The Devil's Evolution Catalog

Chapter 734: Vocal Psychokinesis

Chapter 734: Vocal Psychokinesis

Just about when the two of us were done discussing, Yamabe Takuma came knocking on our door. Literally.

Goddess, are you in there? Goddess?

His voice sounded anxious. His knocking only grew quicker as the seconds passed. While they werent obnoxiously loud, they were rapid.

Im here I answered with false annoyance as I quickly exchanged a look with Chiyo Hanataba, who gave me a distraught look in return. What are you even doing outside the girls washroom? Dont tell me youre into that kind of stuff?

No, no. Im not a pervert I was just worried about my Goddess Its been a while since you left so I was getting worried His voice dropped off a little at the end like a child who had been wronged. Goddess, are you done? Lets go back and have our shaved ice.

Dont let him know that I was talking to you, please Chiyo begged me with her hands clasped together. The boy outside must have had a truly terrifying effect on the girls for her to act this way. I still had more questions for her, but first I had to find a reason to satisfy Yamabe.

Just one second, Im feeling a little unwell right now. Im not so sure about that shaved ice either.

Youre unwell? Do you need me to find some medicine?

Its fine Its just those days of the month again

What am I even saying

Oh. Thats true, being a girl is inconvenient at times And shaved ice isnt too good for the body. Ill get the waitresses to prepare something hot then. Dont worry, Ill be waiting for you outside, my Goddess. No matter how long it takes.

Yamabe left a few more words of concern before finally leaving satisfied.

Phew hes gone I immediately heard Chiyo let out a sigh of relief.

So what did Yamabe Takuma do other than purging the cafe of his parents and the males? Did he do anything to you?

No. He hasnt done anything to us but the aura he gives off its like hes not human anymore Chiyo looked as if she was trying to figure out how to describe the boy, but for some reason or another, nothing came to mind. Finally, she shook her head and said, Im not sure how to explain it, but hes just scary

On that point, we could agree upon. Taking control of a giant underground theme park alone was not something a normal evolved human could do.

Even I was only able to slay those zombies, not stack them up like a giant tower of cards.

Do you have any idea what his powers are?

They are strange whatever he says seems to become reality. Just like before, she couldnt figure out the words to describe his powers, so she started recounting what happened instead. Back when Yamabe walked out of the isolation room, he ordered that the door be open, and the door just swung open. He said he wanted all the men, his parents, and any girl who wasnt pretty enough to leave the cafe and kill each other, they just followed his orders without questions


Opening up a locked door means his speech is able to influence physical objects. Having those survivors kill each other shows he is able to influence them on a mental level

So hes basically able to turn his words into reality then?

With that kind of power, I bet I can become an emperor, then open up a massive harem, and then

Young people these days should ground themselves in reality and stop dreaming about the skies

Fine. I know they arent possible, but a man can dream.

By the way, whats up with that power of his? How is he able to translate his words into actual reality?

That ability is known as Vocal Psychokinesis, the use of words to affect reality.

No way

Dont look down on words, they have a power of their own.

But theres a ton of people talking everyday. Just in terms of cursing alone, you can probably find millions who have cursed someone in a single day. I dont see those people dropping dead are you sure you arent just pulling my leg here?

Valued host, do you not chant when activating Lions Majesty? That chant is a form of vocal psychokinesis as well. Magic requires a variety of chants, those chants are actually all variations of vocal psychokinesis. And ordinary people are able to employ vocal psychokinesis as well, except those instances are often written off as the person being a jinx.

What the heck is that how youre explaining this?

But I guess it does make sense. There are those who somehow bring about misfortune just by speaking. So what youre saying is that those jinxes are actually activating a form of vocal psychokinesis unconsciously?

Our valued host isnt wrong in saying that, but often those jinxes are just plain unlucky, given that ordinary people do not possess a sufficiently strong level of psychic power.

Then how are we going to deal with this kid? The more I learn about him, the more suspicious he gets. Even if hes really a fan of mine, I need a way to guard against him as a precaution.

What truly worried me was that I might get unknowingly hypnotised

Our valued host is right again, but do not worry, your system has generously decided to strengthen your bloodline. After this strengthening, our valued host will have the ability to resist psychic compulsions.

For free? System lady, youre the best.

But a system lady that isnt trying to fleece me of points makes me wonder if this is even the same system lady I know

Dont be so hasty there. Free is impossible, not in your lifetime. The strengthening is just a loan, it still has to be paid back with half your future earnings.

What a scam

Scam? Your system was kind enough not to charge you interest. Try approaching any bank and see if they would give you a loan without interest.

I Fine, our system lady is right, as usual. Ill take the loan, its not like there isnt a mountain of zombies nearby just waiting to be harvested. I bet I can earn a hundred thousand points just by burning this entire park.

Seems like our valued host has finally understood the real meaning of coming to this park.

Thats right, only the whales can get strong

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