The Duke's Passion

Chapter 206 - Third Squadron

Chapter 206 - Third Squadron

Time surely flies so fast and another month had passed since I became a member of the Divine Order. I could still remember the thick atmosphere filled with hostility from them during our first encounter, but it wasn't that bad now. I even made a few friends.

"Those damn bastards had been a pain in the neck!" Ramin croaked, slamming his palms on his desk, which startled me back to reality.

I raised my gaze and set them on the other desk across from me. Ramin seemed he woke up on the wrong side of the bed again, ruffling his hair that had a soft tone of copper in annoyance. He's not an early type of person, so I knew why he was throwing a huge fit the second he came.

As if he had noticed my dull gaze, he turned in my direction and stomped his way towards me. I drew away when he slammed his hand against my desk.

"You," he grumbled through his gritted teeth, and his barely trimmed side whiskers caught my eyes. "Can you control your husband?"

"He is only my husband when I'm home," I replied in a dull tone, blinking languidly. Did he think he's the only person who was tired from juggling between the desk and the fieldwork?

I thought being a member of the Divine Order was all about fighting, but I was wrong. On top of our intense training, we had to investigate some towns and areas and do the paper works and reports ourselves. We didn't need to do that if Rufus, who was leading this temporary third squadron, wasn't a sadist. Ramin should complain to Rufus and not to me! Even if he complained at Sam, I wouldn't say a word; I'd even root for him and reassure his survival.

"Tsk! What is the point of being a duchess if you can't even scold your people?" Ramin clicked his tongue in annoyance.

A sigh slipped past my lips as I shook my head. "Sir Rufus is our current commander, and as a member of the Order, how can I scold him? Aren't you a noble? Why don't you scold him yourself?"

"Ugh!" he grunted and ground his teeth. "Why am I being tortured in this place?" he grumbled dramatically as he walked back to his desk. All I could do was stare at his broad back and sigh.

Ramin was the type of person who was best at fieldwork. He stood out among us in terms of strength, so he tends to stay outdoors. Being assigned to the office tonight would make him feel a little stuffy, but there wasn't anyone who would stay behind as the other member of the Order were tasked to fieldwork this time.

"You should go to the training grounds to let off some steam," I advised, as my eyes fell on the stack of documents. I felt this faint helplessness in my heart, as it seemed there would be no end to this work. I raised my gaze when I heard the door suddenly being bust open and a cheeky voice of a woman came in.

"Lilou!" I sighed and glanced under the desk. Should I hide? I didn't have the energy to play with her.

"There you are!" she exclaimed after slamming my desk, making the documents flutter slightly. I lifted my eyes, seeing her bright grin, then to her pair of sparkling black eyes.

The corner of my lips curled into a weak smile. "Charlotte," I said as I dragged myself up. "You're early."

Charlotte, the bearer of Ursula, a wielder of the divine bow and arrow. With hair as dark as chocolate that fell short to her shoulder, she looked at me with those dark eyes brimming in excitement. She was the first person to approach me when I joined the Order, with the same genuine smile on her face.

A lively girl who seemed who got lost and got herself mixed in the chaos. However, one must not be deceived by her carefree appearance, as there was also a fierce side of her.

"Lilo —" Charlotte was abruptly cut off when another voice from behind hear resonated across the room. I moved my gaze, tilting my upper body to the side, and saw Kristina.

"Charlotte, it's too early for you to bother Lilou." Kristina placed her arm over Charlotte's shoulder, smiling at me.

In contrast to Charlotte's high energy and reckless nature, Kristina was the complete opposite. She was mature, considerate, and sometimes, frustratingly cunning.

"I just missed her since Ramin had been taking too much of her time!" Charlotte complained as she glared daggers at Ramin.

"You're accusing an innocent! Do you think I want to stay in this stuffy place?" Ramin rebutted, and the two of them engaged in a fierce battle of tongues.

This had been normal in our little squad, Ramin and Charlotte bantering at every turn, Kristina chuckling on the side, while I watched them. I had been seeing this scenario for the past month, but I still couldn't believe how my life changed.

Who would have thought the peasant who works in the field would be sitting in an office, watching my colleagues banter, while wearing a knight suit. It felt so… surreal.

My eyes snapped as Kristina knocked on the desk. I raised my gaze and met her kind crimson orbs.

"You look a little tired," she said as her eyes scanned me briefly. "Why don't you take it easy? You just got married… or is His highness not treating you well?" She narrowed her eyes, and I chuckled.

"Of course not," I replied, arranging the documents on my desk. "It's just that it's been so quiet these days I feel a little restless." I'm not lying, but that wasn't the real reason.

I had too many to think about, especially Sam. I had this gut feeling Sam knew something, yet he wasn't saying anything. Although our relationship was still a little complicated, I feel dizzy just thinking about it.

"That's right." Kristina nodded in agreement, crossing her arms and as she propped her side against the desk. "Anyway, why don't you take a stroll in the garden?"

I frowned and asked, "Can you see these?" pointing at the stack of documents on my desk.

Kristina smiled, "I'll do it for you." I attempted to refuse, but Kristina walked behind me, holding my shoulders up as she pushed me out of the office.

"Go now," she said, leaning against the jamb with her arms crossed.

I sighed. I couldn't win against her, could I? "Thank you," I expressed reluctantly and headed towards the garden behind the palace so I could breathe.

As soon as I reached the garden, I took a deep breath and closed my weary eyes. It was as if all the fatigue seeped deep into my bones. When the night breeze whispered in my ear, I carefully opened my eyes, only to see a familiar figure standing before me.


Our eyes met, and my heel instinctively took a turn. I felt like escaping, but I didn't want to meet him alone. It's been a peaceful month. Was this the reason I felt so restless? My breath hitched when he suddenly called my name, "Lilou." And I stopped.

"Will you walk with me for a moment?"

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