The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 345: Star, the Reunion (2)

Chapter 345: Star, the Reunion (2)

In Thanatos’ residence, the King of the Underworld Palace of the <Underworld>...

“Bwahahahaha! At last, it opened and merged. He’s finally started to find his way back to his seat,” Thanatos remarked with a burst of laughter, watching the footage playing in his hall.

He witnessed Chang-Sun creating an entirely new divine ground by merging Sanjiva with the ‘Twilight-Setting Battlefield’. In a way, a divine ground was simply the materialization of one’s mind palace, but things would change once the owner’s Class increased and the number of their followers increased.

Their followers would come together in the divine ground, causing various divine grounds to overlap. As the number of followers increased, the owner would receive more Faith. Eventually, that would create a <Society>. <Horoscope>, <Purple Star Astrology>, <Olympus>, <Deva>, <Niflheim>, <Maleakhe>, <L’Infernal>… That was how all the most famous <Societies> of <Heaven> had started.

At present, Chang-Sun’s divine ground was going through a new change. In the past, ‘Twilight-Setting Battlefield’ had been Chang-Sun’s home, but the addition of the properties of the <Underworld> suggested that his Divine Class was higher than before and he was getting ready to reach the next level. Considering how Chang-Sun also had the title of King of <Muspelheim>, it also indicated that his divine ground was ready to become <Muspelheim>.

Thanatos found that fact quite pleasing. Although he and Chang-Sun had first met as a judge and a prisoner, Chang-Sun was now Thanatos’ favorite partner. That very same partner was now about to rise higher and attain greater power, so how could Thanatos not be happy? It would only accelerate the fall of <Purple Star Astrology>, and the rise of <Muspelheim> would soon be known. The endeavor would then lead to the revival of <Jotunheim>, <Niflheim>, and <Asgard>.

‘Either his [Bestla’s Poem] will lead him down that path, or Odin will force him,’ Thanatos thought.

In the end, the journey would lead to the birth of a new Celestial King, a title no one in Worldline #801 had managed to attain until now. At the same time, <Horoscope>, which had caused problems in numerous Worldlines, would also naturally fall.

‘Then I’ll be able to fulfill all my given duties and obligations.’

That was what Thanatos firmly believed.

“From your perspective, your children are trying to kill each other, so you may not want to see this,” Thanatos said as he slowly turned in the opposite direction.

There, the Emperor’s Seat was tightly bound in shackles, wearing his prisoner uniform. His hair had always been neatly combed, but it was now tousled after his long imprisonment. Nevertheless, his eyes still gleamed sharply; Thanatos was actually quite surprised to see that. The first change that usually happened to the Fallen Stars who were sealed in the Purgatory Plane Hells was that their eyes became cloudy, indicating the deterioration of their rational judgment, but the Emperor’s Seat showed no sign of that.

No, the eyes of the Emperor’s Seat looked even clearer somehow. In fact, he practically looked like a free man. Thanatos wanted to know what kind of emotional change the Emperor’s Seat had gone through. Perhaps it was because the Emperor’s Seat could focus only on himself here, in contrast to the secular world, which was filled with concerns and agony.

“…It’s true that it would be easier for me to not watch it,” the Emperor’s Seat said. He glanced at the screen for a moment, then looked at Thanatos as he continued, “But that’s what those children have to go through, so I don’t think it’s a topic that requires my opinion.”

“So it has nothing to do with you anymore?” Thanatos asked.

“No, quite the opposite. I trust them to be able to shape their own destinies because they’re my children,” the Emperor’s Seat said, his gaze turned calm. “The duty of a parent is helping their children to become mature and independent, not recklessly interfering with their dreams or destinies. Once the children become independent, the parent’s job is to trust, wait, and watch them.”

Thanatos nodded, understanding what the Emperor’s Seat meant. Not a trace of insincerity could be heard in his voice, which indicated that was what he truly believed.

‘<Purple Star Astrology> is filled with lunatics, so I’m amazed to find out that there was a sane person like him in it. If all the other Fallen Stars were like him, my life in the <Underworld> would be more manageable,’ Thanatos thought, chuckling.

The Emperor’s Seat said, “The footage doesn’t seem to be the reason why you pulled me out from the Bottomless Void, though… Is there something else you want to find out?”

Finding it quite easy to talk to the Emperor’s Seat, Thanatos nodded and said, “I wanted to ask you about Crom Cruach.”

At that moment, the expression of the Emperor’s Seat darkened slightly, but he soon nodded, signaling Thanatos to talk.

Thanatos’ gaze turned serious. He said, “Her soul never arrived in the <Underworld>. I ordered all my reapers to comb through all the documents, even the old ones, but I got nothing. It must mean that the soul ended up elsewhere, just like before.”

The Emperor’s Seat could tell that Thanatos was talking about the time Chang-Sun’s Deathlist had passed into Arcadia.

“Do you know where in the world her soul ended up?” Thanatos asked.

The Emperor’s Seat nodded with a heavy heart.

* * *

[Your subconscious has been unlocked!]

[Your conscious and subconscious realms are mixing, starting the synchronization of your soul.]

[Entering the state of nirvana!]

[From now on, you can temporarily utilize the ability of omniscience against everything in your view using your ‘Gnostic Eye’.]

[For the duration of omniscience, you can manipulate the laws of nature and use the ability of omnipotence.]


―Ah, ah, ah, ah.

―I’ve always thought this.

―But the air outside is too different from that of the inside.

―I want to stay outside.



―So give me this body! Give me! Give me! Give me!


[You have entered the ‘Confused’ state!]


―His Divine Class became very high!

―It’s about time we take control…

[Some of your selves are attempting to override your control of your body!]


[The Player ‘Lee Chang-Sun’ maintains his ego!]

[The Celestial ‘Divine Twilight’ has created a barrier using his Divine Class, blocking the torrent created by his many other selves! ]

It lasted only for a moment, but Chang-Sun had to go through an entire flood of emotion. Although he had experienced it before, the simultaneous screams of his 665 past reincarnations was too noisy. He wanted to just ignore them, but most of them had high Classes of their own. Thus, subduing them by force had previously not been easy; but no longer. He had regained the original Divine Class of ‘Divine Twilight’ and was now a Civilization Celestial, so he had a significant amount of Faith, solidifying his ego more than ever.

[The Authority ‘Kalokagathia’ has been activated, accelerating the speed of your thinking ability!]

―Shut up.

Thus, when he roared at his turbulent subconscious, it fell silent as if muffled by a wet blanket.




Chang-Sun could finally catch his breath, but he did not forget to leave a clear warning, thinking that he could not look vulnerable before them.

―I promise that I’ll rip anyone who starts talking without permission to shreds.

Nevertheless, Chang-Sun’s death threat was genuine. When he had started using [Gnostic Eye], he had also acquired the power of Wordwielding; thus, his statement contained murderous energy that caused his numerous past reincarnations to avert their gazes.

That was when Chang-Sun suddenly heard Odin’s laughter.

―Hahahaha, does that include me?

―Will you stay quiet if I tell you to?

―No way.

Chuckling, Odin continued.

―Regardless, I’m happy to see how proficient you’ve become, not only in [Gnostic Eye], but also in [Wordwielding]. I told you that the more gnosis you have, the better it is. No harm was done, right?


―I’m talking about the language you’re using. Words originally had the power to change the world, but the formation of civilizations made words common in the world, causing the loss of their power.

Odin was very content with Chang-Sun’s progress.

―As one’s Class becomes higher, the language of Celestials affects the laws of nature little by little, but they can only affect things within their Divine Ranks. However, it’s different for [Wordwielding]. Gnosis helps you understand the word, runes systematize your understanding, and [Wordwielding] can materialize your knowledge in the form of a language.


The memories flashed through Chang-Sun’s mind. ‘Gnosis, runes, [Wordwielding]... Everything is connected?’

He could sense several subjects he had believed to be separate linking together, giving him goosebumps.

‘Why didn’t I think of this before?’

Come to think of it, he had previously been putting part of that connection to good use…

‘Based on how runes can be used to express my will magically, I often used my gnosis to form rune words, but… I never thought about using it orally in spite of the fact that I’ve been using runes for such a long time.’

However, Chang-Sun had only recited his accumulated gnosis as he used [Wordwielding], without realizing that he would be able to express it in the form of letters. Odin was suggesting that Chang-Sun connect them all into one, in the order of gnosis, runes, and [Wordwielding].

Expressing one’s understanding in words was actually quite hard, because it was about actualizing an abstraction and defining it using language. Since most gnosis had the tendency to be vague and metaphysical, putting it together in runes could define gnosis more clearly, and if Chang-Sun could express that orally… its power would clearly be more destructive. On the other hand, he could speak an idea that came to his mind and convert it into runes, which could lead to the acquisition of new gnosis.

‘In that case, a circulation system of gnosis is created…!’ Chang-Sun realized.

In the end, [Wordwielding] was the oral form of runes, so there was no big difference between the two.


[You have discovered a new possibility for gnosis!]

[You can now systematize the gnosis you have accumulated indiscriminately so far.]

[Select Categories.]

[Sort your gnosis into Categories.]

[Every time a Category is completed, you are able to unlock a new possibility.]

[The rank of your ‘Gnostic Eye’ has been upgraded!]

[Your ‘Gnostic Eye’ has been classified as a Divine Authority.]

―Whoa, I like teaching you. You’re a fast learner.

Chang-Sun’s thoughts deepened.

―…Is it safe to assume that [Wordwielding] is similar to [Dragontongue] and [Celestialtongue]?

[Dragontongue] referred to the magical language used among high-ranking Dragons, while [Celestialtongue] referred to the divine power language of Celestials. Both of the languages helped one use power more easily, but…

―Hmph! Don’t compare [Wordwielding] to such low-quality languages. They’re merely tricks to imitate the forgotten power of [Wordwielding] using any means available.

Odin became genuinely displeased after hearing Chang-Sun comparing the two to [Wordwielding], but his reaction was enough for Chang-Sun. If [Wordwielding] could be considered the origin of [Dragontongue] and [Celestialtongue], it was worth investing his time into learning it.

―Since things have turned out this way, I’ll teach you the art of [Wordwielding].

Odin’s consciousness began to spread through Chang-Sun’s; Chang-Sun tried as hard as he could to maintain his consciousness, so as not to lose the position of main self.

Noticing Chang-Sun’s resolve, Odin chuckled, but that was it. Odin merely chose to synchronize with Chang-Sun instead of bothering to try to threaten his position. Just as water and oil could mix little by little after shaking a container several times, the egos of Chang-Sun and Odin slowly harmonized.

The other 664 egos also began to combine in the same way, 666 egos indiscriminately melding together in the end. Each ego fought to take a greater share at first, but they gradually became united behind a common goal.

[Your conscious and subconscious realms have been synchronized!]

[Number of merged egos: 666.]

[The ‘Number of the Beast’ has been created!]

[The state of Nirvana has been activated.]

[Opening the status window!]

Chang-Sun… no, the person was wearing the shell of Chang-Sun, but it was unclear whether they could still be called that. Immersed in the state of Nirvana, the person opened up their stat point window.

Right at that moment, the person was accumulating gnosis from everything in their view and was able to use the power of omnipotence. As such, ‘editing’ the stat point window was also possible. They slowly reached out their hand to the blue screen that appeared before them.

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