The Duke's Passion

Chapter 223 - Your Husband Is Really Amazing

Chapter 223 - Your Husband Is Really Amazing

Since the Bearers couldn't help but react to their weapon's wish, Sam's training centered on killing him. Yes, my husband had to face assassination attempts whilst telling — those same people who wanted him dead — about the strong point of their divine weapons.

"Uhm." I awkwardly raised my hand, catching Sam's attention while he was in the middle of blocking Charlotte's surprise attack. "You haven't taught me about my Lakresha, sir," I said, raising my brows cluelessly.

This had been the third day Sam started training the third squadron, and he had been very focused on honing Charlotte and Ramin's skills; Kristina was tasked with a special mission under Rufus' orders. Meanwhile, Sam only told me to observe first. His advice gave me these mixed emotions. Was he going easy on me? Because I'm his wife?

Sam smiled until his eyes squinted into a curved. "Just observe first." I frowned at his reply, it was the same response just like the past two days. I didn't move from my spot on the side of the training grounds.

"Your Grace! Are you giving Lilou a special treatment?!" Charlotte hollered, swinging her bow like a sword which Sam blocked it with his wooden sword. As her bow trembled against the wooden sword, Charlotte whisked out an arrow from behind her and shot Sam at a close distance.

"Wa… it." I trailed off as I held my breath. Charlotte's movements were quick, and her quick-thinking and fast reflexes had grown increasingly unpredictable. However, even though she caught Sam by surprise, Sam unhesitatingly bit the arrow, breaking it with his bare teeth.

Sam spewed the residue of the arrows from his mouth, licking his teeth. "Not bad, Lotti," He said approvingly.

Charlotte hopped back, eyes glimmering in awe. "Your Grace! That's amazing! I really thought I succeeded!"

My brows twitched, cringing. Succeeded in what? Killing my husband, who was also your instructor? A sigh slipped past my lips as this setup was strange no matter where I look at it.

"I'm not giving my wife special treatment," Sam answered the question asked previously, casting me a look and smirked. "She just needs to observe first," he added before shifting his attention back to Charlotte.

"Is Lilou strong?" Charlotte asked, holding her bow on her shoulder, not beating around the bush. "I just don't understand, your grace."

Me neither, I thought. I asked Sam about it the previous night, but he only said it was best for me to observe for now. I wondered if this had something to do with the increasing exhaustion from the nightmares I've been having.

"Girl, you only need to act on your instinct, or you'll hurt your brain." Sam sassed at Charlotte, inducing aggressive and continuous attacks from her.

"Come to think of it, why is his grace fine with Charlotte acting out of instincts while I had to rack my brain?" I turned my head to the side, my eyes landing on Ramin, who was told to recover his wrist first.

Although he had been very aggressive for the past two days, his worsening injury granted him ease from his Labyrinth's will. A bearer and a weapon's understanding between each other, the reason Ramin could relax, feeling no itch to assault Sam.

"His Lord said to use your head, you should use it now." I shrugged, as I had no idea as well.

Ramin turned to me, his nose scrunching up as his eyes flickered with disdain. "My head hurts already trying to figure out a lot of things. Do you have any idea how distressing it is to have no answer, but the questions in my mind just kept on increasing?"

"Believe me when I say I can relate," I murmured as I peeled my eyes off of him and cast my gaze at the two in the middle of the training grounds. "Myriads of questions and no answer… it's mentally exhausting."

Sam and Charlotte sparred until the sun was already setting and the latter couldn't move a muscle anymore. Ramin and I just had to watch them, analyzing every attack and how Sam blocked, deflected all her attempts.

My brow slightly raised. 'Charlotte's attack looks more aggressive than ever, but it was a little… strange. I could barely trace any killing intent from her, unlike her first encounter with Sam.' I thought, mentally shaking my head.

Maybe it was just me, and I glanced at Ramin, who was nodding approvingly, pleased at something.

"That's interesting," He said as the corner of his lips curled into a grin. "I think I just answered one question."

His tone was proud, piquing my curiosity, so I blurted out, "mind sharing it with me?"

Ramin looked up at me, still bearing the same grin. "A pattern."

"A pattern?"

His grin broadened. "I always wondered how his grace can deflect our attacks. I thought he was reading our mind or some sort." He paused, clearing his throat as he shifted his eyes back to Sam, who was squatting down in front of Charlotte.

"I figured that's not the case. He is simply studying his opponent's pattern, so he can guess what would come next."

I raised a brow, staring at Ramin, almost surprised. I couldn't believe Ramin was actually having deeper thoughts! Not that I was undermining him, but I've spent half a year with them, so I knew Ramin was more of the emotional type.

"We are unaware of it, but we unconsciously fight with a pattern." Ramin gazed down, staring at his palm. "If our opponent understood our weapons more than the bearers themselves, losing, or death, is our only option." He clenched his hand tightly until it trembled. His tone sounded full of resolve.

"I think I'm slowly getting the hang of his grace's words."

Ramin raised his head and shot me a look. A subtle smile replaced his proud grin.

"Your husband is really amazing, Lilou." He said, taking me by surprise as it felt as though he regarded Sam with the highest respect he could give to a person. "I don't know why he only asked you to observe, but if he says that's the only thing you need to focus on, there must be an important reason."

I pursed my lips in a thin line and let out a shallow breath. "You're changing, Ra."

"Well, I'm a bearer. A proper Bearer had to swallow his pride and ask someone I want to defeat for guidance." Ramin shrugged nonchalantly as he slowly retracted his eyes away from me. "Pride will not make me stronger, nor it can save this kingdom in times of peril."

The side of my lips slowly hooked into a subtle smile. "That's right," I whispered, nodding lightly. It was only three days since Sam started training us, but he was already changing our mentality. What was more surprising was, he seemed to really turn us into proper Bearers of the Divine Order.

"Sam is really amazing, indeed," I whispered under my breath, making me more determined to do better.

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