The Indomitable Martial King

Chapter 10

[ Chapter 10 ]

At that moment, Repenhardt let out a chuckle. His height currently slightly exceeded 190 centimeters. Small? Compared to his physique in his past life, he was easily a head taller.

However, Gerard believed that as a disciple of Gym Unbreakable, one should naturally exceed 2 meters in height. In reality, Gerard’s own height was 2.5 meters, and Teslon, whom Repenhardt had met in his past life, was over 2.3 meters tall.

“Are you properly practicing the breathing technique I taught you? I make sure you’re well-fed, yet I can’t fathom why you’re not growing any taller.”

In the world of martial artists, especially among martial scholars, physical size is also an important factor in determining combat strength. As such, Gym Unbreakable possessed a unique breathing technique and aura manipulation method that promoted physical growth. It had been over four years since Repenhardt awakened his aura, so he should have easily surpassed 2 meters by now.

Gerard, shaking his head in incomprehension, received an apologetic scratch of the head from Repenhardt.

“It seems to be a matter of constitution, Master.”

“Is that so? Tsk.”

Gerard looked disappointed, but Repenhardt averted his gaze quietly.

‘Are you crazy? Wanting me to grow even more here?’

The truth was, he had not practiced the body growth breathing technique at all. Pretending to do so daily, he instead focused on gathering magical power through magical meditation.

Even now, his height was already 20 cm above the continental average. He had absolutely no desire to grow taller. What he sought was to be a healthy magician proficient in martial arts, not a walking statue.

‘After all, I can’t just give up on the last bit of humanity left in me, Master.’

With a sigh of regret, Gerard stood up. Although disappointed, he, having lived a long life, understood well that not everything in the world goes as one wishes.

‘Small but sturdy is good enough, isn’t it?’

The two moved to the frozen lakeside. The harsh winter cold had solidified the lake, freezing it over with ice more than 1 meter thick.

Standing at the edge of the lake, Gerard gestured to Repenhardt.

“Let’s see the final result then. Begin!”

“Yes, Master.”

Regulating his breathing, Repenhardt took a step forward. Calming his racing heart, he concentrated all the martial enlightenment he had learned into a single fist.

“Calamity Horn.”

With a soft utterance, Repenhardt soared into the air. Then, a golden aura exploded, striking down towards the frozen lake like a meteor.


Repenhardt released his fist, unleashing a series of aura ripples in succession. One, two, three………


Enveloped in four aura ripples, Repenhardt struck down upon the frozen lake. The entire lake shuddered violently as a massive crater formed. The earth trembled, and light converged on his fist.

Woong, woong, woong, woong!

Four thunderous roars echoed as the ripples continuously battered the lake.

Kwa, kwa, kwang!

Giant chunks of ice, as large as houses, soared into the air. The water gushed up like a reverse waterfall, then showered down like rain, reducing the lake’s volume by a third in an instant. Repenhardt, propelled back into the air by the recoil, was filled with indescribable joy.

‘I did it! Quadruple Calamity Horn!’

His face was lit with uncontainable delight. Amidst the cascading water and ice shards, he laughed heartily.


Clap, clap, clap, clap……

For the first time, his master applauded him, affirming Repenhardt’s current realm. He was filled with pride.

Gerard smiled warmly at his returning disciple.

“Good, at this level, you won’t get beaten up anywhere you go.”

If Repenhardt, who can deflect steel swords with his bare body and punch holes through cliffs with his fists, was merely considered safe from harm, then surely, he was not meant for ordinary places.

However, Repenhardt did not dwell on it. Having achieved his goal, he was wholly immersed in the pleasure of success.

Watching his excited disciple, Gerard spoke in a low voice, mixed with satisfaction and a hint of regret.

“It’s about time… to step out into the world…….”

Gerard sat solemnly on a simple wooden platform, carved roughly from logs. Before him, Repenhardt knelt respectfully.

“You’ve worked hard all this time, my disciple.”

Gerard stroked his beard and continued slowly.

“Repenhardt, now that you’ve reached this realm, your life is yours to live. Whether you become a sage or a villain, I don’t care. Live the life you desire. That is the reward for your training.”

In the Gym Unbreakable, unlike other martial sects, there’s no fancy talk about cultivating both martial skills and morality. The philosophy here was straightforward: those who work hard to gain strength are entitled to enjoy their life to the extent of their efforts.

Gerard also, though he spoke in such a manner, did not truly believe his disciple would become a petty villain. After all, it is said that those who know their own pain can understand the pain of others, isn’t it?

‘Our martial sect is unparalleled in deeply understanding our own pain.’

Thus, he had no worries about his disciple’s temperament.

“However, remember these three things.”

Gerard cleared his throat momentarily. It was a new sentiment for him. Sixty years ago, what his master had said to him, he was now saying to his disciple.

“First, it’s good to amass wealth, but as much as possible, do not acquire wealth through injustice.”

Repenhardt tilted his head in confusion.

“What? Even if it’s okay to become a villain?”

Gerard chuckled. How similar they were. He had asked the exact same question when he descended the mountain. It seems people’s thoughts aren’t that different after all.

“If you’re going to be a villain anyway, be a villain with class. If one is to be a successor of our martial sect, even as a villain, one should be a stylish villain.”

‘What a strange philosophy.’

Looking down at Repenhardt, who was inwardly clicking his tongue, Gerard continued.

“Second, as much as possible, stand on the side of those who are wronged. I did say it’s okay to become a villain, but wouldn’t it be better to live a life that is praised?”

As expected, the disciple asked the same question he had sixty years ago.

“The wronged? Not on the side of the weak?”

Gerard smiled warmly and repeated the answer his master had given him.

“Being weak does not necessarily mean being wronged. And in this world, there aren’t many stronger than you; everyone else is weaker. Then, on what basis will you distinguish between the strong and the weak?”

Repenhardt was convinced by the argument.

“And third, this is actually the most important.”

Suddenly, Gerard’s expression turned serious.

“You must never let the lineage of Gym Unbreakable be severed. This is the most important, the greatest duty. You must find a disciple and continue this grand teaching. Do you understand?”

Gerard earnestly emphasized this to his disciple. In fact, the first two were merely add-ons to make it not seem too bland. The truly important duty was only one: to find a disciple and continue the lineage.

Repenhardt nodded seriously.

“Yes, Master. I will surely fulfill it.”

Repenhardt responded with perfect agreement, but his true feelings were a bit different. Honestly, he felt that even if such a vicious teaching were to be discontinued, it wouldn’t be much of a loss.

Moreover, considering the effort Gerard had put into training him, raising a disciple was by no means an easy task. It was not only a matter of enduring hardship, but also of spending a considerable amount of money. However, because of the unconditional affection Gerard had shown him, openly opposing him felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Therefore, Repenhardt inwardly decided to compromise appropriately.

‘If a child with talent appears, and if I manage to rebuild the empire and have some leisure time, then I will consider raising a disciple, master. But I cannot promise anything.’

Gerard laughed heartily, perhaps interpreting his disciple’s expression as a sense of burden for a significant responsibility.

“Ha, there’s no need to take it so seriously. Do you think it’s easy to find a child with the right material? It took me 30 years to meet you. There’s no need to dedicate your whole life to this task. Just live your life, and if fate allows, you’ll come across a child with potential. That’s all I want from you.”

Having said that, Gerard threw a bundle he had by his side.

“Take this. I’ve packed some clothes and a bit of travel money. It should be enough for a while.”

At the mention of money, Repenhardt brightened up and caught the bundle. Then, he discreetly opened the purse inside the bundle. It contained thirty silver coins. At that moment, he was disappointed.

‘Eh? Is this all?’

In truth, thirty silver coins were enough to cover an ordinary commoner’s living expenses for half a year, so it wasn’t a small amount of money. However…

‘With all the wealth you’ve saved up, you could’ve been more generous, sheesh.’

The Gerard he knew was quite wealthy. Since his youth, Gerard had traveled the continent as an adventurer, exploring various ancient ruins and selling the artifacts he found to amass a great fortune. Even in his older years, he didn’t stop managing his investments through various businesses, making this muscular old man one of the top ten richest people in the Vasily Kingdom, despite appearances. He had set up this remote residence to keep his disciple from escaping, but in fact, he owned a splendid mansion in the kingdom’s capital.

Seeing Repenhardt’s dissatisfied look, Gerard chuckled. It was as if he had expected such a reaction.

“You see, when a young man has a heavy purse, he tends to become lazy. If you’re short on money, you’ll find yourself in situations where you need to use your fists, and that’s how your skills will truly improve, isn’t it?”

In truth, Gerard wasn’t particularly attached to money either. However, raising a disciple in the Gym Unbreakable required substantial resources, so historically, all Fist Kings had the duty to diligently amass wealth from their youth.

Indeed, he had already spent more than half of his saved wealth while training Repenhardt.

“Still, 30 silver coins is…” Repenhardt clicked his tongue repeatedly. The cost of the healing bathwater used during training was ten times that amount.

“Just take it, will you? I wish I could give more, but the allowance for disciples descending the mountain is predetermined in our sect. When I descended, it was 25 silver coins. Considering inflation, I’ve given you a fair amount.”

Somehow, as he spoke, Gerard’s tone turned into that of a servant calculating expenses. Stroking his beard, he coughed awkwardly.

‘Anyway, it seems counting coins during a touching descent scene is also a tradition of our sect.’

Regardless, it was a gift, and Repenhardt should be grateful. Packing his bundle, Repenhardt joked with Gerard.

“Aren’t you going to give your departing disciple a gift?”


Laughing heartily, Gerard pulled out a parchment and tossed it. Catching it, Repenhardt asked,

“What’s this?”

It was a map. Intricate mountain terrains were drawn on the parchment with an X marked in the center. The name Setellad Mountain Range was kindly written at the top. The Setellad Mountains were located in the harsh lands of the continent’s northwest.

“If you’re ever nearby, stop by. I’ve prepared a small gift for you there.”


It seemed he wanted to care for his disciple in this roundabout way since he couldn’t provide money.

People are truly wonderful…

Feeling a warmth in his eyes, Repenhardt quickly changed the subject.

“So, what will you do after I descend, Master?”

Gerard’s eyes widened.


Curiosity about what the temporarily stationed master would do next was genuine. Frankly, Repenhardt hoped to avoid meeting him in the world if possible.

Gerard opened his mouth with a relaxed tone.

“Having resolved my life’s duty, I guess I’ll wander the world for a while. And if I see a child with potential, I might take them in and teach them.”

“Our sect has a one-disciple tradition, is it? Are you going to take another disciple?”

“Who said our sect has a one-disciple tradition?”

Upon reflection, Gerard had never made such a statement.

Given the rigor of their training, finding even one suitable candidate per generation would be miraculous. The Gym Unbreakable was actually open to all.

The only requirement was talent. Disregarding character, lineage, family, or wealth, it was, in theory, a very fair sect. It’s just that entrance meant likely death, deterring casual commitment.

“I actually want to spread this excellent teaching across the continent, but everyone’s too frail…”

‘Well, by that standard, there’s not a single person in the world who isn’t frail…’

With a bitter smile, Repenhardt stood up.

It was time to leave.

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