The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 326 Nicholas & Sophie

Sophie held her breath when she heard Nicholas' words, uttered in such a sincere tone. He would do anything for her, including changing the laws and making peace with the lycans.

Leland was more stubborn than Nicholas and he wouldn't budge for anything when Sophie asked him to spare Nicholas or try to think about peace. If both men were on the same page, things would have been easier for Sophie and her children.

"I would do anything... for you," Nicholas repeated his words, as he looked at Sophie deeply. "I would give you the world, anything your heart desires. I would even throw away my throne and my kingdom if you asked me."

Nicholas was not into power. He was just like his father who loved adventures but was stuck on the throne for the good of many people.

As the only heirs, both he and his father were forced to take the crown and rule because if they didn't take the responsibility, there would be a power struggle, internal conflict, or civil war that would only make the people suffer.

So, it had to be done.

However, Nicholas now realized that his father was never happy. He lived his life out of duty. He married the woman chosen for him, and he ruled the country, all because he was a dutiful prince. Where did that lead him?

He didn't have a relationship with his own son. He lived a lonely life in his own world, and was killed by lycans after a long and bloody war.

That was not the life that Nicholas now envisioned for himself. He might be okay with it in the past because he was raised with a sense of duty,  and he wanted to make his mother happy. She was the only person in this universe that mattered to him.

Until he saw that shabby hut in Hauntingen, by the edge of Blackwoods forest. It was a really small wooden hut with barely anything inside. It was shabby and old.

However... when he sat on the wooden bed inside the hut, imagining the simple life he had with his young wife there.... his mind felt a really foreign sense of peace and happiness.

He had never felt those feelings before. Being there made him happy.

Now, seeing the woman he loved standing before him, and knowing their children were not far from where they were, Nicholas suddenly felt that nothing else mattered in this world, but them.

Fuck his kingdom. Fuck the people. Why would he sacrifice his life and his happiness for other people. His father was never happy until the very end. Nicholas didn't want that life for himself.

If Sophie asked him to throw away his power, his kingdom, his throne... he would gladly do it. He would feel happy living a simple life with her and their children.

Heck, he didn't mind hunting for their food, or becoming a farmer and growing vegetables for his family. He would work hard. He would provide for them. He would protect them.

He would do anything to make sure they were taken care of, even if he had to toil. He was not scared of hard work and didn't mind leading a hard life. As long as he could be with them again.

God, please... give me the chance to turn back time, Nicholas cried inside, as he looked deeply at the beautiful woman before him.

Sophie felt his pain, and it made her heart ache. However, there was nothing she could do. She had promised Leland. It wouldn't be fair for her mate if she didn't keep her word, no matter what the circumstances were.

"Uff..." Suddenly, Sophie pressed her lips with one hand and leaned on the tree behind her with her other hand. She felt so nauseous. Was this caused by stress?

Wait... she was pregnant. This could be her pregnancy symptoms. She didn't vomit and felt nauseous early in her pregnancy, like in her previous ones. It was during moments like this, she would feel the symptoms, and they were not really bad.

However, since she lost her babies in her last pregnancy, Sophie was traumatized by any little signs of discomfort. She didn't want anything to happen to her unborn children.

"I-I have to go in..." She said apologetically. "Please leave."

"Sophie...!" Nicholas stepped forward to hold her arm, worried that she was sick. "Let me help you. Are you unwell?"

Sophie brushed off his hand. "I am pregnant. Please... leave us alone."

Nicholas froze in his place. Her reply felt like another stab in his heart.

So, he really had lost his chance.

He couldn't move, nor say a word, just stood there watching Sophie walk back through the manor gate, under the watchful eyes of the guards. At that time, Nicholas thought his world had truly crumbled under his feet.

He stood there, unmoved, for almost an hour, getting lost in his thoughts. He had truly lost Sophie. He knew he couldn't force his claim on her. If she told him to stay away, he had to respect her wishes, even though it broke his heart.

However, he wouldn't budge when it came to his children. They should understand that their biological father didn't hate them. No, in fact, he loved them so much.

The days when he spent time with the boys were some of the happiest days in his life. Knowing that the two adorable children were his, gave him a sense of pride and happiness.

He knew right then, if they were truly his children, he would make them his heirs. He would let them rule Riga after he stepped down. He would give them all the best the world could offer.

Raindrops fell from the sky and touched his face. That's when Nicholas was finally moved from his reverie. He remembered that Jan was still sick. He was injured because of him.

Nicholas decided to go back to the royal palace in the meantime, sent a doctor to the Romanov Manor to check on Jan, and then thought about what to do next.

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