The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1040 Passing By

Chapter 1040  Passing By

Some of the female Orcs screamed in horror when they saw what happened before them.

It was a gruesome and unexpected event.

At least a hundred Orcs gathered around the famous brewery, looking at the foreigner before them who was causing a commotion with a gang of older-generation Orcs. Despite not even blinking, none of them caught what the foreigner did to the poor Orc.

But obviously, he did something to cause the Orc to explode like that.

Just when the situation settled in their minds, the Orcs quickly drew their weapons in anger.

None of them could stand the overbearing behavior of this foreigner.

Since they were inside the heart of the Morgrak Hold, they would not tolerate any disrespect, especially one that comes from a foreigner inside the heart of their turf like this. Even if there needs to be blood spared, then they would gladly do so.

Baring their vicious fangs, the Orcs pointed their weapons at the hooded figure.

It's still unclear what the figure was at this point.

Looking around nonchalantly from under his hood, the figure was absolutely enjoying this.

He viewed these Orcs as nothing.

Glancing over to the side, his eyes met with the bartender near the door who came out when he heard the commotion and raised his hand, "Give me another round, I like the taste of your ale, and I'm still planning to have more"

Upon hearing this, the bartender was taken aback.

Even with all the Orcs gathered and weapons pointed, the figure still acts nonchalantly.

But this act made a lot of Orcs hesitant.

If the figure has this much bravery in confronting this situation, then it's very likely that either his background is terrifying or he is a powerhouse. Nobody has that much confidence if they can't handle the repercussions of acting confident.

Just as the situation was locked in uncertainty, the figure's voice resounded again.

"Know that if you try to use that pick, you'll end up like this pile of meat" He declared lightly.

On the right side of the crowd was an Orc that received a glance from the figure, and he was completely stunned on his spot. Mere seconds ago, he was fueled with anger and wanted to attack the figure from the back while the others were hesitating.

However, the figure warned him directly, as if the figure could read his mind.

It made his body freeze, clutching his club tightly.

'H- How did he know I was about to attack...? Eye movement? Sixth sense?' the Orc gulped.

Coming from a fierce Orc clan and having engaged in countless battles, he had mastered the art of subtle warfare, ensuring there were no indications when he was about to attack. Yet, the figure instantly sensed it, and it caught him off guard. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

A bead of cold sweat trickle down the side of his face.

Even though it was subtle, the figure's warning seemed to choke on his neck tightly.

"What's going on here?"

Out of nowhere, a commanding voice breaks the tension.

Snapped out of their dazed minds, the gathered Orcs make way for two big Orcs who clearly have a higher standing than the norm. One of them is a Black Orc, the Lord Chief of Morgrak Hold, Lord Chief Lurbhuk himself.

Reaching the very front, the big Orc at the front eyed the figure with squinted eyes.

"Outsider, take down your hood" He commanded sternly.

While the big Orc was trying to get a sense of who they were dealing with, Lurbhuk was also doing the same. He tries to peer under the hood, trying to catch a glimpse of the figure's real identity, 'It's hard to see from here, but I think I see furs... So he's a Werewolf'

Just the glimpse of furs alone tells Lurbhuk about the race of this figure instantly.

Initially, he was undecided between two, Dragonman and Werewolf.

Both races could rival the Orcs in size, and their high-ranking status made it logical for them to act overbearing like this. Now, he realized that it was a Werewolf, and he was troubled by this as the Werewolf's territory was far away from theirs.

Under normal circumstances, there shouldn't be any Werewolf coming to his village.

Glancing towards the big Orc, a smile appeared under the figure's hood.

Against all expectations, even the big Orc himself believed that the figure wouldn't comply with his demand, likely leading to a confrontation. However, much to everyone's surprise, it didn't turn out as expected.

Nodding, the figure pivoted towards the big Orc.

While still sitting comfortably on the lengthy wooden chair, he lowered the hood.

It was only at that moment that the realization dawned on everyone, realizing what Lurbhuk had realized earlier—the figure was none other than a seasoned Werewolf, evident from the battle scars and an aura resonating with the wisdom forged through experience.

On top of that, the figure has a silvery tone to his furs.

But in contrast to his body, the furs on his right arm were tinted by a bleak shade of blue.

Beyond its imposing stature, surpassing that of the typical Werewolf, and the commanding aura that signifies his Alpha status, the Werewolf possessed a distinctive feature—he was missing his left elongated canine fang.

Judging from the wound on its gumline, the absence of his fang was caused by a fight.

Looking at this, the big Orc frowned.

Even though Lurbhuk held the title of the strongest, he is the oldest and his age granted him the ability to recognize the Werewolf before him based on the missing fang. A frown etched across his face, recognizing that this Werewolf is very lethal.

Not the kind to joke around with, the real deal.

"Why have you come to this humble far village, Dorlus...?" the big Orc asked questioningly.

Realizing that the big Orc recognized him, Dorlus smiled in satisfaction.

He quickly made a knowing glance at the bartender, telling the bartender that his order still stood before he answered, "I am only passing by, I'm on a hunt, and there's a place I need to go to. But since everyone is talking about your ale, I figured I had to try it"

"Passing by?" the big Orc repeated, trying to see if he was telling the truth.

Dorlus smiled even wider, "Yes, passing by..."

When the big Orc was about to say something again, an Orc made its way toward them.

Even though the big Orc and Lurbhuk were talking with Dorlus right now, the Orc seemed to still have something to say, "Our people on the west edge of our territory informed us that two unidentified figures were crossing our territory, and they didn't seem to be the regular ones"

Upon hearing this, the big Orc glanced back again at Dorlus.

He suspects that these two figures were the prey that Dorlus was hunting right now.

It shouldn't be a coincidence that those two unidentified figures appeared.

Naturally, the arrival of Dorlus and the two unidentified figures have some sort of connection, and both the big Orc and Lurbhuk could smell trouble in the air already, "Also, one told me that he saw a mark on one of the figures' neck, and it's shaped like a star"

"A star...?" the big Orc frowned, but it only took a moment before his eyes widened.

Possessing a star mark on the neck is not a trait that many have.

Thus, the big Orc and Lurbhuk exchanged glances, knowing who those two figures were.

"Seems like you found my prey," Dorlus suddenly stood up. His sensitive hearing was able to pick on their conversation, and he couldn't help but abandon the ale for a bit. "You there, go and lead the way for me to reach those two figures you talked about"

Listening to this demand, Lurbhuk and the big Orc's countenance turned grim.

Now, they were trapped in a predicament.

One is a powerful Werewolf, while the others are members of the Silverstar Pack.

Both of them need to choose which one to help right now.

... Meanwhile, teetering at the edge of a mountainous terrain were two figures.

Each of them blitzes through the expanse quickly.

If anyone were to see them from the side, they would be able to see two blurry shadows.

Both were moving extremely quickly, showcasing their obvious intention to rush towards a destination. One step from them covered a big distance, and it wasn't clear how long they were moving this fast already.

Naturally, these two figures are none other than Flunra and Adhara.

Since departing from the Tigerman Kingdom and temporarily addressing the issue, warning that any further conflict would impose severe consequences from the Silverstar Pack, the duo relentlessly journeyed to awaken the Ice and Snow Princess and hasn't stopped to take a break even once.

Based on the last report they had on the Symposium, they don't have much time.

It was very probable that the fight already started.

Along the way, while still sprinting with all of her might, Adhara cast a look at Flunra in front of her and asks, "Say, are you really sure that Rex was planning to take on the Executor and the Human army by himself?"

When she learned that earlier, she never stopped thinking about it.

She was worried that if it really was the case, then Rex might be in a lot of trouble right now.

"No, it's still a speculation," Flunra shook his head, it was his careful deducting from the facts that were present. "But I'm quite positive about this, it's something that Lord Rex might try to do, and we couldn't stop him. The only way we can do right now is to help him"

Upon hearing this, Adhara looked down in contemplation.

Just the thought of taking on the Executor and the Human army alone is quite suicidal.

Adhara wanted to talk to him so badly, but she couldn't.

It's been days since she last saw Rex, and now he was said to be with Calidora.

So there's no way that she could convince Rex that the alliance could be used to help him in the fight against the Executor's forces, "Sigh... Why is he always doing something like this? Am I not reliable enough?"

Flunra cast a glance towards her when he heard her mumble.

"It's not that you are not reliable, but it was more to his fears," He said, correcting Adhara.

Contemplating about Rex, remembering all the times Flunra observed him, it was clear to him that Rex was not going to put those he cared about in danger because of his extreme fear of losing more than what he already lost.

As an old Werewolf, Flunra has reached that point in his life along the way.

He knew how that fear could be very crippling.

"No matter how strong and reliable you become, Lord Rex will remain unchanged, he will still act the same. It is only when he confronts his deepest fears—the fear of losing you and all he cared about—that he will truly change for the good" He continued, speaking from wisdom.

Upon hearing this, Adhara was silenced.

Now she understands that asking Rex to change is simply too much for the current him.

'Just know that I will always support you, Rex...' Adhara pondered silently.

Despite wanting to make herself stronger and more reliable in Rex's view, Flunra's words told her that it was wrong for her to do that. If she pressed on with that, then that means she was only being selfish, feeding her own ego.

While she was thinking, Flunra suddenly halted in his tracks, and she bumped into him.

"Keep your vigilance, we're already here..." Flunra whispered.

Adhara peeked from the back and saw that there was a big, ancient temple in front of them.

Her senses were also able to pick up the moonlight energy coming from the temple was very dense, signifying an important figure was residing inside. On the top, there were translucent intertwining strings, visible only to those who could sense moonlight energy.

In addition to that, the entire temple was covered with shards of ice.

Surely, this place is the resting or the sealing place fitted for the Ice and Snow Princess.

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