The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 234: Star, the Star Auction (9)

Chapter 234: Star, the Star Auction (9)

Kali’s priests called themselves Branches.

Kali was born from the World Tree, which meant she herself was a Divine Tree that could move. Hence, she was practically the root. Naturally, her apostle was the tree trunk, her priests were the branches that sprouted out from Kali the Divine Tree, and her believers were leaves.

Like how leaves supplied their tree with nutrients through photosynthesis, Kali’s believers provided Kali with their Faith. Kali’s Branches, the priests, had to nurture these leaf-like believers so they wouldn’t ‘fall.’ For that reason, the Branches’ role was crucial.

Instead of having distinct personalities, Kali’s priests considered themselves one and the same Branch because they all sprouted from the root named Kali. She didn’t mind this much, so her priests also didn’t think much of it. The priests did have separate personalities, but they all shared the same principle of being one. Even though they had their own names, they called each other ‘nth Branch’ if they had to distinguish themselves from each other.

Still, the Branches had a hierarchy. The lower the number of a Branch was, the older they were and the higher their rank. A Branch with a four-digit number would usually be a student priest, while those with three-digit numbers were ordinary priests. Two-digit Branches were Bishops, and one-digit Branches were considered cardinals.

Although it was just an ordinary priest, the Elfin Root was the 126th Branch, making it one of the highest-ranking priests. However, Moodoo was different. She was the 32nd Branch and a bishop. She was so famous among Kali’s priests and Kali adored her so much that a rumor started spreading about her becoming a cardinal one day.

For that reason, the Elfin thought that Moodoo wouldn’t recognize it. She was just so much of a celebrity among Branches. Although it had worked with her, it happened a long time ago. That moment left a very strong impression on the Elfin, though, because Moodoo risked herself to protect her siblings. If the Elfin ever got promoted, it wanted to take after Moodoo.

“126th Branch… Why are you here…?” Moodoo recognized the Elfin, showing just how much she treasured her siblings.

「That’s…!」the Elfin tried to answer, but…

[The Celestial ‘Geminus’ discontentedly watches the Gray Elves’ reunion!]

Both Branches simultaneously looked upward, their faces darkening. The ‘Gemini’ had played the most active role in killing Kali and causing the Branches to scatter, so the fact that they were watching this place made all the Gray Elves present furious.

「We don’t have time, so please open up your consciousness.」

Moodoo nodded at the Elfin’s request, and an invisible link was formed between the two.


[The Gray Elves’ consciousnesses have been connected, sharing information with each other!]

The Branches didn’t need a long conversation. Since they were born from the same root, they could quickly communicate through an invisible link. More than two Branches could link with each other at a time and think as one. Through that link, the Elfin learned what Moodoo had been doing and Moodoo found out what the Elfin had gone through within seconds.

Upon learning about everything, Moodoo clenched her fists. ‘He’s here…!’

Kali, Moodoo’s Guardian, had desperately looked for the ‘Divine Twilight’, so Moodoo couldn’t prevent her eyes from widening in surprise upon learning that that Celestial was here. She felt as if a ray of light had shone down on her pitch-black future.

The thought of the Branches being able to resurrect Kali flashed across Moodoo’s mind. The Elfin already believed in it, and Moodoo was starting to agree with the Elfin.

Meanwhile, the man wearing a white mask showed up behind the Elfin like a ghost. In response, Moodoo flew at him.



With his sword, the man tried to cut off the Elfin’s neck, but Moodoo narrowly deflected his attack with a knife-hand strike.


“This person is my sibling, and you’re not allowed to hurt my siblings without my permission,” Moodoo answered coldly and firmly, returning to being the bishop who led a troop of Branches.

The white-masked man and Moodoo exchanged glances in the air. After chuckling for a moment, the man coldly grinned. “Ha! Yeah, you were too obedient for Kali’s child. You leave me no choice, then. I’ll have to take you and that Gray Elf by force.”

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh―!

Clang, Clang, Clang!

The white-masked man quickly swung his sword against Moodoo, whose hands became busier than ever. Whenever a clear collision echoed, Moodoo sustained deep wounds on her hands, leaving them bleeding. Although she was one of Kali’s high-ranking priests, she was at a disadvantage against the white-masked man since he had a divine class.

However, the tide gradually turned when the Elfin jumped into the battle. It drew its wooden spear and aimed for the back of the white-masked man’s head.


“Meaningless!” The white-masked man quietly snorted. He leaped high in the air and somersaulted, narrowly dodging the Elfin’s wooden spear.

Moodoo launched a knife-hand strike underneath the man’s white mask. Her hand had turned black due to [Death Frenzy], one of Kali’s destruction Authorities. With it, anything Moodoo touched would corrode to death.


Before the white-masked man landed on the ground, he spun like a top in the air and fiercely deflected Moodoo’s knife-hand strike. At that moment, the Elfin moved in agai. Wearing the [Wolf Demon Face], the Elfin repeatedly thrust its wooden spear, leaving numerous afterimages in the air. Not only was each of its attacks sharp and quick, but its spear was also laced thick with poison.


Clang, clang, clang―!

The moment the white-masked man landed on the ground, his sword and the Elfin’s wooden spear clashed countless times. Although the Elfin was weaker in strength, it was by no means inferior to the white-masked man in terms of skill.

Using his sword, the man parried away the Elfin’s wooden spear. Changing its course of attack, the Elfin aimed for the man’s lower body part. If he ever dodged this one as well, it would swiftly aim for his torso next.

The Elfin made no unnecessary movement as it attacked with its wooden spear. While fighting alongside Chang-Sun, it had watched, learned, and used his useful techniques to advance its own skills. If Moodoo was used as a standard, the Elfin’s skills would still be good—no, the Elfin was now better than Moodoo in actual combat.

‘Was the 126th Branch always this good…?’?Despite being surprised by the Elfin’s skills, Moodoo calmly observed the fight and used the white-masked man’s blind spots to pressure him.

After a moment, the other Gray Elves joined the battle one by one until, eventually, the white-masked man had to fight against twenty-six priests at once.

[Sharing your consciousness!]

[A superorganism has been created.]

Without hindering each other’s attacks at all, the Branches moved flawlessly like a single organism.

“Ah, fuck…!” The white-masked man gritted his teeth, feeling frustrated as hell. If he could fight at his full strength, he would have already defeated them in a matter of minutes. However, he had to hold back since he had to capture them alive and use them as soldiers for the soon-to-be-created rebellion army.

The Branches weren’t easy to subdue alive, though. To make things worse, the <Maleakhe> angels and <L’Infernal> demons could find this place and come for him and the Branches if they kept wasting time here.

* * *

Chang-Sun and the others were also fighting an intense battle.


[Your Subordinate ‘Cadmus’ has activated the Skill ‘Blood Fog’!]

[Your enemies have been cursed.]

[Your allies have been blessed.]

Boom, boom, booooom!


[Your Subordinate ‘Sinmara’ has activated the Skill ‘Giant Bombing’!]

Every time Sinmara slammed the ground with her cleaver, the ground sank and cracks spread all over the place. Her attacks were so strong that they could hurt even a Celestial.

“…You’re the old <Muspelheim> queen. Ha! You’ve been left with only one head out of three, but you’re still the strongest Giant warrior?” Lie Si commented.

「Hmph! Who are you to judge me!」

Instead of clashing against Sinmara head-on, Lie Si repeatedly retreated backward, but Sinmara kept coming after him, giving him no time to straighten his posture. In the end, the boat that Lie Si used to get here was pulverized, its fragments flying in the air.


Lie Si leaped up high in the air and tried to land at the center of the lake, thinking Sinmara couldn’t approach him there. However…

「Jin!」Sinmara shouted.

「Haha, don’t worry.」 Jin Prezia smiled.

[Your Subordinate ‘Jin Prezia’ has activated the Skill ‘Frozen Realm’!]


When Jin swung the [Frost King’s Greatsword], white frost set down on the lake, freezing its surface.

“…!” Lie Si frowned slightly. The frost had caught a part of his leg, preventing him from moving.

At that moment, a thick shadow was cast over Lie Si’s head. The gigantic Sinmara was swinging her cleaver down at the top of Lie Si’s head.

“You bastards…”

Although Lie Si was wearing a mask, his voice made it obvious that he had become irritated.

“... are nuisances!”

Before Sinmara’s cleaver reached Lie Si’s head, a strong wave of divine power spread out from below Lie Si’s frozen feet. As the ice around his feet flew, Lie Si stomped on the ground as hard as possible.


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!


The entire frozen layer of the lake shook profusely. Cracks soon spread, and the ice broke into dozens of pieces, sending sprays of water soaring up into the air. Lie Si’s divine power also struck Sinmara, sending her flying before she could land on the ice.



Sinmara groaned in pain and straightened her posture in the air. Meanwhile, Jin, who was still by the lake, was about to swing the [Frost King’s Greatsword].

“You cocky monsters! How dare you creatures mock a god when you couldn’t even go to the otherworld after dying? I’ll show you the difference between you and a god!” Lie Si yelled.

Swish, swish, swish!

He swung his nine-chain whip fiercely in the air. Whenever the metal rods distorted at a weird angle, Lie Si’s Authority [Heated Desert Wind] activated. Sharp, crescent-shaped gusts—ones as hot as the wind that blew through deserts—were launched toward Sinmara and Jin.

At that moment, black clouds gathered on the ceiling.

[The Skill ‘Fiery Lightning Bolt‘ has been activated!]


A strong lightning bolt struck straight down on the shattered layer of ice. The purple lightning energy spread everywhere and gnawed on the ice, creating opaque clouds of fog. Through the fog, the densely woven net of lightning spread and shot down every gust of the [Heated Desert Wind].

Boom, boom, boom―!

[The State ‘Jackal Tiger’ has been changed to the State ‘Cruel Tiger,’ activating the Additional Skill ‘Cruel Tiger’s Venomous Fang’!]


Chang-Sun leaped out of the fog, crossed the [Yuchang Sword] and [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth], and used Double Sword Resonance. With the addition of the [Cruel Tiger’s Venomous Fang], the damage of the [Black Mountain King’s Claws] was multiplied severalfold.

Claaang! Clang! Claaang!


Lie Si’s nine-chain whip and Chang-Sun’s two swords clashed ceaselessly. [Tiamat’s Snaggletooth] clawed at Lie Si’s whip deep, making sparks fly up in the air.

“That’s odd,” Lie Si mumbled, furious due to the people who showed up and disrupted his plans. He would still have enough problems even if he succeeded in bringing Kali’s priests out of here. Yet to make things worse, he was now stuck with these strange people, and Chang-Sun was fighting too well for a demigod. It frustrated him.

“Why aren’t you reacting to this lake?” Lie Si asked.

It was too strange. The ‘Mimisbrunnr’ was the reason the <Star Grave> was crowned one of the <Seven Wonders>. The thick concentration of mana in the air made most Celestials feel suffocated, so they were reluctant to go here. Hence, its effects should be worse for a demigod or a mortal. They would be lucky not to lose consciousness. However, under normal circumstances, being in this place destroyed their divine class.

Nevertheless, Chang-Sun showed no sign of any of those. At first, Lie Si had thought Chang-Sun was just resilient, but now that he had observed Chang-Sun for quite a duration already, that didn’t seem to be the case. In fact, he and his subordinates moved really freely. They were like fishes who had been returned to their lake.

Chang-Sun naturally didn’t answer. Although he was trying to confuse Lie Si, he actually didn’t know why.

‘I’ve actually been feeling more comfortable ever since I stepped foot into this place,’?Chang-Sun thought.

He could breathe better than when he had been on Earth or on his own divine ground, making him feel as if he was in a better environment to operate. No, he actually was. Regardless of how much mana he used up, it replenished quickly. His stamina probably wasn’t decreasing as fast either, considering he didn’t feel as if he was getting tired at all. Rather, he felt full of energy right now.

‘The problem is that I may get drunk on this if I stay here.’

For some reason, if one got drunk on an energy site, their soul would be at risk of becoming bewitched and getting sucked into the energy site. Chang-Sun didn’t want to take the risk.

‘I have bought enough time already.’

Chang-Sun didn’t forget why he was here. He glanced upward, making Lie Si frown.

“Are you not going to answer—!” Lie Si abruptly stopped due to the sudden movements of strong divine power up in the sky. “Darn it!”

[The Celestial ‘Twilight-Piercing Owl’ has descended!]

[The Celestial ‘War-Loving Fighting Deity’ has descended!]


Minerva spread her wings, which were made up of her sacred golden light. Exuding visibly intense fighting spirit, Mars blocked Lie Si’s nine-chain whip.

Minerva muttered, “I was wondering where in the world you were…!”

“Hahahaha! You really do start a battle wherever you go. I really like you a lot.” Mars’ voice was tinged with madness as he laughed. He was still wearing his clown mask, which had an especially red nose, so he looked like a clown laughing bizarrely. “I like it!”


A storm swirled around Mars and sent Lie Si flying. It also made long sprays of water soar up. In his right hand was the [Rhinotoros], his impenetrable shield, and in his left was the [Enkesphalos], his invincible spear. Holding up the two items, he flew toward Lie Si like a battering ram breaking down a castle gate.


The collision between Mars and Lie Si created splashes of water high enough to reach the ceiling.

[The Celestial ‘Sky and Earth Connecting Wing’ extends his hand!]

“You’re a handful, aren’t you? Come on, let’s go before things become more chaotic.” Mercury showed up by Chang-Sun’s side and reached out his hand, wanting to get out of the place quickly.

Minerva was dealing with the white-masked man and rescuing Moodoo, the Elfin, and the other Branches.

“Thank you.” Chang-Sun nodded and took Mercury’s hand.

At that moment, Mercury mischievously smiled. “Hold on tight. I won’t rescue you anymore if you fall down.”

[The Celestial ‘Sky and Earth Connecting Wing’ has activated the Relic ‘Talraria,’ creating winds!]

A set of giant wings sprouted from Mercury’s shoes and slammed into the ground.


A sudden gale swallowed Mercury and Chang-Sun. The two completely disappeared.

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