The Extra of The Lunerra

Chapter 265 Volume IV - Chapter 110: Other Self's Test

265  Volume IV - Chapter 110: Other Self's Test

The only thing illuminating the darkness of the night was the small night light in the room. I was on a bed, squinting at the white ceiling.

It had only been a few hours since I started hearing voices in my head. It was the first time I was going to sleep and... the voices echoing in my head were talking among themselves without paying any attention to me.

Maybe I wasn't the person I saw in his eyes, but his memories... at least his thoughts, were as clear and crisp as if they were me.

'Can he bear it?'

To the voice that sounded as if hundreds of people were talking at the same time, another voice, the same but more feminine, answered.

'We'll see.'

My eyes closed slowly, as if I didn't care about these voices. I took a deep breath as my body slowly surrendered itself to sleep, preparing myself for something I didn't even know what it was.

Eventually everything went dark, even the little sounds I could hear stopped. But I did not have a dream, nor did I suddenly open my eyes to the next morning, as is often the case. Instead... I found myself in a dark place.

At first, I didn't understand anything, I tried to use my newly acquired 'ability' to understand where I was, but when no information flowed into my mind... I just stood there.

I slowly turned around, looking around in the hope of finding something... I involuntarily paused when I saw what was right in front of my eyes.

It was a lonely figure, white but not giving off any light, standing in the dark nothingness as if it shouldn't belong here. It resembled a human being, but it was much more than that, I could tell just by looking at it.

But that was not the main thing. The important thing was... that even though it was completely white, even though I could see nothing but this color, I knew that it was looking at me. He may not have had eyes, but he was looking at me, and it was hard, even impossible, not to tremble in the face of my whole being.

"Oh... is it you this time?"

His voice sounded like one of those voices I had heard in my mind that sounded as if it was made up of hundreds of people. Yet it was much deeper, much calmer, and... emotionless.

"Do you know why you are here, child?"

I barely nodded my head from side to side, while the 'being' in front of me continued in the same monotone.

"Then I'll tell you."

For the first time he did something other than stand still. He slowly raised his hand upward and then pointed it at me.

"You are here to survive."

With those five words, all the darkness seemed to lighten in an instant. The body of the being in front of me suddenly scattered in every direction I could and could not see and surrounded me.

'You have to do this every night, every second you sleep. Otherwise, your body cannot handle the 'ability' you have gained.'

Instead of hearing his words directly with my ears, this time I heard them in my whole mind, just like the other beings like him... But I didn't have a second to focus on it.

My mind suddenly released all the thoughts and... knowledge it had suppressed until now. I couldn't even scream as my head felt like a balloon inflating and bursting while I was still alive. An external force suppressed it from the outside, as if it was not allowing this balloon to grow and burst.

The pain spread from my head to my whole body in an instant. I saw different colors appearing around me, and even though the tears in my eyes were blocking me, they were so clear and crisp that it was impossible not to see them.

One was transparent, colorless. It didn't seem to have a shape, it was hard for me to even see it, but among the other colors it was both visible and strangely... felt.

Next to it were two colors that seemed to be in harmony with each other. One was a bright purple and the other an equally bright blue. They seemed to be opposing each other, trying to outdo each other, but at the same time they were in harmony.

One of the last two colors was yellow. Independent of the other colors, it flowed here and there, never stopping, speeding up, or slowing down. It resembled a river, a stream, each particle of water flowing at the same speed. A gigantic current...

The last color was a shade of gray. It looked like smoke, in fact, it looked like a... fog. It was almost non-existent, but it was there, I could see it.

Even as the colors became visible to me, my vision quickly blurred and darkened because of the pain in my body.

'Don't, or you will die.'

His voice echoed in my mind more clearly than ever. All I could do was grit my teeth and bite my tongue as the pain intensified with each passing second and my mind was flooded with knowledge I couldn't even distinguish properly.

I actually thought about giving up, I would rather die if I was really going to go through this every time I slept like that white being said. But I held on to life, I embraced it as hard as I could.

or a place to be on.


Standing where I was, panting and sweating, I involuntarily put my hand to my heart. I felt it pushing Because there was someone I didn't want to leave alone. There was someone in this world that I would never see again and the thought of it was frightening.

And that's when something different happened. I felt as if some of the whiteness that surrounded me had entered my body, and in addition to the pain that coursed through my whole body, there was a searing heat.

I felt that something was leaving me, that I was losing something but at the same time gaining something else, accompanied by the burning heat.

Finally, an intense sensation shook my whole being, as if a strap stretched to its limit had snapped. The pain only intensified.

Then... I started to see things. Things I should never have seen as a human being.

The first one- or the most important one, was the countless chains... some broken, some intact... that encircled the whole world, the universe... they were entangled with each other, they existed with each other.

And just looking at them made my pain many times worse.


My eyes flew open, I felt like I was going to jump out of my place, but I didn't have a bed to jump out of or a place to be on.

Standing where I was, panting and sweating, I involuntarily put my hand to my heart. I felt it pushing against my rib cage, almost as if it was trying to leave my body along with my lungs.

The dream or memory, whatever it was, was over, but the pain I felt... it was in my mind. It was impossible to forget. It was a level of pain that I thought I would never feel in my life, there was no way I would ever experience something like that again.

I swallowed, I took deep breaths to calm myself down, not caring where I was or what my situation was.

It went on like this for a while. For who knows how many minutes in absolute silence and darkness, all I could do was calm myself down. Finally, when I thought I had calmed down enough, I let out a deep sigh for the last time.

I looked around, I couldn't see anything, and when I looked behind me, I finally realized where I was.

Right behind me, not far from me, there was a huge blue flame. I was where I was before I had that strange dream, that memory, and my wiera side was nowhere to be seen.

I squinted, clicked my tongue.

There is so much in the background that I don't know, so much I need to investigate... Every time new memories appear but I can't make out what they mean, the past seems more and more strange and mysterious.

I stood up slowly, my eyes fixed on the huge blue flame. Then I remembered something else.

The test... that's right, I was here for a test, I have to take care of this first.

I pushed the thoughts aside, as I always did whenever I came across something related to the Tenebra Family's past.

Yet I was also aware that I couldn't ignore it all the time.


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