The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 283: Unusual Report

New chapter of The Demon King is out! (2/2 chapters)

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PS2: Click links here to read today’s chapter releases; Demon King 282and Incompetent Bratty Prince 87.

It was still slightly bright outside when there was a knock on the door. Shamu and I were lying on the bed after finishing up some things. Shamu, sensitive to sounds, jumped up swiftly with a start.

I put on a gown, took a weapon, and approached the door. I didn’t think an assassin would be polite enough to knock. There was another knock at the door.

“Is the head of the household present?” (??)

It was the head maid’s voice.


While feeling puzzled, I turned the inner lock of the door and opened it.

“Did you ask Lily-san?” (Yuri)

I asked the obvious.

This room was borrowed by Lily-san. I simply went to the room number written on the key tag she gave me. So, the hotel front desk shouldn’t know that I’m staying here. However, considering the situation, I didn’t think Lily-san would speak so easily. She wouldn’t tell unless it was an urgent matter.

“Yes. Earlier, a messenger sent by Myaro-sama arrived at the annex, requesting you to come immediately. It seems a situation with Emergency Code Class B-2 has occurred. I didn’t quite understand it, though.” (Maid Leader)

The emergency codes are broadly divided into two categories. Class A refers to when this peninsula, which is the home country, is under military threat. Class B refers to when other lands are under threat. Class B-1 refers to attacks on Shantinion and its surrounding areas, while Class B-2 refers to anywhere else. In other words, something happened on this side of the Shantinion, possibly near the border with Tyrellme. If Lily-san spoke because she thought the head maid should call me, then the messenger must have seemed in quite an urgent state.

“Got it. I’ll head there right away.” (Yuri)

“Forgive my boldness, but is Shamu-sama here?” (Head Maid)

“…” (Yuri)

Hmm, I don’t particularly want to say.

“Please don’t worry. To me, my only master is Yuri-sama. I won’t speak of what happened today, even if Satsuki-sama interrogates me. I considered pretending I didn’t see anything, but the reason I didn’t is that, if today’s act was a once-in-a-lifetime event for the lady, it would be far too sad if the gentleman left her here alone. In other words… I’ll take care of it.” (Head Maid)

“I see. Then wait for a bit.” (Yuri)

I closed the door once and returned to the bedroom. Shamu was wrapped in a blanket. I sat on the bedside.

“Sorry, it seems like an emergency has occurred, and I’ve been called.” (Yuri)

“Do you really have to go?” (Shamu)

Shamu looked at me with sad eyes.

“It’s not like I have to go. I don’t know the details, but if you really don’t want me to, I’ll stay here.” (Yuri)

“… You’re right. Sorry, please go. You don’t have to stay.” (Shamu)

When I saw that expression, everything suddenly felt ridiculous to me.

Is there really anything in this world so important that I would make Shamu have this face for it?

In my heart, I weighed the situation. But the scales wavered, without giving me an answer.

If this report is ignored, many people will die. If that wasn’t the case, Myaro wouldn’t have sent a messenger on a day when I had told her to take the day off. The lives of many people, and Shamu’s feelings. These two were entirely separate in terms of importance, and not something that could be easily compared like weights.

“… I’m sorry.” (Yuri)

I hugged Shamu’s head and said with as much feeling as I could.

“It’s fine. But make it up to me later, okay?” (Shamu)

“I will. Look forward to it.” (Yuri)

“Then, go now.” (Shamu)

I released Shamu’s head.

“The one who came to call me is the head maid. Is it okay if I let her in?” (Yuri)

“Sure. She’s helped me change clothes many times.” (Shamu)

I feel like that’s not quite the issue here. Shamu grew up in an environment where it was normal to have someone help her dress, so maybe she doesn’t feel much resistance to it.

“Well, I’ll be off. If possible, I’ll be back by tonight.” (Yuri)

“Okay, I’ll wait without high expectations.” (Shamu)

I patted Shamu’s small head, got dressed, and headed to the royal castle.

Riding the Galloping Bird that the head maid had brought, I headed straight to the castle and dismounted in front of the castle gate, where Myaro was waiting.

“Your Excellency Yuri, I apologize for bothering you. But it’s an emergency.” (Myaro)

Since there were people around, she addressed me as “Your Excellency”.

“I figured. Tell me as we walk.” (Yuri)

I said while heading straight to the war council room.

“Yes. A large army suddenly appeared on the border of the Tyrellme front and broke through the border.” (Myaro)

“Whereabouts?” (Yuri)

“Not on the Shantinon side, but on the coastal area on this side. It’s believed to be between 10000 and 30000 soldiers. There’s no information about their nationality yet.” (Myaro)

“That’s an odd number. It’s not a mercenary group.” (Yuri)

The mercenaries that frequently appear on the other side are recruited when there’s a war, but otherwise, they behave like lawless rogues. In other words, they’re like war mongers turned thugs. So, when there’s no war and they get bored, they cross the border to raid this side at will. It’s the job of the army in charge of border security to drive them off, and that’s happened many times before. But ten thousand is a lot. A number that large isn’t something mercenaries or greedy local lords can mobilize on their own. Conversely, if they were seriously trying to destroy the Shaalta Kingdom, a force of less than 30000 would be too small. There’s no reason to split their forces into small units and have them defeated individually in this situation.

“Indeed. At the very least, it’s confirmed that they saw the military flag of the Papal States. The border base was completely overrun in a night attack. There were 200 men stationed there, and they were wiped out in an instant. They barely managed to send out one messenger hawk.” (Myaro)

Although called a border base, it’s not much more than a temporary structure on the border. It’s a little better than a mobile tent, a prefabricated building that can keep out the cold, surrounded by a fence. Sometimes, abandoned villages are used as bases. If there happens to be a fort-like facility, that’s a different story, but small bases like this aren’t designed to withstand large-scale assaults by a huge army.

As we talked, we arrived at the war council room.

“Your Excellency Yuri has arrived! All members, salute!” (Soldiers)

As soon as I stepped through the door, everything stopped, and the soldiers saluted. I returned the salute and immediately lowered my hand. As I approached the central table surrounded by people in the war council room, those around it made space for me.

“When was the night raid on the border?” (Yuri)

“Around 4 a.m. this morning.” (Myaro)

“Who and how did they confirm the scale of the enemy forces?” (Yuri)

“It was first reported by the garrison that was attacked in the night raid. Following that, the second report just arrived from the scouting eagle sent by General Kien. The number seems to be around 10,000. They are advancing inland at a tremendous speed.” (Myaro)

“Without any plundering or city assaults?” (Yuri)

“Yes. It seems they are raiding villages to procure food locally, but taking the food itself is not their objective. Near the location where the enemy forces were spotted in the second report, there is a city that flourishes commercially, but they passed by without paying any attention to it. Given their speed, it doesn’t seem like they’re taking the time to make any detours.” (Myaro)

It doesn’t seem like an incursion meant to seize territory.

“Has Kien’s army already moved in full force?” (Yuri)

I have entrusted Kien Rube with the army in that area. His task is to keep watch over the entire western border. There’s another army in the eastern area, around the northern part of Shantinion.

“Yes. They have already begun to move in order to confront the enemy. Given the difference in military strength, we should be able to repel them sufficiently.” (Myaro)

“I see. Then, immediately put the royal guard and the Hou Household’s garrison in the capital on ships, cross the sea, and land in Oranqua to cut off the enemy’s retreat.” (Yuri)

Oranqua is a medium-sized port city across the inland sea, located a little to the northwest of Angelica’s border. It’s fortified with walls, so even if the enemy turns back, we can fight them adequately. Forced marches that prioritize speed have the disadvantage of not being able to carry full siege equipment. Even old-fashioned walls can hold up well enough.

“Myaro, how many people can we transport using the ships in the capital’s port?” (Yuri)

“If we also use the ships at the mouth of the Elwyn River… we can transport about 5,000. If we procure all the food locally, we might be able to transport 7,000.” (Myaro)

“That’s enough. If the main clash hasn’t occurred yet, we’ll work together with Kien’s forces and attack from the northeast and southwest. Even in the unlikely event that Kien’s army is defeated, by that point, the enemy will have suffered considerable losses. With 7,000 men, we’ll have more than enough of an advantage. In that case, we’ll cut off their retreat and slaughter them. There shouldn’t be any major problems, but does anyone have an opinion to share?” (Yuri)

I asked just in case, but no one spoke up.

Well, it should be fine.

“It seems like there are no objections. Then, let’s begin the operation immediately. The Hou Household’s garrison is not ready to respond quickly, so we’ll have the royal guard head to Elwyn by land first. The Hou Household’s army will board ships in the capital, depart at dawn tomorrow, and rendezvous with the royal guard at the river mouth. Is that alright?” (Yuri)

The river from Sibyaku to the mouth has many islands, so navigating it at night carries a high risk of running aground. Losing time here would be painful, but sending only the royal guard ahead would result in insufficient strength.

“Yes. Whoever they are, they’ll regret underestimating us when they crossed into our territory.” (Yuri)

Three days later, in the evening.

“What?” (Yuri)

An Eagle from the Rube Household, which had flown from Oranqua, landed on the ship, delivering a message. When I read it, I tilted my head in confusion.

“The battle is already over… and they were almost completely wiped out?” (Yuri)

“Yes, that’s correct. It was a fierce battle, with only about 1,000 out of the 10,000 enemy forces remaining, and those 1,000 are now retreating. We are currently pursuing them, but it seems they have already reached near Taltu. Even if we continue the chase, we won’t catch up in time, and they’ll cross the border before we reach them.” (Myaro)

“I see… so it was a wasted trip then.” (Yuri)

By the time we arrived, the war was over, and the enemy’s retreat was almost complete. In other words, we were too late.

However, considering that the border was breached just four days ago at 3 a.m., it’s not that our movements were too slow. It’s that the situation unfolded too quickly. The unfavorable wind that delayed our arrival by a day was unfortunate, but our army is not cavalry-based. Even if we had arrived a day earlier, we still wouldn’t have been in time to cut off their retreat.

Still, under normal circumstances, we should have made it in time. The army Kien was leading was based in the inland city of Neufer. He had set up camp a bit further back from the border, so as not to provoke the enemy, while keeping an eye on all directions. Normally, since the enemy had to penetrate deep into the interior, there would be some delay before the two forces clashed. Even if Kien was aggressive in his response, it’s still too fast for a battle to have occurred and a retreat to be nearly complete just four days after the initial breach.

“Was the enemy mainly cavalry?” (Yuri)

“Yes. It seems they launched a desperate charge toward the main camp before the Lube Household’s army could even form ranks. After that, it became a chaotic battle, and even General Kien himself was wounded in the fighting.” (Myaro)

“I see. By the way, is this eagle your personal one?” (Yuri)

“No, it belongs to the Oranqua garrison. It’s used for both scouting and sending messages.” (Myaro)

So, the fact that the enemy was annihilated means there won’t be any further consequences from this incursion, but their movements are still suspicious. I won’t gain any more useful information just by hearing vague reports. I should go ask the Lube Household directly.

“May I borrow this eagle for now? I want to fly to Neufer immediately.” (Yuri)

“Oh, that’s fine. I’ll come to pick it up later, so please let me know where you leave it.” (Myaro)

“Much appreciated. Hey, once we reach the port, have the soldiers disembark and rest for now.” (Yuri)

I left those instructions with the captain on deck, mounted the eagle, tightened the harness, and soared into the sky.

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