The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 206: Shut your fat mouth.

Chapter 206: Shut your fat mouth.

The sound of the black-haired man's hand sounded out as it made contact with flesh. He then immediately pulled his hand back and looked down in shock.

"Fan! What are you doing! Get out of my way!" He shouted, outraged by Fan blocking the slap that he was about to give to AJ. Fan gritted his teeth as the right side of his face began to sting from the slap. 

"Kong. I'm warning you. You should stop this now. There are people here that you can't offend. And if you hit this man I assure you that I will do nothing to try to stop them." Fan leaned in and whispered to the black-haired man. 

"People I can't offend? I am working with Leung Li. Who can't I offend? His uncle serves directly under Mr Ma. If anyone tries to-" Kong began to speak but then was cut off by Fan who leaned in closer.

"He is a friend of the cultivator that healed grandpa's injuries with just a touch of his hand." Fan whispered quieter so no one else could hear them at all. 

As soon as Fan had said those words to Kong his eyes widened before he began to scan the room with his eyes. He had heard from their father that a young cultivator had saved their grandpa who was on the verge of death just within a few seconds. And his strength was something even Old man Zhu couldn't comprehend.

If AJ was truly the friend of that cultivator like his younger brother had said then it would mean that he could come for revenge at any time. He needed to let Leung Li know that he couldn't do what he was asked. 

He withdrew from where AJ and Fan were standing and then walked back around to the other side of the bar where the man in the leather jacket sat with a look of disappointment on his face.

"What? Couldn't do it because your brother was in the way? Just beat him again and make him move or I will have someone else do it instead." The man said as Kong approached him. But without even saying a word in response. Kong walked closer and then bent down to whisper in his ear.

"Friends with a strong cultivator?" Leung Li said and then took a sip from the glass in front of him. And then suddenly stood up before slamming the glass back down on the bar causing shards to fly in all directions as it shattered.

"I don't give a shit who he is friends with! He could be friends with god himself and that still wouldn't make a difference! Now go back over there and make him pay for coming here without my permission. Do you understand?" Leung Li began to shout at Kong for disobeying his order and picked up a shard of glass and held it to his neck.

Kong took a few steps back before feeling someone's presence and then two pairs of hands grabbed him by his arms. He looked back to see two of Leung Li's friends were now holding him in place so he couldn't escape. 

"I'm sorry. The cultivator who he is friends with helped my family out of some trouble. It would be like spitting in his face." Kong said hesitantly as the glass approached his throat. 

"Hmm So you chose to spit in my face instead. I see. I will just go and deal with it myself then. Let's see if your little brother still has the balls to stop me." Leung Li said and then lowered the shard of glass before turning around and beginning to walk to the other side of the bar.

"No, Stop! Please! He is still a kid, don't hurt him!" Kong tried to shout but the music was too loud for anyone to hear his pleas. 

"Hm It takes a lot of guts to stand up to your boss. Especially when he can kill you at any time." A voice called out from the bar. Kong looked over to see a young man with pale white skin and bright blue eyes.

"What? do I know you?" Kong asked but his voice was overshadowed by one of the men that was still holding him by the arms.

"Scram kid. This doesn't concern you." The man said with a look of fury on his face as if a single pin drop could set him off into a fit of rage. 

"Looks like your brother is about to get beaten. What are you going to do about it?" The man asked Kong.

"I don't know if you noticed but I have these two big goons holding me. I can't do anything even if I wanted to." Long replied, still trying to figure out the identity of the man he was talking to. He had never seen him before and by his unique look, he was sure that he would have remembered meeting someone like him before.

"Well, that won't be a problem for long. You had better do something about it fast though. Looks like things are about to get troublesome." The mysterious blue-eyed man said before walking away into the crowd. Suddenly the force from the men holding him in place disappeared before they both fell to the floor like huge sacks of potatoes.

"What the-" Kong said as he looked down at the two men who were now sleeping on the floor. 'Did he drug them? Or was it poison?' He thought as he tried to look for the man he was just talking to but his attention was then caught by what was going on across the bar. 

Leung Li currently had the shard of glass pressed against Fan's neck and despite that fact. Not many people had noticed nor did they want to step in his way. They knew that if they got in his way they would end up buried in an unmarked grave so they carried on with what they were doing.

"Fan!" Kong called out before using as much power as he had within his body to run over to the over said of the bar to stop him from getting hurt. As he pushed his way through the crowds he saw Leung Li pull the shard of glass back a little bit and then force it forward into Fan's stomach. 

"No!" Kong yelled out. He didn't want to fight against Leung Li as he knew he couldn't win. But he didn't want to see his brother killed much more. Without giving it another thought Kong pushed his right foot down into the ground and began to channel Qi into both of his legs before releasing all of the power below him.

He shot forwards like a bullet and before Leung Li even knew what had happened, he felt the full power of a punch to the face from a spirit core cultivator. 

His head tilted a little as his balance was thrown off by the power and he stumbled back into the crowd. The sound of the punch was enough to make every stop what they were doing and look around. The crowd of people slowly walked back as they saw Kong in a fighting stance while looking at Leung Li.

This was something that no one wanted to get involved in. Some people stayed to watch but most others decided to leave the banquet hall and wait in the lobby. They knew that blood would be spilt and not many people had the stomach to watch it. 

The music stopped playing and the lights came on as the room slowly emptied, leaving behind less than fifty people who wanted to see the outcome of what was about to happen.

"Haha, Not a bad punch. It was powerful. You know I didn't expect you to be able to overpower those two. You have surprised me today." Leung Li said loudly as he chuckled. The punch was strong but it wasn't enough to even make him flinch. 

"You know I was only going to give him a love tap. But now I'm going to kill your brother while you watch." Leung Li announced.

Many more people fled to the exit upon hearing those words. If they stayed they would become the accessory to murder and even Fan's friends had all gotten up to leave. Apart from, three of them. 

The three that remained were Jessie, AJ and Yun who was too drunk to even know what was going on. 

"Yun, Where's your cousin? You should go and find him. I think he ran away without you." Jessie said with a scowl. She couldn't believe that a man that was so handsome would be such a coward that he would leave a girl to watch a murder.

"Hmm? That idiot? He wouldn't leave me like that. He probably has some evil plot or something." Yun stumbled over her words in response to Jessie as the doors to the banquet hall opened up and over fifteen of the resort's guards ran in to see what was going on.

"Oh just in time! You guys make sure no one moves while I-" Leung Li's words were cut off as a voice shouted out from behind him.

"Why are you so noisy!? My head hurts, so shut your fat mouth, you arrogant bastard!" Yun stood up from her seat and began to walk towards him, struggling to stay upright while balancing in her heels.

"What did you just- Oh my Why aren't you a pretty one? You! Take that girl to room 205. I'm going to have fun with her after I deal with this." Leung Li bragged as he saw Yun walking toward him.

"Hmm Why is no one moving? Don't you all know who my uncle is!? Fine I will do it myself." He announced to everyone before walking over to Yun and putting his hand out towards her wrist. 

"Fan! Do something. She is going to get-" Jessie said but Fan covered his face with his hand.

"Oh, no. This is going to end horribly. I need another drink" Fan said and then turned back to the bar and picked up a full glass before turning back to see that Leung Li was now frozen. 

His body hadn't moved an inch since he last looked and it looked like he was struggling from his facial expressions. His eyes widened and his limbs all began to shiver as he looked around.

"Hmm I wonder what you are planning to do?" Haru's voice called out from the crowd as he made his way past them and stepped out into the open.

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