The Legacy System

Chapter 147 - 147: Clash & Immunity

Contrary to his expectations though, he saw Eric laugh at him, and say,

"Haha~! Why would I need him to care about that? Especially when it's to deal with some wastes like you two!"


His words clearly startled and angered the duo as they didn't understand where did this guy get his guts from.

Especially Young Master Yuzuriha, he was someone who showed his anger more than other people, as he said in a harsh, and intimidating voice, as he ran towards Eric to punch him on the face,

"Piece of trash!"

Everyone expected his explosion, as even his security guards didn't stop him, they just stood there enjoying the show.

With them behind, and the background of their Young Master they were assured that he wouldn't dare to fight back, and most probably wouldn't even dare to dodge.

Seeing Young Master Yuzuriha come towards him, Eric didn't show any kind of startled expression, as he just stood where he was, waiting for his arrival.

Young Master Yuzuriha came really fast, but he was also quickly served, as Eric managed to dodge his fist with just a slight effective movement, and then gave him a slight push.

Young Master Yuzuriha already had a lot of momentum on his punch, so with the little push, he was sent flying behind Eric, and crashed on the ground.

The crash wasn't really loud, but the cries after it were really loud. As Young Master Yuzuriha started screaming in pain, and anger,

"Ahh~! It hurts! It's fucking painful! You piece of trash, how dare you dodge my punch!?"

Eric had never heard this kind of bullshit ever before! This was truly top of the list, as he started to laugh out loud, and say,

"Are you a retard or something? Who would wait for your punch intentionally? While it is weaker than a girl's punch, it would still be a big stain on my reputation."

Just as he finished his words, the security guards of Young Master Yuzuriha appeared in front of him, ready to give this kid the beating of his life.

They were 8 people in total, and each one of them had a sharp military look on his face and radiated strong killing intent.

Each and any one of them seemed to be like a brutal strong fighter, but in Eric's eyes, they were just numbers, and points.

Eric had already seen them earlier and had also seen their levels. They weren't bad, as they were all between level 18 and 24, and would be considered at least GrandMasters.

But to Eric, they weren't even toothpicks to clean his teeth with, as he knocked them down one after the other without even breaking a sweat.

It didn't look like there were 8 people versus 1 at all, it looked like 1 young kid was bullying 8 ferocious and brutal-looking beasts.

This scene clearly stunned the whole crowd that was watching, as even more people started to think that Eric wasn't a normal person.

Especially knowing that he had some kind of relationship with Uncle Satoru. This made their imagination grow by leaps and bounds, as they all created a background for him.

But they weren't the only people who were stunned by the scene, as the person who had started all this was even more baffled at this moment.

His face clearly showed that he had never even imagined something like this to happen. Perhaps he was thinking that all this was some kind of nightmare.

One from which he would wake up the latter, and finally return to his beautiful and peaceful life, where he was the best of them all.

On the other hand, Young Master Shiba seemed to have experienced an awakening experience, as he started to look at Eric more carefully.

After all, he knew the level of Young Master Yuzuriha's security guards and his' weren't that much better. In a head-to-head fight, they would mostly win with damages.

Yet Eric had been able to play around with them as if they were toys. This clearly showed that he had surpassed the GrandMaster Realm, which was something that only a few people were able to do.

Eric was most probably a genius in body, and energy cultivation and would soon have a really important spot in between the Experts, and Powerhouses of the country.

But he had made a big mistake of showing this in here, as now people would have more reasons to want to take him out.

While Young Master Shiba was thinking like this and had a hideous expression on his face, one of the security guards that was left, took out a gun and pointed it towards Eric.

Since he and his partners weren't able to beat him up, then he would just need to injure him, and then beat him up to the death.

But just as he pointed the gun towards Eric, a gunshot was heard, and a bullet pierced through his hand that he was holding the gun, as the gun fell to the floor.

If the crowd was stunned earlier, now they were shocked. Eric and his skills aside, no one had seen or sensed the shooter, or his shadow before he shot.

But the shooter wasn't the only one, as there were two more people beside Eric at the moment. It was a purple-haired lady and some other guy.

The crowd's attention was stacked upon them, as Eric knocked out all the attackers, and then looked at the guy who shot.

He looked towards him with a grateful look, as even though that this guy wouldn't kill him, he would surely injure him, and it would heart like hell.

He was assured that with a Medium quality Heal Potion he would be able to escape death and injury, but who would like to live that.

He was still far from the stage where his body would be impervious to bullets, so he still needed to guard against it.

The shooter seemed to have expected this reaction, as he acted a bit arrogantly, but Eric didn't mind it. The fact that he had saved him from pain was certainly true.

While the whole crowd was still stunned by what happened, he turned towards the purple-haired lady and said,

"Finally decided to come out, huh!? I didn't think you would come out unless I died, purple devil!"

Inuhara Hina just looked at him with indifference, as she was already used to his way of talking, and right now she was on official business.

Whenever she was working she would have this serious and cold look on her face, that made anyone think she was some kind of cold, harsh, strict lady.

When in reality she was a clumsy, and naïve girl, who didn't understand much of the world. She looked like a person of double personality, but Eric didn't mind it.

He would try to slowly break that official ice she had around her. But now was clearly not the moment.

She took a step forward, gave a cold look towards Young Master Yuzuriha, and a perfunctory one to Young Master Shiba, and a few people in the darkness of the night, that were part of the crowd as she said,

"Eric Jade is under the protection of the Special Unit, and our director. We would appreciate it if you back down and refrain from trying anything that might result in grave consequences.

If someone dares to even harm a thread of hair on his head, he and all his family will be counted accountable, and will have to pay the consequences."

Then turning towards Young Master Shiba, she said in a perfunctory voice,

"Young Master Shiba, you especially need to be really careful, as you and this guy will always be our first suspects.

I am sure that Master Shiba would like to mess with the Special Unit!"

Young Master Shiba didn't know what to say at that moment, he had heard about the Special Unit from his father, and the warning had been extremely clear.

'Don't dare to create trouble with them, as the consequences would be grave!"

On the other hand, he hated Eric! And after seeing his talent and potential he was even more assured of the fact that Eric had to die.

Otherwise, he would never be able to have his loved cousin for himself, and might even die without understanding how in the future.

One could say that he was at a crossroads, and each road sent him towards an unfavorable situation.

It would have been nice if he would be able to kill Eric, then he would implore his father to save him from punishment.

But the problem was that he wasn't even able to do that right now, as he had no idea of Eric's real strength.

While he was arrogant and narcissistic, his sly brain and his instincts worked just fine. One could say that he had gotten this from his snake-like uncle. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

One thing was for sure, he could do nothing at the moment, especially with the presence of the new arrivals, he would have to do it.

With that thought in mind, he just returned with clear displeasure written all over his face, as he said to his new partner, and said,

"Let's leave this place!"

But just as Young Master Yuzuriha was about to get up, and move, he heard Eric say from behind him,

"Huh!? What's with the new crap, you did all this, and think you can just leave? Where does such a good thing exist?"

Young Master Yuzuriha was clearly caught unprepared by that, as he was wrathful towards Eric, and considered it already a win for him to be able to leave alive, after all, he did.

But Eric continued,

"I can turn a blind eye towards the fact that you blocked my path, but he tried to attract me, as his guards ganged upon me, and even directed a gun towards me.

The least they can do is offer compensation for all this trouble!"

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