The Four Swords

Chapter 143: These Are Your Champions

Chapter 143: These Are Your Champions

Carrion's less than enthusiastic clapping received sideways glances from those around him. Lady Calista forced a smile with eyes that shot daggers at her brother. He stiffened momentarily and squared his shoulders as his clap picked up its pace.

"The first of the two champions for the Clan of Wolves will be our newest swordsman Lord Carrion," Queen Valerie paused for the warm round of applause that filled the room.

Sir Gavin was the first one to reach for Lord Carrion's hand to shake it to honor him. Lord Carrion took it but the handshake was a weak one.

Lady Calista looped her arm through her brother's in what looked like an excitable affectionate squeeze. If I did not know that Cali already knew this news, I would assume that the tournament was a spur of the moment surprise.

"Dear Brother, Queen Valerie honored you. You can put away your sour expression until we speak again at home. Do not embarrass our clan on your first day as its head!" Cali's rushed whisper was forced through smiling teeth.

I barely heard the exchange and I was the closest one to the twins. Brilliantly it looked like words of congratulations given to her brother.

"I know how to conduct myself, sister. I am our Clan's Swordsman afterall!" He bit back with a similar expression painted across his face toward her.

"Good. Act like it." Cali let the matter rest after her final word.

My smile beamed with genuine amusement after hearing Cali handle her brother. Maybe there was hope for this transition in leadership afterall.

Queen Valerie went on to announce Captain Darius as the other champion for the Clan of Wolves. I vaguely remembered that name attached to a man that served as one of the commanders of the forces at the city gate.

Maybe I should ask Sir Gavin if he encountered the Captain there. My cheeks hurt as my smile grew even larger at the thought of asking Sir Balor instead. Surely he had opinions he would not mind sharing.

The champions for the Clan of Stag were announced next. Sir Gavin gave Lord Jacobson a forceful congratulatory pat on the back that almost made Jacobson lose his footing. Sir Gavin truly was a frenzied puppy, happy for anyone and everyone around him.

Sir John received his own round of applause that seemed more fevered than the ones before it. I think the group of courtiers around my mother led that cheer.

My Clan, the best clan, was honored next. Agnar, who I found near the back of the hall, took the cheers in his name with a polite nod to the room. The Clan of Bear would be honored by him and Benate no matter the final outcome.

Finally, the Queen announced the Clan of Falcon. Lord Jacobson returned Sir Gavin's pat on the back with a little less enthusiasm. Sir Balor's father was named the final champion for this tournament.

I had not had the pleasure of personally meeting Sir Chalmers but I hoped he was more like his brother than his son. Only time would tell.

"Prepare for three days of festivities. The first round of sparring with the sword will be held on the first day." The Queen announced.

I saw my charges straighten with rapt attention. They wanted to know more about the specifics.

"The tournament roster is as follows. Sir John will face Captain Darius. Sir Benate will face Sir Chalmers. The winners of these matches will face each other on the second day." Queen Valerie proclaimed.

I heard Sir Balor huff under his breath. I tried not to take offense at the fact that he thought my ragamuffin of a brother was beneath facing his titled and wealthy father.

"If you prefer, Sir Balor, the Clan of Falcon and the Clan of Bear can face each other right now? My sword is willing. Or my mother is around here somewhere." I offered while most of the hall applauded the Queen's announcement.

SIr Balor ducked his head and left my challenge unanswered. His eyes darted around the room as if he really was afraid of my mother appearing.

"The first day will conclude with two more matches. Lord Carrion will face Sergeant Agnar." Polite applause filled the air. "Finally Sir Gavin will face Lord Jacobson."

The two final competitors looked at one another. Lord Jacobson looked like he might have a hint of gnomish blood in him. Although I do not think he could prophecy anything besides his own fate in that match.

Gavin held out his hand to his opponent. "It is my honor to cross swords with you."

"Likewise" Jacobson squeaked out.

"Please join me once more in honoring all of our champions as they rally our troops." Queen Valerie lifted her glass in a toast once more.

After this toast, the courtiers knew they had been officially dismissed. Carrion was caught by well-wishers as they funneled out of the hall. It gave the rest of my babysitting charges and myself a nice reprieve.

"Princess Alina, thank you once again for the hospitality you have shown in opening up your home for the celebration of Lord Carrion. Although he is rather occupied right now, I am sure Lord Carrion shares my sentiments." Sir Gavin bowed in respect.

Princess Alina's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. Before she could reply, someone else did.

"I am not sure he does, but he should," Lady Calista let slip before her hand covered her lips. She looked for a way out of what she said. "What I meant to say was..." She trailed off without finding an easy way to cover her faux pas. "Sadly exactly what I said."

Sir Gavin laughed in a sickeningly charming way. This man has too much charisma.

"Your honesty is a breath of fresh air, Lady Calista. I hope you never lose that spark. Good day, Ladies. Swordsmen." Sir Gavin bowed one more time before turning on his heel.

Sir Balor slightly bowed his head in acknowledgement of other people in the room before turning to follow his cousin.

I typically thought it was Sir Gavin following Balor around to keep his plump relative from trouble. It was nice to see Sir Balor grow in self-awareness rather than just around the waist. It was best for him to stick around his cousin.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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