The Fox Goddess

Chapter 404 Mirel's Wish

"It is so beautiful…" Everyone muttered under their breath as they watch the most beautiful scene they have ever seen in their life. The scene of Ayame, and Serene under the Moon Light while snow were dropping on top of their heads makes it a perfect scene for the beautiful couple. All of them complimented Yuki's brain for being able to come up with such a perfect scene for her Mother, though if they only knew that Yuki was still not satisfied with the scene that they are currently watching, they would be shocked because in their eyes it was already so beautiful and perfect.

Yuki's reasoning for not being satisfied with her work is that she still thinks that it could be better, as she truly believes that nothing in this world is perfect no matter how good that thing is. That is why, when she has the time, she would research more to make the necklace even better.

"Yeah… It is very beautiful. She worked hard for these two pendants, I wonder how much time she used to make these two, and how much work she needed to do to create this scene?" Ayame agreed with everyone's words as she grabbed the two pendants under her palm and placed them near her chest and begin to cry very softly. Serene who saw this simply sighed in her heart as she placed her hand on Ayame's back as a support because it seems that Ayame needed comfort now, especially when she heard her question.

"Serene… Do you think I am worthy to be Yuki's Mother? After all of the things that I have done to her, I was the reason for all of her hardships, pain, and many more that she didn't need to experience in her life. This makes me feel like I am not worthy to be her Mother because of all the sins that I have committed against my daughter. But she still forgave me after all of that…" Ayame said in a slightly broken tone as she sought Serene's comfort and hugged her tightly. Even though she felt like it was not the right moment to be broken, she can't help herself feeling in such a way. Instead of being happy for getting Yuki's acceptance, she only felt guilty and ashamed of herself. If Yuki only knew that this would have happened, she would have not left so early and gone attend to her Mother who was crying just like her daughters right now.

"Goddess Ayame, can I say a word about your current situation?" Mirel asked in a slightly worried way, but he was just as worried as the rest of the people inside. It only took them a few hours to know that Ayame is a kind, and gentle Goddess not like those Gods who were so full of themselves and greedy. Talking to Ayame was very soothing to their heart and they felt like they were at home, but they couldn't muster up the courage to tell that everything is fine because they don't know what she was feeling right now, so they don't have any rights to even say that everything would be alright. But there was only Mirel who mustered up to courage to say something that could make Ayame feel a lot better, which all of them were hoping for.

"Even though I wouldn't be able to understand what you are currently feeling because I didn't experience it myself, I still think that my words can make you understand something. Goddess Ayame, even though you didn't fulfill your job as a Mother when Yuki was young, and that is something that you'll regret, everyone knows that there is no pill for regrets. But that doesn't mean that we won't be able to change the mistakes that we made in the past, right? What we just need to do is to change the present, that is why we continue to live. What I meant is that, you just need to show the love that you weren't able to give to Yuki when she was still young, you can still give it to her even if she is already quite old and mature. No child would be able to ignore their parental love no matter how young or old they are." Mirel for some reason felt very confident about his words as he raised his head slightly more.

Everyone in the room was astonished when they comprehended his words and began to fully understand what Mirel wanted to say. They cannot even refute his words because of how realistic they were, as they soon also begin to connect Mirel's words with their own life. There is no one living in this world that hasn't made any mistake in all of their life because it is simply impossible, no matter how good or competent that person is, they will surely make a mistake that they will regret. But just as Mirel said, there is no such thing as a Pill for regret, but what can they do is learn from that mistake so that they wouldn't be able to do the same thing ever again.

"Yeah… You're right, that is what should I do right now, thank you for your advice. King Dagart. If you ever need my help, I promise that I will come to your aid." Ayame said with a tone full of gratitude as she even lowered her head to thank Mirel which was a very rare sight, to have someone as great as Ayame who was the Goddess of all the Beast in the Immortal Realm bow her head at Mirel something he wouldn't be able to experience again in his lifetime. And the best part is that he even got the Goddess's important promise, it was a promise that everyone can't get no matter how hard they try.

Serene also bestowed a gift to Mirel, but it was not something like Ayame's gift because it was much better than what she gave.

"You are a good man… probably one of the best men I have ever met. And for that… I shall also reward you. You can wish me anything you want, but only three times… it doesn't matter what it is, or how absurd your request is. I shall do it for you. If you want me to revive the dead, I can also do it for you, or if you want to ." Serene smiled confidently, but she wasn't as gentle when she said it. But even so, it still made all of them shocked. Even though they won't admit it loudly, they know the difference between Vantil and Serene, and the fact that Serene is on another level stronger than Vantil is something all of them knew.

"No need to worry. I will keep my promise, think of it as a gift from me for giving a piece of advice to my Wife." Serene said with a smug face as she wraps her arms around Ayame.

While they were having their conversation, Vantil was busy with his thoughts. He was thinking was he should do in his final moments because he can already feel it, he only has exactly 2 minutes left before he passes away. Because when he heard that Serene has the power that revives him once again, he now felt more than ever that he doesn't want to leave yet, though he also know that there is no more reason for him to stay because he has already done everything that he wanted to except for one thing, the thing that he wanted to do the most is impossible so he can only give up on it.

"Then can I use one of my wishes now? If I can, I want Goddess Serene to take my son as a disciple. But please don't worry, my son also controls the Dark Element just like you. If you can full fill this wish of mine, I would be eternally grateful to you." Mirel immediately took this opportunity for Ike because he doesn't want him to be left out by her sister, he doesn't want Ike to be left in Lian's shadow.

"What are you saying, Father!? I am just a lowly Beast who lacks talent in the eyes of Goddess Serene. How can you waste your wish for that?" Ike questioned his Father's sanity, he doesn't know how could he even request something as absurd as that.

"I know, Ike. I requested this for your own sake, but I can understand it Goddess Serene wouldn't be able to do as I requested which I am fine with. But I hope that Goddess Serene can at least find a good Master for my son because I also want him to rise, I don't want him to be restrained by the Mystic Dragon Heaven." Mirel explained which made Ike's refusal to be stuck in his throat.

"Hmm… Just as your son said, I won't easily take disciples because I need to see if they are worth teaching first. So let me ask you a few questions first before I can accept you. First question… Which part of the Dark Element you are good at, is it Death, Shadow, Curses, and Necromancy?" Serene asked in a quite lazy tone, but behind that laziness was a hint of seriousness.

"Ummm… I am more comfortable controlling Shadow, then Nercromancy, Death, and lastly Curses. I don't use those three that much unless I need them, but for the Shadow, I'm fairly good at it." Ike answered with a bit of difficulty because he was a bit flustered after he was questioned by Serene.

"I see… Then answer me this, what kind of weapon do you use, and what is your battle style? Are you the type of person who likes to launch sneak attacks, attack the enemy head-on, or maybe a ranged fighter?" Serene asked once again as she took a sip of the wine which was surprisingly good, so she gulped the entire thing.

"I like to use Daggers and Swords, but I mainly use Daggers to fight because it compliments my battle style, as I would like to launch a sneak attack first and then switch to a more aggressive one using my Sword," Ike answered with a heavy tone as he doesn't have any confidence in himself that he would be accepted being, but deep inside him he was hoping that what he said what enough for Serene to accept him as a disciple, only a stupid person would refuse such an offer to be taught by the strongest Goddess in the Immortal Realm. If he was given the chance, he would capture this one chance and make this his moment to be the person that he wants to be, a person who can show everyone what it is truly to be a part of the Beast Race, a Beast who will trample on anyone.

"Interesting, your battle style is pretty unique if I must say… But let's say your opponent has multiple super-long rage attacks, what will you do in this situation?" Ike felt even more anxious when Serene asked another question which made him stumble. In all of his life, he has never experienced in fighting a long-range enemy because he never had the chance as it was normal for people in the Immortal Realm to be close-range to mid-range fighters. In the Immortal Realm where Magic can be found, long-distance attacks need a lot of precision, calmness, and focus which was already a difficult thing to do, but if you were in a fight where your life was at risk, it is twice as hard because you need to be calm at all times.

"From the look on your face, it seems that you haven't fought someone like that. Young man, if you want to be a great fighter, you need to be very flexible, and knowledgable. You must learn how to quickly adapt and counter every opponent that you will be facing, that is your current weakness. If you fought someone who is at long range distance and if you even think that it would be easy and say that you can just get close to your opponent, but sad to say, you are dead before you can even get close. A person who has a long-range attack practices more than other people, they are very flexible because they can both fight at long-range and close range. Take my granddaughter for example, Yumie is very flexible. She can easily fight in any range which makes her a challenging opponent, and the only reason that she could lose is in an endurance battle, by no means I'm talking about physical endurance as there is no way you can beat a Beast in an endurance battle even if you came from the Demon or Angel Race, the only one who could match with physical endurance with the Beast Race is the Monter. Yumie will lose in the battle of Mana as it is the consequence of her destructive power, but let's be honest with ourselves, will that last long? Of course not, because that can easily be worked around, remember… She is still young, but that is her current weakness, also she is a bit soft, but that will change shortly." Serene explained thoroughly to Ike hoping that her message would get through Ike so that he can understand what she is trying to say to him.

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