The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 134 Ten Warriors' Determination [The Crypt - Part VII]

-- POV General --

The huge hall full of pillars had collapsed and now there was no turning back. The Empress in her wolf form had thrown herself into the next room after drawing on her last bit of strength. Indeed, since she had fought the other Demon, extreme fatigue had invaded her mind even though her body was in perfect health. So, once she had entered this seemingly safe room, she had collapsed from exhaustion into a heavy sleep.

The Commanders, Lieutenants, Lynn and Inferno had all been propelled a little further by the she-wolf's leap and were slowly getting up. In the distance, they could see the body of the huge she-wolf who had just saved their lives almost at the cost of her own. Without even saying a word, they all suddenly rushed towards Freya, unable to know what was happening to her. The soldiers were filled with enormous gratitude but also with deep concern.

"Your Highness !!"

"Empress !!"

The first to arrive were Luna and Caipy, who looked small and helpless next to the sleeping body. They had no idea what to do and although the Elf Commander was in charge of the medical section, she didn't dare touch her Empress. The others finally came to the side as Caipy spoke up.

"She...she seems to be asleep but...I can't tell how long her sleep will last. Her Highness has a very low heart rate and shallow breathing which would be the sign of an unhealthy body but in her case it's not that. The Empress seems to be in a deep state of recovery after putting her body through so many changes and pressure on her mind."

"So...her Highness is in an undetermined state right now. How are we to proceed ? We... we're in an unknown place and so far without her help we'd all be dead. Without the Empress..."

Ynir, the half-butterfly Commander had not finished her sentence as her hands shook slightly. Despite being the best warriors in Elysium, the Commanders had realized more than ever their lack of power during Freya's battle. The 10 warriors had never cursed their powerlessness so much and were overcome with many emotions and feelings.

In their minds at that moment, guilt, doubt, fear, and despair were mixed. Why couldn't I help the Empress ? My power is nothing compared to this, am I really worthy of my position ? How can we survive if her Highness is unconscious ? What if we get stuck here or worse, get killed by another even more powerful creature ?

The ten half-humans, although they were called Chaos Commanders, for now were far from having the experience. All these questions, these doubts, were appearing for the first time as a result of recent emotionally charged events. The Commanders may have grown up in a hostile world, but the feelings they were experiencing were completely normal. That was also why Freya had insisted on taking them along, they had to learn to keep their cool and act accordingly.

Though the Empress didn't plan on fainting as soon as she arrived in the crypt, she wanted her best warriors to be ready to adapt to any situation. For the moment, the young women were going through an instinctive and natural panic phase, but though sleepy, the she-wolf trusted them. She knew that the flame that had shone in their eyes that day would not take long to rekindle.

"Right now there's no point in panicking. Aren't we here to improve ourselves ? I know what you're all thinking and I share your feelings but...I'm sure if we keep our cool and work together we can get through this. Her Highness brought us here believing in us, I don't want to disappoint her you ?"

For the first time, Emilia who usually did not pronounce more than 10 words in her sentences, had spoken distinctly and at length. She had spoken with her heart and at this very moment a thousand words were not enough to explain what she felt. The half-human's hands were shaking, she was just as scared as the others, and yet she had stood up to change the others' gaze.

Naia, who was just as frightened, had her eyes twinkling as her heart began to race. Her words had felt like a gentle breeze, sweeping away the dark cloud that hung over hearts and souls. Gradually, the Commanders sitting on the floor rose to their feet, those with eyes on the ground raised their heads, and despite trembling bodies and tired minds, a smile appeared on their faces.

"Sigh...we're idiots, aren't we ? Me first. I had almost forgotten why I was fighting and why I, the proud she-wolf, had pledged allegiance to her Highness !"

Ralph laughed softly as she thought about how silly she was to have doubted for a moment. Her dark brown hair fell over her red eyes, while her mocking smile did not disappear. As much as they all felt bad about it, their battles against the little Nightmares had brought them up 1 level each which was a sign of how hard they were working.

"Mmmh we are all idiots and poor Commanders but...finally it is now up to us to prove ourselves. We have to protect her Highness until she wakes up and gather as much information as possible. Let's put aside our deep-seated fears, we'll have plenty of time to worry afterwards, right now we need a plan."

Trioa, the grey-haired, winged wyvern who was always gentle and silent, had spoken in a confident, serious voice as the others nodded. Suddenly, as if the 10 Commanders had guessed the others' thoughts, clicked their boots in unison. The sound of their boot heels echoed through the new room as they placed their fists proudly at their hearts.

Freya was right, the flame she had once lit in their hearts had been rekindled and each one was crackling fair and bright. The first spark had ignited a small flame that had grown into a fire before ending up as a glowing inferno burning as brightly as their determination. Doubts and fears had not disappeared but now they were overshadowed by the will of the Sky...the will of Elysium.

The Lieutenants, who were a little further away, did not dare to speak in front of their superiors or interfere with their thoughts, but they were just as scared if not more so. If even their leaders didn't feel up to it, who were they to turn the tables ? However, seeing their Commanders regain hope and raise their heads had been enough to give them that will that was slowly becoming unshakeable.

"Good ! Then we should divide the tasks. I propose that Caipy stay close to the Empress to check on her condition while one group searches for information on our whereabouts and another takes care of setting up a makeshift camp for us"

Luna, the half-panther, had spoken up to suggest a way to get organized. At the moment they still didn't know where they were, and though this room was lit, no one had gone around it yet. Once again, heads nodded as Thorunn the beautiful golden haired vampire spoke up.

"How about we split into three groups ? Caipy and her Lieutenant Nina to watch her Highness, all of us to explore the room and our Lieutenants could be tasked with setting up camp."

In Thorunn's mind, the presence of her dark elf friend was essential to the Empress and the task of inspecting the room fell to the leaders. It was going to be a complicated and trying task as they had to search every nook and cranny for a clue. The vampire woman didn't want to exhaust their Lieutenants any further and preparing a camp would be quick and less tiring.

"I agree."

"Me too !"

"Yes, let's do it that way !"

One by one, the ten women gave their consent and as each was about to tell their subordinate, the she-wolf's body began to glow. It glowed for a few seconds before the light disappeared, leaving the humanoid body of the Empress in plain sight. Her tattoos were back to their original state, forming spikes under her eyes, her hands were no longer clawed, and it was easy to tell that her closed eyes had turned purple again.

Freya's long, black, hypnotic hair hid her private parts and the sight left everyone blissful. No one could take their eyes off the sleeping beauty, who at that moment looked so different from her usual self. The Empress of Elysium, powerful, terrifying and cold, was standing there in her Eve outfit, her face soothed, almost soft and fragile. There was a certain innocence about her because for the first time, no aura, even if unconscious, was attacking the soldiers' senses.

Everyone's heart missed a beat and even if the attraction was fleeting, the beautiful Freya had once again turned souls upside down. Then, as everyone came to their senses, faces began to blush with shame after realizing they had just looked at their Empress naked for far too long. As everyone looked away, Trioa removed her grey wing embroidered Commander's cloak to cover her.

"'s do it our way !"

"Y-Yes *cough*...*cough* of course !"

So it was with an atmosphere filled with embarrassment that the 10 best warriors went to announce their plan to their Lieutenants.

As everyone regrouped for their respective missions, Caipy who was now accompanied by Nina checked on Freya.

"It's weird. Earlier I could have sworn her body was warm almost boiling and now her body is frozen."

The dark elf had never touched the she-wolf before, and so didn't know that her skin was naturally cold due to her predominant element. So she had piled her cloak on top of Trioa's to warm her up but it was no use.

"I don't understand. Could she have gone into some sort of hibernation ? In that case only heat could gently wake her up but it would take...the warmth of a living body..."

Caipy didn't possess the proper reasoning due to the unique and incomprehensible being that was Freya, but at least she was right about one thing. If the Empress had fallen asleep in the first place, it was because of extreme mental fatigue. Afterwards, her body had instinctively reacted by putting her into a deep sleep causing her mana to circulate more slowly. The touch of gentle heat was a good way to speed up the flow of her circuits and wake her up.

"Still, I'm not going to snuggle up to her Highness...yet I have to...someone else I'm the doctor here and her health is her wake up call is the priority !"

The Elf Commander was in total panic and seemed stuck in a dilemma. She didn't know if her heat theory turned out to be true and the thought of hugging the Empress made her head spin. What if her theory turned out to be wrong ? What if it was true ? To warm her, her naked body would have to be in contact with another, and the thought disturbed her, who deeply respected her rescuer. Yet Caipy had made up her mind and was ready to do what was necessary.

As she took a deep breath, Freya's black stallion, who had so far not shown up, suddenly approached. Before the elf doctor's eyes, he lay down against the cold body of his sleeping mistress. Caipy watched the silent scene, her eyes meeting Inferno's yellow ones, understanding immediately. As an elf, she was good at understanding animals and at that moment, what the black horse's gaze was telling her was simply "let me take care of her".

Further on, while the Lieutenants were busy setting up camp with what they could as most things were stuck in Freya's storage space, the Commanders in charge of inspecting the place were taking their task seriously. This time the room was smaller but still had high ceilings and was about 200 meters long and wide which would take them some time.

The floor tiles were no different as they were simple, many carved pillars were in sight and the same torches were placed on the walls. The 10 half-humans were ready to turn the room upside down and had only been inspecting for 2 minutes that something had already been discovered.

"I think I found the first clue hidden in this room and it's very important."

Trioa, who had her grey wings spread high above, had an unobstructed view of the room and looked down at the pillars intently. The other nine who were scattered about then looked up waiting to hear more information which the half-wyvern was quick to give.

"The engravings on the pillars are not there by chance but represent a message trying to tell us something. They are not words but rather a multitude of symbols that must be deciphered. Based on my initial quick understanding it..."


" seems we have to complete an ordeal within a certain time before...the darkness engulfs us, locked within these walls forever. The ordeal began the moment we entered the room and the torches lit up..."

As Trioa finished her sentence, everyone in the room, except Freya, looked up. The Commander's words echoed in everyone's mind in an eerie silence. Without knowing it, the 21 living beings in the room had entered the place where a riddle had to be solved in order to continue if they did not want to lose their lives.

No one knew it yet, but this was the very first test of a long and exhausting series. How could they know the time that passed underground ? What was this riddle ? Would they have to fight or think ? So many questions, and yet it was with a serious look that the voices of all the Commanders rose as one.

"We will protect the Empress and we will fearlessly advance as far as our bodies and minds can carry us, because we are the 10 Chaos Commanders of the Elysium Empire !"

The ten best female warriors of the Empire had taken charge of the expedition in the absence of the Empress and were driven by great determination. They were determined to succeed in this ordeal no matter what it took for the Empress, for them, for the Lieutenants...for everyone.

Freya was still lying by the door, warmed by her trusty steed and at that moment, if Caipy had been watching her face, she could have seen the sleeping beauty smile.



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors

Level : 40/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 41 000

HP : 150 000 / 150 000 MP : 75 000 / 75 000

Strength : 510

Defense : 510

Agility : 516

Endurance: 513

Speed : 512

Intelligence: 510

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 300

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 6)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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