once again and all of the soldiers flew up into the sky and were thrown backwards by the force. Bodies flew throughout the air as the woman with red hair and the old man all looked over to Haru who was standing in the middle of them all. 

"What is that!? I thought you said that he only had a fire artefact? What was that power that just came from him then?" The woman asked with suspicion as she saw all of the soldiers that were remaining pull their guns out and aim them toward Haru.

"I thought so too. But ma'am you need to stop this at once. The blue-haired man won't let the boy get hurt. It will end badly if he gets injured." The old man warned the red-haired woman once again but she didn't seem to care. She was more interested in seeing just how strong Haru's "Artifact" was.

The soldiers aimed their guns and threatened to fire if he didn't surrender. But that wasn't even something that he was in control of. The power that was making the soldiers fly up into the air was Lao's and Haru couldn't control it. 

He turned back to Lao.

"What do you expect to do when they shoot? The bullets will fly back to them" Haru said but Lao once again just shrugged his shoulders. He didn't care what happened to them since the power that he was using to protect Haru was something that would amplify their own attacks and then return them to the sender.

If they did decide to shoot at Haru it would be their own fault if they died. Or that is at least what Lao thought about the situation. As for Haru, he was looking at the bigger picture. Even if it was their own fault. The government wouldn't accept that and they would come after him for sure. 

"I'm warning you. Don't resist it again!" One of the soldiers shouted as another one of them moved in to try to handcuff Haru once again. But like last time the man flew up into the air before falling back down onto his back and knocking the wind out from his lungs.

"Open fire!" The man shouted as he watched his comrade thrown through the air and suddenly hundreds of loud cracks rang out through the forest as dozens of bullets raced toward Haru.

'Fuck, they are all going to die How will I explain this to the government? God damn it Lao. You will be the death of me one day.' Haru though as the barrels from the guns flashed.

He quickly raised his hand and opened a void corridor big enough to surround his whole body to make sure that the bullets had no chance to bounce back and hit anyone and let them all go out into space where he wouldn't have to worry about anything bad happening. 

Haru's body vanished within a shroud of darkness. As the bullets hit the black veil that surrounded him there was no sound at all as they vanished like they had passed right through the darkness. The only person who knew what had just happened was Lao who cracked a smile in response. 

"Quick thinking," Lao said to himself as the veil of darkness vanished once more and Haru appeared.

"All of you stop. I just want to talk. But If you attack me again I will have no choice but to retaliate." Haru warned them all.

The soldiers then turned around to face the woman with red hair to see what she wanted to do about the situation. She was the one who commanded them after all. 

The woman stood still with her mouth wide open alongside the old man who also had the same expression. 

"The law of space! How is this possible?" The woman said quietly as she recognised the black void that appeared before her. The thoughts running through her head were many.

Since Haru's Qi couldn't be sensed she thought that everything that had happened all came from the golden ring on his finger. But there had been two different powers that had come from the ring if that was the case. Fire, the law of space and that strange green barrier that she had seen. 

An artefact that was so powerful definitely wasn't something that had come from earth. Which added to the suspicion that Lao was an alien despite his human looks. 

"Stop! Stand down! I will take it all from here." The woman with red hair commanded all of the soldiers and then looked at the old man as she spoke, ordering him too to stand down. 

All at once the soldiers lowered their weapons and took a few steps back before running to help the injured people under the instructions of the old man as the red-haired woman approached both Haru and Lao. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Major Niu from the special operations force. You said you wanted to talk. So tell me what happened. How did you get here and what happened when you did?" The woman demanded an explanation of what had happened since Haru arrived. 

But all the time she was talking, her eyes constantly glanced down at the golden dragon-shaped ring that was on Haru's finger. 

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