The Grand Mudang Saga [Path of the Shaman]

Chapter 122


Each blow is strong enough to knock off a huge rock, but hundreds?

Shooting strong air is called tangang. However, Kang Huan is similar but slightly different. Should I say it’s a bit higher?

Just as when making a sword, iron is folded and folded again to forge it.

Kang Ki is the condensation of swordsmanship, and Kang Hwan is the condensation in that state.

But what if it contains the properties of brain energy?

Jeongmu Chilseong? At least that much.

No, if it was enough to shoot in hundreds, it was a much higher level than that. None of them were difficult, but hundreds were like carpet bombing.

Even if the damn inspiration was strong, it was too strong.


Profanity comes out of nowhere.

Jinmu bent his knees as he watched hundreds of brain spheres pouring down on him.

It was not a situation to save my strength and sleep.

If you delay, you die.

By the time the muscles in his thighs and calves swelled as if they were going to explode and let out a thumping scream, Jinmu threw the sword with all his might, and at the same time, his legs were bent like a bowstring.

Not towards the top of the corridor, but towards the cliff he had turned his back on.

bang! Kwak Kwa Kwak!

Around the place where Jinmu had been, dozens of bullets in a radius exploded and sank at once, and dust clouds filled all directions.

Daerang fell from the air and looked at the scene he had created.

Thunder spirit god Lei Jin (雷陣).

It is his monolithic martial arts.

It was a herbivore that wiped out a wide area at once with hundreds of lightning strikes.

It was a martial art that only he could do in the middle plain.

“Are you too excited? My energy has been exhausted.”

It felt like the Danjeon was temporarily empty.

But I had to stop. Until now, no one has escaped the gin of Brain Ki. It was a waste of pieces, but he must have died in the rocket.

“Stop turning around…?”

The brow furrowed for an instant.


Huge energy surged through the dust.

no way? did you live in it?

Daerang straight away sharpened his strong hand and drew it.


metal sound.

Something hit the water river and bounced off, followed by a huge presence flying toward the side.


Daerang, who had wasted a lot of air power due to a concussion, could not afford to dodge, so he defended by pulling his knees while floating in the air.


Daerang’s body bounced to the floor as the shock pierced his shin.


The eyes of Daerang, who landed on the ground, trembled.

The first thing he struck was a sword imbued with strength.

After stealing his gaze with it, he hid his presence for a very short time before aiming at his side.

“Whoa, whoa… that’s a shame. Damn, it was a blow to conversion.”


Breathing became rough because it was Jinmu that split the energy into two.

The old man is blocking it again. I was quick to notice, so I fought a little when I was young.

“bloke. It’s great to be out there alive. And the strategy just now was very good.”

Daerang’s eyes sank colder than before.

My knees felt cold from the attack just now. It was said that the blow was powerful enough to pierce through the strong air and transmit pain to his body.

When was the last time you felt that you were in pain?

The child of the agreement reminded me of the pain that I can’t even remember now.

“As expected, you are a hindrance. I must kill him.”

A cold chill emanated from Daerang’s body and pressed down on all sides.

damn i knew it

There’s no way they’ll be saved by handing over the gu-gyeol they got from Cheongseong. It must have been the intention to kill him in the first place. Despicable baby.

“I will do my best.”

The moment he opened his eyes, a storm of energy rushed in and the hem of his clothes began to tear as if cut by a knife.

Damn, it seems like I couldn’t inflict any blows and only inflamed my anger.

It was to the point where my skin stung from the feeling of being alive.

It’s not some kind of 10,000-year-old Kyoryong, but what kind of guy’s power is this much?

Even though he exhaled enough energy to explode dozens of sheets, the feeling of energy did not diminish in the slightest.


“Yeah, it should be sorted out. That’s how you feel about fighting!”

When Jinmu stretched out his hand, the sword that had bounced off flew by itself and was caught.

empty space.

Another skill that those who have reached the level of the river can do.

In Jinmu’s opinion, it was a useless waste of internal energy. It was nothing more than a show-off technique used to intimidate an opponent from time to time.

Even so, the reason why I wrote it is because there was nothing I did when I was bluffing.

It is a commitment to oneself and a confidence to show toward others.

I’m not dead yet! You can still do this much!

“Come on! It’s the start of the second round!”

The moment he grabbed the sword, the daerang moved. A huge energy surged like a tidal wave.


When the two energies collide, the explosion sound of the strong energy generated vibrates in all directions.


It only hit once, but Jinmu’s body was pushed back.

The difference in power was clear enough to clearly distinguish before and after. My stomach turned over due to the anti-elasticity, and the pain felt as if my wrist holding the sword would break.

Jinmu’s face immediately turned into a frown.

He’s like an old damn monster!

But I couldn’t stop moving even for a moment. Daerang’s attack, which began to draw out all his skills after receiving the heat, was dangerous as if he were walking on the tip of hundreds of swords.

What’s more, the brain pierced by his energy resonated thrillingly throughout the body, and the goose bumps that rose every time the attack brushed by did not think to subside.

If I didn’t show concentration, I felt like I would collapse in one shot.

The tens of seconds of battle passed in the blink of an eye.

Jinmu was focusing on defense rather than attack. Rather than being shocked by the bounce back, he chose to avoid it.

However, the fatigue accumulated in his body drove him to hell.

okay. It was because of his fatigue that he hesitated for a moment even if he wanted to die.

And that hesitation.


Immediately returned to pain.

fuck this! Do you think you’ll just get hit?

In pain that seemed like he would pass out, Jinmu did his best to draw the sword as if pulling it.


After allowing Daerang to strike, Jinmu’s body landed on one side of the cliff.


Immediately, Jinmu, who fell face down, spurted out black blood.

It wasn’t just congestion, but it poured out the blood that was gushing non-stop.

Dizziness came as soon as the floor he lay on was stained red with smeared blood.

Blocking or dodging was not a problem, but when it hit properly, its power was beyond imagination.

It was only one shot, and I felt like my limbs would be torn apart.

But it was too dangerous to just lie down. In order to prepare for the old man’s attack, which was sure to follow, Jinmu gnashed his teeth and stood up.

However, the vertigo-induced stagger caused her to fall back.

Jinmu stared sharply at Daerang with bloodshot red eyes. I tried to take my eyes off him, but when he took advantage of that gap and attacked, this time was the end.

but don’t attack

The stopped eyes of Daerang were looking at his chest, not at Jinmu.

torn chest. But why is my vision red?

Blood dripping from the corners of his eyes.

A long, vertical sword strike cut through his chest and came up to his face.

Blood seeped into his eyes and stinged.


The wound was not deep.

The skin was opened unsightly, but the depth was shallow.

If it had been deep, he would have lost an eye, let alone a wound in his chest.

Daerang took his hand with an expressionless face and touched the flowing blood.

lukewarm feeling.

Unlike water, your own blood is sticky.

How should I express that feeling?

The moment his sword struck Jinmu’s stomach, Jinmu drew his sword vertically in the tremendous pain.

It must have been instinct. And it must have been the luck created by that instinct that allowed him to scar himself.

“Whoop whoop…”

In the meantime, Jinmu stood up and held the sword again, looking at him.

The youthful strong energy in his sword faded.

The color of the river, which used to be blue, is transparent, revealing the shape of the sword trapped inside.

His energy was weakened due to an internal injury from a blow earlier.

I could tell just by looking at the bloodstains he vomited.

Due to the internal wound, the blood is twisted and the blood is welling up in the throat.

Doesn’t it still run down his mouth and fall to the floor?

He’s clearly holding on to his mental strength.

But what are those eyes? Are you confident you can win? miasma?

“You bastard…”

The thick muscles around the chin of Daerang, who was snarky, showed through.

I will kill you.

I’ll break his head and rip his limbs off.

“Keuk-kuk, are you bitter? hurt. come and see Next time, I’ll cut even deeper into that old bone.”

Even though he is so exhausted that it would not look strange even if he collapsed right away, he smirks to the end.

One of the eyes of Daerang looking at him was bitter.

The blood kept flowing and making his vision red. An unbearable rage surged up in the half-clear and half-red world.

“I’ll pull out your hair!”


The attack of Daerang began again.

Even though he was exhausted, he was dodging like a rat.

If you want to hit it, you dodge it, leave it as it is, and even attack from time to time.

“this guy!”

Daerang’s fist cut through the air roughly, closing the distance in an instant and aiming for Jinmu’s side.

Jinmu, who managed to avoid him, stretched out his head and vomited blood.


Daerang, who had been hit in the face with a fair amount of blood, hesitated for a moment, but immediately kicked his chin.

In the gap where the attack slowed down due to that hesitation, Daerang’s foot brushed past Jinmu’s chin, who quickly leaned back.

The shock that is transmitted intact even if it is brushed.


The ensuing pain gave way to his leg.

As he held on firmly to the floor, holding on to his balance, Daerang’s strong fingers clawed at Jinmu like an animal’s claws.


A handful of flesh from the side is ripped off.

At the same time, Jinmu’s sword drew horizontally.


This time, the sword was opened at the same time as being attacked, so it was a little deeper.

Daerang backed away slightly at the exhilarating pain in his abdomen and straightened his feet.


Jinmu’s body, hit by Daerang’s feet, bounces on the floor several times and then rolls.

Daerang, who had retreated, quickly got down on one knee and grabbed his abdomen.

“…You bastard.”

Blood flowing from his abdomen.

The long wound cut through the skin and damaged the muscles this time.

Daerang glared at Jinmu, his eyes twitching.

“Fuck… I don’t even have the strength to get up anymore.”

Daerang’s face contorted as if he were committing a slaughter at the sight of Jinmu standing up and talking, using his sword as a staff.

“Do you dare to try Yukchamgoldan (肉斬骨斷) against me?”


Seeing Daerang in anger, Jinmu trembled his legs and barely got up and laughed.

The inside of his mouth was covered in blood, and even his smile was grotesque.

“Ha ha ha… I said it. Bone … Benda …. ”

“ …. ”

“ Wow. Because we are still far away.”

Leaning on the sword, barely standing still, he raised his other hand and wiggled.

Actually, it was the last.

I have no strength anymore.

It was only twice. If the attack started again, there was no doubt that they would not be able to avoid it.

Maybe get torn to pieces?

Regret is overwhelming. Did he become a bait for himself by pretending to be a hero when he would have left the world alone to die and jumped far and wide? To the subject who barely survived with the herb of immortality.

But now it’s too late.

The life of a sick man. Don’t even buy it once you sell it.

Jinmu managed to calm himself down and smiled at Daerang.

okay. come and see

just don’t go

It will surely leave more scars.

If you come closer…

Jinmu laughed.

He bit his teeth until they were brittle and raised the corners of his mouth.

At first glance, that arrogant smile planted a seed of anxiety in Daerang’s heart.

It’s a coincidence. But it wasn’t good when coincidences overlapped.

And there was no need to take risks against opponents who could win.

Having made a decision, Daerang used his energy to stop the bleeding from his stomach and chest.

“okay. The desire to beat me to death is like a chimney, but it is all the same.”

Daerang smiled coldly and stepped back. And in his hand, a white brain ball was created before he knew it.

An orb of strong energy with brain energy added.

They intend to destroy Jinmu’s very existence by throwing Kang-hwan like a cannonball.

Oh, no trouble I have no strength to escape.

Jinmu’s face contorted with despair and Daerang’s hand swung.

That moment.

Pew! Puffup!

A riot broke out, accompanied by a continuous, wild explosion.

Maybe reinforcements?

I’m so glad… Huh?

Jinmu’s eyes narrowed as he turned his head.

A happy face breaking through the encirclement of Cheongnangdae and rushing forward waving that long white sword.

It is the current age.

she appeared

Then he jumped towards the river that had flown towards Jinmu.


With the sound of an explosion that shook the earth, Dang Se-ryeong’s body slid for a long time.

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