The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 254

[Side Story] Wind Flower (4)

There are many stories of people who loved someone they could not get over.

We all know that love that transcends social status and ends in a romantic, happy ending is only possible in fairy tales.

Yenica Failover realized this a long time ago. Reality is a series of times that are more obvious than expected, have no twists, and pass by in a dull way.

Even the highlights you encounter once in a while are only brief, and life is mostly made up of obvious stories and mediocre times.

Therefore, your love story will also end with an obvious conclusion.

Unlike fairy tales that end a turbulent life story with an irresponsible line like “I lived happily ever after,” and make you close the book in ignorance… Yenika

Palover’s life, as always, is filled with the occasional highlight and most obvious moments. lira.

I loved a man named Ed Rosstaylor.

Although my life was short, I can still feel it. No matter how many more years I live, I will never think of someone so passionately again.

The experience of loving someone like fire will serve as nourishment for a long life and make Jenica a more mature person.

Even if it’s a love that doesn’t come to fruition, it will remain in a corner of your heart and allow you to recall that you have ever thought of someone so passionately.

Actually, isn’t that enough?

That’s how Yenica Palover decided to have a heartbreak. Although I am not conscious of it myself.

I had a feeling that the days of living in the Duchy of Rosstaylor and being by his side would inevitably come to an end someday.

The absurd act of ending a romantic relationship on one’s own because one is so scared of a heartbreak that hasn’t even come yet. The reason for doing such a thing is obvious. Because I know Ed Rosstaylor’s situation well.

Yenica Palover knows what Ed must sacrifice to have her.

If Ed made up his mind and made all the sacrifices to take Jenica, it would be a truly happy day. But you can’t blame him for not doing so.

If you love him, you can be stubborn.

If you want to keep me by your side, whether it’s political gain, connections, authority as an aristocrat, busy professorship, whatever… just put it aside.

If you want something from a woman named Yenica Palover, all you have to do is make a sacrifice appropriate for it, look after yourself more, take care of yourself, and force her to hug you from time to time. Ed Rothtaylor probably won’t be able to resist.

However, Yenica Failover was born with a nature that prevented her from doing so.

She doesn’t want to force Ed Rothtaylor to make any kind of sacrifice. Especially because I know very well what kind of life he has lived and what kind of life he plans to live in the future.

That is why the girl wanders. The love that has been cherished for a long time is as if stranded on a deserted island, with no direction to move forward.

Sometimes you feel disillusioned with yourself because you are satisfied with just being by your side.

‘…I need to pull myself together…’

After finishing the sesshin, Yenika put on a light gown and tied the front island tightly. Then, while looking in the mirror, I shook off the moisture from my hair and made up my mind again.

‘I was distracted by sleeping in the same room for a while, but I shouldn’t be confused… I have a role to play…’ Just because

Ed Rosstaylor gives you special treatment, you shouldn’t mistake yourself for being a special and noble person.

Even though she was grateful to Ed for letting her, who had nowhere to go, into her room, her heart was pounding with anticipation when she couldn’t help it.

Due to Ed’s personality, there would be no need to touch Yenika. In fact, it was highly likely that Yenika was the only one playing the drums and drumming, as always, and was nervous.

Jenica pursed her lips tightly as she looked at her cheeks, which were as red as blush.

Although he had just graduated from Sylvania Academy, he had already become an adult. How long are we going to keep blushing, rolling our eyes, and being scared by things like this?

I didn’t really decide to go to sleep, I just gave him a bed in the room.

It is very shameful for a grown woman to stammer, blush, and suffocate because she is ashamed of even that one thing. It’s not like I can stay under Ed’s care forever.

So, I steeled myself and washed my face again.

“Yes, it was good..”

The heat on my face, which seemed to be on fire, has subsided and I finally feel like I have regained my composure.

For no reason, I look in the mirror and try to smile like an adult. At this point, it doesn’t feel like a mugwort vein at all. This is the very image of an adult who treats men with composure.

Yenika took advantage of that momentum and quickly opened the bathroom door. I think I can treat Ed without any worries now.

“Have you washed everything?”

– Boom!

However, when she saw Ed sitting on Yenika’s bed, shirtless and wearing only cotton pants… Yenika had to slam the bathroom door shut again.

I barely managed to handle the nosebleed by holding the bridge of my nose and had to pour cold water on my face again for a long time.

*“I’m sorry… Ed… I didn’t know you were changing.”

Jenica came out toward the bedroom, her face so flushed that it almost looked like she had been smeared with red paint.

However, even though Yenika came back into the bedroom, Ed was still topless.

“Oh, I haven’t changed yet…! Sorry! “I’ll be inside for a moment, so call me when you’re done.”

“No, you don’t have to go. “Just come here and sit next to me.”


What? I tried to answer, but my breathing got caught and I made an unintelligible sound.

Since he was in no position to consider Yenika, whose brain was overloaded right now, Ed had no choice but to add an additional blow with the next line.

“I wasn’t changing, I just took it off.”


Yenika had already stopped breathing here, so it would not be surprising if she died of suffocation.

He nodded his head a couple of times, thinking it wouldn’t be surprising if steam came out right away, and then he just walked out as Ed told him and sat down next to him.

“…without losing?”

The sound of my heartbeat went beyond the pounding level and reached the point where it was even ringing in my ears. I almost missed Ed’s words for a moment.

“Yes?! what?!”

“Wasn’t it cold?”

“huh! The weather is warm too! “I actually liked the cold water because it kept me alert!”

I was nervous for no reason, so the tension was higher than necessary.

It seems like he wants to emphasize that there is nothing wrong with me. Usually, there is no good person who takes that kind of attitude.

“Then that’s a relief. “Anyway, since this opportunity has come, there is something I really want to say to you, Yenika.”

“Yep! say! “Tell me everything!”

Yenika had already become a complete yes man.

Enclosed space. We promised to spend one night together. Ed takes off his shirt and sits on Yenica’s bed. Yenika is sitting next to him, wearing only underwear and a gown, her head red and her breathing catching her breath.

In this state, it is impossible to think anything more or use your brain. Yenika was that kind of person.

“…I’m saying this somewhat seriously. From your perspective, it may feel natural or unexpected, but… I’ll tell you this clearly.”


Ed pulled the edge of the bed sheet for a moment and then just spoke in a flowing rhythm.

“I think I like you anyway. “In a rational sense.”

Yenica Failover’s breathing stopped.

Dead. Jenica Palover died at the age of 21.

Ed Ross Taylor dies of shock due to a heart attack caused by his sudden confession.


It felt like I lost consciousness for a moment and then came back. Was it 3 seconds or 5 seconds?

Yenika’s mind, which had been in a state of panic for a moment to the point where it felt like she had died and returned, quickly returned to its proper place.

“What what…”

“I said I think I like you rationally.”

“Oh, no, I heard it, but why… uh… uh, why… the saliva…”

Unable to shut her mouth, drool came out, and Yenika sniffed and quickly came to her senses.

“I’m sure you had an intuition to some extent. “How many years have you been in trouble?”

“No, that’s true, but… there is a gap between Ed and I… Ed is the duke’s master, and I am his vassal and only received the title of baronet…” “

Yeah… I didn’t expect you to talk like that. “I did it…”

Ed spoke with his head down for a moment.

“…That’s right, from my perspective, I have nothing to say even if I get dumped.”

“What? What are you talking about! Don’t interpret this strangely! It’s not cold! It’s not cold, so don’t jump to conclusions too hastily, but we need to talk about it first! Do not misunderstand! I’m definitely checking it because it’s important, but it’s not really cold! “I didn’t kick it!”

“If it’s not filled, then…”


Yenika, who was out of breath every chance she got, spoke while covering her face as if she couldn’t handle the heat on her face.

“Eh Ed… something big happened…”

“What? why?”

“I can’t control the corners of my mouth… just give me a moment. I think I’m making a really funny and insincere expression that doesn’t fit the mood right now…”

“…Slow down.”

Jenica lowered her head and buried it between her white thighs.

What is this feeling that has been creeping up my back since a while ago? I don’t know what to call this, but this subtle sense of coolness, catharsis, and heat is something I’ve never felt before.

I try to express happiness in such a lumpy way, but it feels like something is missing. I don’t think it would be strange if I ascended to heaven right now, feeling my heart pounding so much that even my breathing became difficult.

“But there is a problem.”

Ed’s words fell on Yenika’s back, who was trying to make a sound out of her tied neck out of happiness.

Uncharacteristically for that guy, he hesitates and avoids eye contact… and continues speaking with difficulty in an odd tone.

“Maybe you’re not the only one who likes it…”

The world stopped.

Yenika, who was trying to somehow pull down the corners of her ascending mouth, became as stiff as stone.

Then, he raised his head stiffly and looked at Ed with widened eyes.


“Well… listen… Yenika… there is a saying called heroic sensuality… I am not a hero, but even so, I am a duke’s master and have achieved quite a lot.”

“Uh huh….”

“How can a large ship settle in only one port? Any man with great courage must have countless experiences and cultivate an inner spirit that can embrace many people…”

For Ed Ross-Taylor, there are a lot of rumors. It feels strangely different from how he always spoke calmly and straightforwardly.

I couldn’t help it. Even though I had experience with women before becoming possessed by Ed Ross Taylor, I have never done such a trash thing as openly declaring to my partner that I was going to cheat on him.

Ed spoke while turning his head.

“Isn’t it possible that we might fall in love with another woman rationally again…”

“What do you mean…!”

“I come from the Rosstaylor duchy, so there must be quite a few women who try to get involved with me or try to get in touch with me… Anyway, I hang out with them socially and then we make eye contact… That’s a common occurrence in aristocratic society. At that time, I thought, “Isn’t it a bit wrong to hurt you, Yenika?” In a way, it’s like being considerate of you…” That’s

sophistry itself.

However, even though Ed Rothtaylor knew that this was an absurd thing to say, he somehow continued the story.

“So… if something like that happens, would you be able to understand and forgive… that question… I wanted to give it a try…”

Here, Ed Rosstaylor braced himself, thinking that Yenika was going to slap him.

I also thought about how I would respond if someone cried or cursed. Anyway, no matter what Yenica did, Ed was ready to accept it.


Yenika raised her head like that… and had a surprisingly faint expression on her face.

It’s been almost four years since we first met at the lake in the northern forest of Aken Island when we were second-year students in Sylvania.

After overcoming many hardships, living together, and even becoming vassals… Yenika had a deeper understanding of who Ed was than anyone else.

Are there all these trash people? You might think it’s time to yell and slap him, but…

Yenica Palover ended up completely understanding Ed’s intention in saying those words.

The man named Ed Ross-Taylor is not greedy, nor is he interested in stretching out his horizons, nor is he interested in chasing after other people. I am definitely not the kind of person who would say something like that.

Nevertheless, the reason Ed Rosstaylor said such words is because he deeply understands Yenica Palover.

Ed knows very well the sense of debt and burden she would feel when a person named Ed Rosstaylor took the Yenica Palover at the cost of self-sacrifice.

I don’t want Yenica, who had the experience of collapsing under that heavy burden once, to experience the same thing twice.

That’s why Ed himself called himself trash.

Rather than forcing the burden on Yenika by making sacrifices, Ed lowers his head, accepts the criticism, and puts himself in a position to be forgiven.

Jenica Failover does not become a debtor who owes a lot to Ed, but becomes a person who understands and forgives Ed’s vice and debauchery.

Because he well understood how much weight that in itself could remove from Jenica’s heart… Ed did not bother to take care of things like social prestige. Among nobles, there are many people who play with fire with commoners. Are you saying that you can handle that level of gossip?

I don’t really think that responsible Ed would embrace multiple women at once. This is because he is serious in everything he does and treats everyone he deals with with sincerity. There is no reason for such an upstanding man to want to commit debauchery.

At least Yenica knows Ed’s temperament well. He was always the type to focus on what he had to do rather than on romantic relationships.

Let’s not forget whether the people around Ed will stay still… We

don’t know how the situation will change in the future… Let’s put that aside for now…

Even the fact that things in the world don’t always go as expected… Putting it all aside…

First of all, the consideration that Ed gave to Yenika actually brought tears to Yenika’s eyes. There are a few things I left aside, but whatever.

“Ed. “Don’t try to take responsibility for my feelings even if it means putting yourself down.”

Ed was speechless for a moment as Yenika’s words penetrated to the core.

I at least thought that Yenika would have questions about Ed’s actions.

Still, since it was such a shocking declaration, I thought it might first be viewed with disdain. However, Jenica had a deeper understanding of Ed than expected.

I am not a person who plays with people’s hearts for no reason.

Since that firmly established trust cannot be shaken, there is actually no reason for Ed to do anything other than risk being stigmatized.

In the end, it is nothing more than a futile attempt.

─But no one could have imagined that such a futile attempt would lead to unexpected developments. Neither Yenika nor Ed.

In the end, their relationship is close to tying each other up with mutual respect and consideration intertwined like a spider web.

Ed is worried about Yenika’s heart, and Yenika is worried about Ed’s heart… If one of them makes up their mind, their relationship is bound to change completely.

“Okay then… okay Ed.”

Yenica, who eventually read Ed’s entire intention, swallowed dry saliva and shouted as if making a declaration.

“If you’re that trash, be trash!”

Could it be that Yenika was also affected by Ed’s strong mind? Jenica made up her mind, grabbed Ed’s arm, and fell on the bed.

I felt like I had used up all my courage just by pulling Ed close to me while taking a deep breath.

When I came to my senses, I felt Ed’s arm supporting my body around the nape of my neck.

The front island that has been unraveled. When I think about my chest and buttocks that are clearly exposed, I already feel so feverish that I feel like I will pass out.

The cool night air rushing in from the window touches Yenika’s bare skin and sweeps down her body. Even the late summer night air feels as cold as ice due to her body temperature rising to its limit.

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