The Extra of The Lunerra

Chapter 234 Volume IV - 79: Famous in a Bad Way

Chapter 234 Volume IV - Chapter 79: Famous in a Bad Way

It was nothing short of a miracle that for two minutes we had avoided the attacks of the black armored dwarf non-stop, keeping him occupied and suffering no casualties

But... at the end of those two minutes, it was not difficult to understand that he had decided to put an end to it as if he had grasped our purpose

The black-armored dwarf smiled after completely dampening a lightning attack aimed at him with a shield around him. He quickly glanced around and without wasting time, he stamped his foot hard on the ground

Realizing he was going to do something, I moved quickly, spotted the dwarf he was looking at, and rushed to protect him, but something unexpected happened.

I was always in his blind spot, always keeping my distance, so he couldn't focus on me with three people attacking him all the time.

Nevertheless, as I was approaching him again from his blind spot, his eyes suddenly turned to me, and a slight disgust appeared on his face as if he had seen an annoying fly hovering in the air. Then the ground trembled violently.

The earth beneath my feet suddenly split open, and I had no choice but to block the stalagmite that rose with tremendous speed through the rift with the winds created by Sith using my mana and my sword. In the same way, other stalagmites appeared in front of the others.

This brief moment was enough for him. When the black armor ensured that no one could interfere with him, he quickly lunged at his main target, the dwarf.


The dwarf didn't even have a chance to move.

No, he had... He managed to dodge the black armored man's spear before it entered his heart, but he was too slow compared to his opponent.

The black armor simply dropped his spear into the air and grabbed the shoulder of the dwarf, who quickly dodged his attack.

As the spear liquefied in the air and became part of his armor again, he placed his free hand on the chest of the dwarf he was sure could not move.

As his hand sliced through the dwarf's chest as if he were wearing no armor at all, he did not stop and reached for the dwarf's heart. Then he ripped it out.

No one cared as the dwarf's lifeless body fell to the ground and they attacked again. They deliberately ignored him. They didn't have the arrogance to do so. The slightest slowness would have caused a sudden death here and now.

The dwarf assigned to my side moved to support them this time. They were aware that they had to attack the black armor with a minimum of three men. However, it was also clear that someone still had to stay outside.

So, as the one on the outside, I was the first to realize what would happen next.

"Stop! Stand back!"

They heard me, and they stopped immediately. Still, it was not something they could have prepared for, they could not have avoided it on their own.

"Follow the flow!"

While they were still trying to understand what was happening, I thought quickly, I didn't even try to use mana, I just thought in such a way that these thoughts would instantly reach Sith, who were far more skillful than I was.

Sith executed everything in my mind simultaneously and created a stream of air that helped the dwarves. They understood it and tried to move along it.

It was too late for everything, though.

Four robots, about two and a half meters tall, were on top of them in an instant.

The air currents I created worked for them, but they couldn't save them. It only caused them to suffer wounds that caused them immense pain instead of instant death.

Their bodies were ripped apart, the sharp and pointed weapons of the robots either taking a piece of them or inflicting massive wounds on their bodies.

I could do nothing but stare at them, my eyes widening, as each of them collapsed to the ground, screaming in pain.

"I'm wonderin', why are ya on the northern side?"

The dwarf in black armor spoke casually, approaching me with slow steps as the opponents he had just fought all groaned in pain on the ground.

I gritted my teeth. It wasn't hard for him to understand that I was alone now and what kind of situation I had gotten myself into.

"South pays them mercenaries a wee sum, so why are ya fightin' for the northerners? Especially when they don't trust anyone but themselves."

I didn't answer, I looked around for a quick inspection and that's when I realized what had happened.

How had we not realized this? Had the battlefield really changed so fast?

We... had already been overtaken.

We were so focused on the dwarf in black armor that we didn't notice that the enemy kept advancing, slowly passing us. While we had been fighting where we were, our soldiers had been pushed back so that we were gradually caught between the enemy.

Now there was no one left to help us. From the sounds of the battle going on behind me, I could tell that many of the vanguard support units were in the field, but they were of no use because they couldn't get close to us.

I was among the enemy, again.

South Holar soldiers were all around me, again.

I was alone and there was no one to help me, again.

'Calm down and think, Aiden. Leave your back to me, we can't be helpless like last time.'

At Sith's words, I gritted my teeth even more, squinted my eyes, and looked at the black armor.

Neither he nor the other robots seem to be attacking me.

I can still buy more time.

"Because I don't bring carnage wherever I go, unlike you."

I gripped my sword tightly, trying to plot a course so that I could escape as fast as possible in case of any movement.

"Ahaha- Hmm, oh?"

Just as he was about to laugh, he paused and looked at the space in front of him as if he was reading something. His face became more and more puzzled with each passing second.

"Aiden, eh? Well, I didn't know it was ya causin' us all this trouble."

I smiled slightly, squinting my eyes.

"So I'm famous, though not in a good way, I guess."

He looked me over slowly, grinning, a slight look of disappointment on his face.

"And yet... Ye look feeble."

"Take off the armor and let's test it, shall we?"

"No, I'll be passin'."

With that, he stepped back slightly on his left foot. Then, suddenly, I got goosebumps all over my body.

"Why? Are you so insecure, afraid of what will happen to you without your precious armor? I'm here, waiting."

I tried to prolong the conversation a little longer. I didn't get an answer, on the contrary, I saw my opponent disappear from where he was.

I shielded myself with my sword and quickly took a step to the right.

My opponent's hand, which was outstretched to tear me apart, shot toward where my left shoulder had just been, but he quickly braked himself and attacked with his other hand.

This time he met my sword, which I had previously shielded, and tried to catch it, but just then the image of the sword broke and blurred.

There was a visible look of confusion on his face, he didn't know where to grasp the sword in order to catch it.

'We have to run, Aiden! Don't even think of fighting him!'

'I know!'

I quickly used the opportunity I had created, quickly built a wall of flame between us, blocking his view, and then, with Sith's help, I tried to fly back at tremendous speed.

My feet left the ground, I was about to fly at full speed toward our retreating ranks. Yet just when I thought I had escaped, I paused involuntarily, felt a force pulling at my feet, and then saw a single arm emerging from the wall of flame I had created.

When the arm covered in black armor pulled my foot back with great force, neither my strength nor Sith's mana was enough for me to escape.

My whole world turned upside down in an instant. Whereas a few seconds before I had been looking up at the sky, this time the ground covered in blood and dust was in front of my eyes.

I didn't even have a chance to close my eyes. I slammed into the ground so hard that the sound of my bones crunching echoed in my ears. The pain that enveloped my whole body from head to toe was so intense that I couldn't even scream.

"Where are ye runnin' off to? The fun's just begun."

The word 'fun' started spinning in my mind, and a momentary fear gripped me. Memories from the past reflected in my eyes.

The crown on my head slowly dissolved into the atmosphere and the dark teal particles emanating from my body disappeared. Sith's body appeared in front of me.

'Just a little more patience Aiden, please...'

I heard Sith's voice but I didn't care. I tried to stand up but my broken bones wouldn't let me. Reflexively I tried to crawl, but as I was about to do so, the spear pierced my shoulder and the pain that spread throughout my body was multiplied as I was pinned to the ground.

'A little more... A little more... Come on, damn it!'

Sith began to curse, and I saw his hovering body look in one direction and remain still. Like he was waiting for something.

"Are you coming with us-"

"Ah, sorry to interrupt... He's comin' with me."

My head slowly lifted up as a single, dull voice suddenly interrupted every sound in the world.


I saw a dwarf, gliding through the air with his hands behind his back, landing slowly on the field.

He was looking toward us, toward me. I couldn't make out his face because my vision was blurred, but I was sure.

"Who are ye?"

The dwarf with black armor asked in a serious tone, taking a battle stance in an instant. The dwarf floating in the air answered him calmly.

"You'll learn."

The dwarf raised his right hand behind his back and slowly moved it to his left, and then the whole area lit up as if a new sun had risen.

A huge round rune, almost fifty meters in diameter, appeared in the sky.

Then the dwarf gently withdrew his hand to the right.

All the sounds I could hear up to that moment disappeared, drowned out by an extremely loud ringing sound.

Immediately after that, the whole world suddenly turned white.

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