The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

Chapter 179 We All Breathe To Live

A boy was moving his arms here and there to slice as many opponents as he could. Five long blackish-purple chains were also moving around him like chainsaws, splitting anyone that tried to cross into two.

His whole body was covered in wounds, but he was still moving and trying to take down as many as possible. There were so many that the area around him had become like a small mountain of corpses. He used his sword to slash another one, and with a cracking sound, it broke.

He threw it and said, "Shit, another one is gone. I don't have any spare weapons. Let's use these daggers to fight." He tightened his grip on the three daggers before starting to fight again. The place around him had gotten wet from the blood of the monsters. It had been an hour since the start of the battle, but there was no end to it.

The proficiency in using daggers, swords, and chains had increased significantly in the meantime. He suddenly thought of an idea. He attached all three daggers to his chains and started fighting with them.

A shadow of a chain with a dagger attached appeared between the circular tattoo on his back that was shining with a golden glow. He was clumsy at first, but he got used to it with time. He swung the chains in a circular motion once in a while to take care of overwhelming numbers.

The chains moved like sharp rotor blades that hacked anything they touched into two, but despite being so sharp, the chain had not hurt Rishi. He sighed in relief when he first discovered it; these chains were heavier too, but they appeared very light in his hands.

It gave him the same feeling as cutting grass using a fast-moving blade attached to a motor.

The more he used them, the more impressed he got. He kept swinging chains, and the bodies fell. At one time, he was completely bathed in the blood of the monsters, but their numbers were still not decreasing.

It had been one more hour, and even though he was starting to feel tired, his stamina recovery was catching up, but he was losing hope when he looked around. There was no end to them; they were endless black-colored creatures with red eyes and horns.

They had a powerful bite force and equally lethal, sharp claws that dug deep when they pierced the opponent's skin; they were like hooks stuck in the wounds. While their strength was below average, their numbers were overwhelming.

The smell of their blood was also disgusting. It was testing Rishi's stomach's ability to hold back and not puke every second. Even in such a state, when every step he took was above the corpses of these monsters, he used 'regeneration' to regenerate before using chains to jump at another spot.

He couldn't fight at the last spot that was now filled with bodies of these monsters that even had small spikes on their backs that made it very difficult to walk over them, so he swung his chains around in a circular motion and created a place for him to stand.

He stood there and started to fight again. Time passed by, and even his body started to give up. He tried his best and swung his chains around, but it looked hopeless in front of the endless number of opponents.

Until he could see that he only saw the horde, he didn't try to use 'Enhanced Focus,' as this situation could not be solved using the brain. Here, he can only survive by swinging.

More time passed, and his whole body shook; he struggled to keep his eyelids open. His whole body was covered in injuries that were glowing green due to his passive. Thanks to it, he was still standing; otherwise, he would have bled to death.

He took one more breath and swung the chains around with full force to create a space around him. He used mana to summon even more chains and create a trap area. He was now acting as a boss monster and creating his dungeon.

He used his chains to make it extremely hard for more monsters to cross, giving him time to breathe. He could use such a method because he had been saving his mana until now, as using it to cast a skill to take down some monster was wasting it. Instead, he decided to wait for an opportunity to use it more effectively.

This strategy only slowed down the process; it was, at last, only a temporary solution. As more time passed, he was already struggling to face ten to fifteen monsters at once, breathing heavily. His body was scorching from the overwork and asking for rest, but he was trying to convince it that this all would open soon.

This was the first time he faced the horror of fighting an endless horde of low-level monsters. Most of his skills were helpful when facing one opponent, but he was bound to struggle from the start when facing endless enemies.

'Howl,' a monster suddenly appeared out of nowhere and attacked him. It was just about to bite his neck and end all his misery, but a voice came from inside him: "No, I can't give up." He struggled to decide whether to accept this end or do something to live, only to crawl more.

His hands were away from his neck; he knew that he would not be able to move them fast enough in such a tired state. Many thoughts ran through his mind in such a hopeless and dire situation. He could hear whispers of evil spirits laughing and enjoying his fall.

At the last moment, only one thought was in his mind: "I CAN'T LOOSE," "FROM THESE CROCKROACHES NEVER." I need to do something, but what? Everything I knew I had already tried.

I have given it my all. It's all the fault of this situation, and do I really need to survive? Gaia said, "Take down as many enemies as possible before falling. It never said that I needed to survive."

"No," he stomped his legs; a red light shone in the area around him as a will to not give up took over. "I will bring shame to my name if I lose here; I must do something."

The monster was just about to bite his head when Rishi's iris suddenly shone in a never-before blackish-purple color, as did his fingertips. Multiple black ropes came out of nowhere and started pulling the monster.

It tried to struggle, only to find the force of the pull increase. Long black tentacles that looked like creatures of hell came out of nowhere and started to devour the monster. The creature, made up of only tentacles, pinned down the monster, giving Rishi ample time to take care of it.

It went to the monster's corpse and devoured some black mist from it. It grew in size and started crawling to find other prey.

"What was it?" Rishi couldn't believe what he saw: "Was I the one that summoned it, but how?" He activated 'Extreme Focus' and started multitasking. It didn't take him long to get his answers. He laughed like a devil before stopping due to the pain all over his body.

"So, it means I already had enough mastery of my new skill, 'Umbrakinesis,' to call these tentacles. They look evil and disgusting, but it's not like I am here to impress anyone for these bastards; they are the best, but I will need to change how they attack the opponents." His lips curled up as many ideas started popping inside his head.

He experimented a little with the specimen he had just caught, and this new discovery made him forget all his stress and tiredness. He tried using this thing in multiple ways; they made it very easy for him to pin down his opponents, but he was not satisfied. He wanted to find a way that these tentacle-like creatures could use to end their opponents.

He started thinking of ways while swinging his chains in between to take care of any distractions. A weird thought suddenly came to his head: "Even when I and these monsters are different, there are many things that we have in common: we eat, we sleep, and we breathe." His eyes shone light blue as he laughed while repeating, "We breathe to survive."

"If I stop them from breathing, they will die like me." An evil grin surfaced on his face as he wiped the sweat. "What's the best way to make them stop breathing? Will choking work?"

"No, it is not a good idea. The energy cost is high; the opponent should also be weaker." He started to think of a solution when his eyes lit up. "Why choke them when these tentacles can easily block their nose?"

"Yuck, how disgusting!" the words came up when he imagined such a death. "Don't blame me; you deserve this for making my life miserable."

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