The King of the Underworld is Tired

Chapter 79: The Story of Bellerophon – (2)

Chapter 79: The Story of Bellerophon – (2)

After leaving Elysium with Pegasus and returning to the fortress, Lady Styx welcomed us.

She had taken care of some urgent matters during my brief absence and was now resting.

"You're finally back, Hades... And you brought Pegasus."


Some might think it was overstepping boundaries, but it was I who granted Lady Styx authority as a token of gratitude for her aid during the war against the Titan gods.

Thus, when I was absent from the Underworld, she would often take on the role of the final decision-maker.

However, if there were issues too complex to decide on her own, she would wait for my return to address them.

"Now all that's left is to deliver this to the hero. I’m thinking of having Hermes or Athena do it..."

"Shall I send a message to Olympus?"

"Yes, please do."

As I finished speaking and was about to return to where I originally was, Lady Styx's figure caught my eye.

Her long black hair, tired blue eyes, and the parchment in her hand.

Thinking about it, she had truly done a lot for me.

A long time ago, during the war with the Titans, she helped with the affairs of the Underworld and supported me when I was inexperienced.

The sensation of the Styx sword hanging from my waist somehow felt warm.

Lady Styx, as well as Lady Lethe, Menthe, and Persephone...

They all liked me, even though I was lacking, yet I couldn't remember ever properly repaying them.

In the goddess's beautiful eyes, there was trust, faith, and affection directed at me.

As I silently gazed at her, lost in complicated thoughts, Lady Styx gave a faint laugh and spoke.

"Heh. Hades, why are you staring at me like that? Have you been enchanted by my beauty?"

"...Yes. You look particularly beautiful today."

"Wh... What... What did you say...?"

The parchment slipped from Lady Styx's hand as her face flushed red, all the way to her ears.

She raised one hand to cover her mouth, clearly flustered.

And then, I spoke, my voice slightly tense.

This is just a walk... Yes, it's just a way to repay her... It doesn't mean much... Probably.

"Since Pegasus is heading to the mortal realm, would you like to join me in a ride across the sky?"

"Gasp!... I... I... I'll be right back after preparing! Wait here!"

Thud... Crack!

The goddess, leaving her words hurriedly behind, dashed past me, catching her foot on the door of the audience chamber.

Of course, the part of the door that caught the foot of a strong divine being shattered on the spot.

Looking at the fragments of the door scattered across the chamber floor, a thought crossed my mind...

"Should I change my clothes too?"

* * *

I expected her to return soon...

But surprisingly, a considerable amount of time passed, and Lady Styx still had not returned.


As I was about to go out and check if anything had happened,

The door swung open, and Lady Styx rushed in with a sense of urgency.

She bent over, resting her hands on her knees, panting as if she had just been chased by someone.

Who could possibly cause Lady Styx to be so flustered in the Underworld?

Could it be an all-out battle with the Gigantes?

“Huff... Huff... Hurry, Hades...!”

“What happened? Has war broken out on Olympus? Or has Poseidon staged another rebellion...?”

“Well... Huff... No, it’s just... Lady Lethe was suspicious of me and kept following me around, so I had to circle the Underworld... Huff.”

“...Perhaps a glass of water first.”

After calming herself, Lady Styx explained.

Apparently, Lady Lethe had found her changing clothes in her room...

“Styx... Where are you planning to go dressed like that...?”

“Le... Lethe?! It's nothing!”

“That looks suspicious...”

From then on, Lethe followed her around for quite a while and only let her go after piling her with work.

Lady Styx let out a small sigh as she finished her explanation.

“Ugh... Lethe can be so persistent...”

“Considering what you’re wearing...”

Unlike the plain clothes she had been wearing earlier, she was now dressed in a chiton with significant exposure at the chest and legs.

Her face glistened with a mixture of olive oil and honey, and golden jewelry adorned her slightly blushing ears.



“If you keep staring at me like that...”

Her flushed cheeks only added to her beauty.

“Would you accompany me, goddess?”

“...! Of course.”

And so, I took Lady Styx and stepped briefly into the mortal realm.

Of course, Pegasus came along too.


Pegasus seemed delighted to be in the mortal realm again and ran around for a while.

I stopped the celestial horse, mounted it, and extended my hand to Lady Styx.

“Come up.”


I took hold of Pegasus’s reins, and Lady Styx settled in behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head against me.

The soft sensation barely touching my back added to the awkwardness.

Stroking Pegasus's sleek white mane, I gave my command.

A wise celestial horse, born as a divine beast, would surely understand my intent.

“Take us up. Into the sky, but not high enough to reach Olympus.”


* * *

Pegasus kicked off the ground and soared into the sky.

The horse's pure white wings flapped powerfully, stirring the air.


Upward, higher and higher.

From a distance, I could see the nymphs watching us from the edge of a mountain.

I waved my hand, shrouding us from mortal eyes, and spoke to Lady Styx, who was riding behind me.

"Riding through the sky on clouds or in a chariot isn't bad, but sometimes it's nice to ride a horse and feel the wind. I wanted to show you this view."

"Come to think of it, Hades, was this why you fought the Titan gods?"

"Yes. More precisely, it was for the view from the peak of Olympus. This scenery is similar, so..."


Higher and higher we went, until the clouds floated beside us. Just a bit further, and we’d be at the height of Olympus itself.

But since I had no intention of going to Olympus, I pulled the reins, and Pegasus slowed to a steady flight.

Looking down, I saw vast plains and the cities of mortals appearing as countless tiny dots.

"I'm almost always in the Underworld... I haven't seen such a view very often."

"The affairs of the Underworld have stabilized considerably now, so you'll find time for things like this more often."

"...Thank you. Perhaps it's because I'm with you, Hades, but I'm enjoying this excursion through the sky."

When I glanced back, Lady Styx was leaning closely against me.

Our eyes met, and she slowly closed hers.

Anyone could tell what she desired in that moment.

The red, delicate lips of the goddess. What would happen if I took this step forward?

I halted Pegasus, who had been gliding smoothly through the sky, turned my head, and slowly moved closer.

The sound of my heartbeat grew louder, even louder than Zeus's thunder.

The noisy sounds of wind, birds—none of that reached my ears.

My eyes and ears were focused solely on the goddess near me.


I thought, breathing somewhat hurriedly, though the sound felt rough.

I am a man, after all, and I do not dislike the goddesses who favor me.

But... could I truly make them happy? Not just one, but multiple goddesses?

I knew.

This hesitation, this fear, was nothing more than my own bias and insecurity.

As I wrestled with this inner turmoil, an unmistakably artificial gust of wind blew.




Pegasus wobbled, caught in the gust.

Lady Styx, who had been closing her eyes, and I, who was hesitating, were both shaken.

I gripped the reins with one hand to steady Pegasus, and with the other, I wrapped my arm around the waist of the goddess, who seemed unsteady.

And then... because of the strong wind that had pushed us closer together...


The soft sensation of her lips. The sweet scent of honey mixed with the fragrance of the goddess.

A small accident in the sky had pushed me forward.

The goddess, startled by the sudden movement, opened her eyes, unable to hide her growing surprise.

I, too, had to hurriedly turn my head away, my face reddening.


It was not difficult to guess who had conjured the sudden gust of wind.

I could see a god flying off in the distance, giving me a thumbs-up and nodding.

It was Euros, god of the east wind, who brought warmth and rain.

He was the son of Eos, the goddess of dawn, and in charge of the east wind.

He must have passed by us on his way to bring the east wind to the world and decided to create an appropriate gust.

Who made you the god of matchmaking...?

* * *

As we were about to head back, we encountered a messenger god flying nearby.

Seeing us on Pegasus, Hermes spoke with a curious expression.

"Oh? Isn't it Uncle Hades? And Lady Styx behind you?"


"What brings you to the sky...? Ah! Could it be that you were enjoying a pleasant time together? Oh dear, have I interrupted? Haha!"


Lady Styx and I remained silent.

After all, I could still feel the moist, soft sensation lingering on my lips...

"...Is it true?"

"Enough nonsense. I'm giving you Pegasus's reins—deliver him to that hero."

"What? Oh... Thank you for lending Pegasus."

"Once you reach the ground, release Pegasus and find an appropriate place for him."

I need to see if the hero destined to slay the Chimera can handle Pegasus.

If he can hold onto the reins and stay atop the horse, then he's worthy enough.

"Understood. That was my plan too. But... did something really happen between you two...?"


His perceptiveness was needless at times.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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