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10 hours ago
[I was reincarnated as an F-class Hunter. …it’s a problem because they don’t treat me... Read more [I was reincarnated as an F-class Hunter.…it’s a problem because they don’t treat me that way.] Collapse Aliens, Carefree Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Cute Protagonist, Dungeons, Evil Religions, Friendship, Guilds, Hard-Working Protagonist, Heartwarming, Hunters, Lack of Common Sense, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Naive Protagonist, Non-humanoid Protagonist, Past Plays a Big Role, Previous Life Talent, Quiet Characters, Race Change, Reincarnated in Another World, Sealed Power, Stoic Characters, Unreliable Narrator, Weak Protagonist It's fun , hero is an alien soul from advanced magic civilization and occupys the body of f-class hunter. And he can't control his facial expressions so he appears indifferent. That creates misunderstandings and comedy. Is it good? What a stupid story don't read it's just waste of time This story is stupid……not even two chapters in and it has pathetic whinging mixed with egomania…. It seems to be common, maybe I'll lookYin Yang dao, balance reigns! What is "Unreliable Narrator" tag means? If you click on tags they can tell you what they mean What's better than winning gold at the Special Olympics?Not being r*tard*d as a mentally disabled person, this is funny