The Insider System

Chapter 317: Leaving The City Pt.2

Chapter 317: Leaving The City Pt.2

As they were getting closer to the wall Donny started to think how they were going to get over and out. The most obvious thing was the golem would form into stairs or something but that would leave them open to being attacked if he was right about the Demon Worshipers being near the wall trying to catch people escaping.

Donny knew they were able to fight off undead even without the golem; he was just worried about how much they would have to slow down if there were a lot of them. He could see the battle that would take place as they tried to climb the stairs over the wall and fight at the same time.

It wouldn't matter what they tried to do, some people would die or be left behind and there was a chance he could be one of them. After thinking This Donny had an idea that he felt would make this climb much easier and started to push his way towards the front where Rigbis would be.

As he got closer like last time he was held back by some people near the front but he didn't let it stop him from calling out to Rigbis. "Commander Rigbis what's the plan to get over the wall?" He was pretty close so Rigbis heard him and turned around to answer. "I was just going to have the golem transform into a path over."

That was what Donny had thought so he told Rigbis his worries about this plan. "I think there's a good chance we'll be attacked while we climb. I would like your permission to take some of our images into the air on a platform so we can cover the climb." It didn't take long for Rigbis to give him a nod of approval.

Donny was about to go and find Fendis so they could get to work but Rigbis stopped him and asked. "Are you able to do it in the time it will take for the golem to transform?" Donny was sure they wouldn't take much longer than that so he nodded. "Good, I'll send some of our guys to round up the mages for you."

Donny gave Rigbis a quick thanks before running towards where he had seen Fendis. "I need your help making the wind platform formation we made to get to the fortress." Fendis agreed quickly but still asked. "Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, we're just going to be covering everyone else while they climb by taking some mages into the air with us." Fendis was able to picture what he meant after Donny said this and followed him to the front of the group so they would be able to get to work as soon as they got to the wall.

After passing over one last tentacle with the golems help they had a clear shot to the wall but they all stopped knowing once they made a break for it there was a good chance something would come to stop them. Rigbis decided to give a small speech to explain exactly what was about to happen to everyone that was here.

"The golem will be moving forward first and once it reaches the wall it will start to transform so we'll have to protect ourselves while it's changing. After a while I'll give you an order to move forward and we should do our best to stay as a group so don't move too quickly or too slow."

Donny and Fendis had already gotten to work as Rigbis was talking so he wasn't really listening since he had to focus to make sure he didn't make any mistakes while quickly weaving the formation with Fendis' help. He did look up when the golem started to move forward though since it was hard to work though something that shook the ground.

He wanted to watch the golem change into their way out but he and Fendis had a lot of work still so he looked back down and started to lay the formation again. It wasn't long after that that he heard the first person start to yell that they were being attacked but Donny was able to put his trust that the people around them would keep them safe as they worked so he didn't pay any attention to it.

Fendis seemed to be having a hard time doing the same though so Donny got him back to work by saying. "Stop paying attention to that, we have a job to do." He didn't have to say anything more to get Fendis back to work and it wasn't long before they had a formation that was ready to be activated at any time.

Looking up Donny saw the situation around them wasn't really that bad so he didn't join the fight and instead looked to where the golem was. It had completely changed to the point where he was no longer able to tell it had been the golem but it still hadn't reached the top of the wall so they still had some time until they would start moving.

A few minutes passed as he watched both the battle and the golem slowly forming a way for them to get to the top before he heard Rigbis start talking to him. "Go ahead and get into the air we're about to start moving." The mages he was supposed to bring up were already near him waiting so he waved them over before asking Fendis. "Are you ready?"

Getting the nod from Fendis he unsealed the formation and started to lift all of them into the air. Right after they lifted off he heard Rigbis give the order for them to move towards the golem that had finally stretched itself from the ground to the top of the wall. Keeping them in the air above the group on the ground the mages on the platform opened fire and wiped out the undead that tried to get in their way.

Like this they were able to run in a straight line all the way to the wall and start climbing. Donny didn't start going up right away though and kept them near the ground so they would be able to kill any undead that tried to start climbing the metal pathway the golem had transformed into. After a while all of them were on the path upwards and Donny saw the stairs near the bottom disappear.

He guessed the golem, or Rigbis if he was controlling it, didn't want anything to be able to climb up after them and this freed him to start flying them to the top of the wall since they had all safely made it off of the ground.

Once they reached the top of the wall Donny was able to see while they climbed one side of the wall the golem was already making a way down the other side and he realized this was another reason it had been getting rid of stairs people had already climbed. The wall was huge and with the golem only having so much material to work with, reclaiming what had already been used and putting it towards the other side made perfect sense.

Eventually the people in the lead made it to the top of the wall and started to descend towards the ground but Donny didn't go for a landing and stayed here since their job was to watch over the group he planned to only go down once everyone else made it to the ground. He did move them over to the other side of the wall though just in case the barrier came back all of a sudden.

He really didn't want to get trapped on the inside since he was sure whoever was would end up dying in a battle of attrition since they would no longer have something like the fortress to hide in. It was really the only reason they had been able to stay alive while outnumbered so heavily and with the way the Demon worshipers turned every dead body eventually the number difference got wider by the second.

"Have you looked at the new shape it's taking?" Hearing Fendis ask him a question Donny turned and asked. "What?" Fendis was obviously looking back at the city so Donny didn't even need an answer to figure out Fendis was most likely talking about the flesh that had been moving around as they were running.

"It doesn't really look like it's trying to make a new formation and only a few parts are moving inwards towards the top of the city." Donny wasn't surprised to find out the parts of the formation that were still working were stationary since Metal and Earth mana were still gone but hearing Fendis say the flesh was going to the top of the city all he could think of was the Metal Temple which was situated at the pinnacle of the city.

The Temple had apparently already been destroyed so he didn't really get why all of the tentacles would be heading there. His best guess would be that the person controlling them had started to stay in the destroyed temple after they had taken it and was just bringing all the flesh there to do something new with it.

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