The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 282. The Dragon King’s Return II

Chapter 282. The Dragon King’s Return II

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 282. The Dragon King's Return II

Dragon Cross City was buzzing with excitement as the suns hit their peak. The whole place was alive with activity, everyone making last-minute plans to welcome their king and his victorious army. The streets were a blur of colors and motion, filled with dragons getting ready to celebrate.

The excitement hit its peak and the sky darkened with the arrival of a massive horde of dragons. They flew in, their sheer numbers blocking out the suns. It was a breathtaking sight. The dragons’ wings beat in perfect rhythm and their triumphant roars echoed through the air, a thunderous declaration of their return.

The people of Dragon Cross City stood in awe, staring at the sky, captivated by the display. Their king was coming home, and they were about to witness a grand moment.

One by one, the dragons descended, their wings slowing as they landed gracefully at the city gates. They transformed in flashes of light, revealing their humanoid forms.

“Congratulations, Your Majesty,” Al said, his voice filled with pride. “Your victory has brought great honor to our kingdom.”

“Thank you, Al,” I replied, struggling to hide my excitement.

Other high-ranking officials soon gathered, congratulating me on the victory. Their words were full of admiration and respect, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride. This wasn’t just my victory—it was a win for the entire kingdom.

But in the middle of all the celebration, their eyes landed on Glasha, standing by my side. She wasn’t a dragon, and the council members looked at her with a mix of curiosity, clearly recognizing her importance.

“Your Highness, welcome to our city,” Al said, giving her a respectful nod.

Glasha nodded back, calm and collected despite the attention. “Thank you,” she said simply.

We stepped into the grand carriage, the doors closing with a soft click. 

Once it started to move, the cheers outside grew louder, the crowd’s excitement filling the air. Music played, adding to the joyous atmosphere, and I couldn’t help but smile.

We rode through the streets. The people cheered and waved, their faces glowing with happiness. 

Eir and Guillotine followed close behind on their mounts, their expressions finally relaxed, filled with pride.

The soldiers marched with newfound energy. They had fought hard in the war, and now they were home, rewarded with a hero’s welcome.

Soon, I noticed Glasha sitting quietly beside me. Despite her elegant attire, she wasn’t joining in on the excitement. She wasn’t waving to the crowd like Evelina and I were.

“You should wave too, Glasha,” I said gently. I didn’t want her to feel like a prisoner; I wanted her to feel welcome.

“I’m not interested,” she replied, her voice cold. Her clothes might’ve fit her role as an orc princess, but her attitude still carried everything she’d been through. Even after what we shared in the Orc Tribe Throne Room, her demeanor hadn’t softened.

Her pride was as big as the mountains, and even though she was now my wife, her loyalty to her tribe and her strength still formed a barrier between us.

“It’s your choice,” I said, trying to keep things calm. “But I have to remind you, the dragon’s palace is very different from your tribe’s. The dragons value pride and appearances, and if you don’t present yourself as my equal, they’ll treat you like a captive. It’s important they see you as my wife, not just someone I conquered.”

Evelina backed me up, her tone gentle but firm. “He’s right, Glasha. I was treated well while the dragon king was away, but only because I knew how to play my part. If the dragons sense any tension or see you as weak, they’ll use it against you.”

Glasha was quiet for a moment, her eyes scanning the crowd. People were watching her closely, whispering about who she was and why she was with us. The dragon king’s bride tattoo on her neck wasn’t enough on its own to command their respect here.

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