The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 277: Crown Prince Adil (3)*

New chapter of The Demon King is out! (2/2 chapters)

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PS2: Click links here to read today’s chapter releases; Demon King 276 and Incompetent Bratty Prince 75.

About a week after Sher told me that it all happened in the far west, a new official arrived from the home country.

“Unfortunately, negotiations between our nation and the Shaalta Kingdom have broken down. The prince will be transferred to the royal capital of Shaalta, Sibyaku.” (??)

When Adil heard this from the official, he felt the blood drain from his face.

“Wha… what? Why? How did it come to this?” (Adil)

“They couldn’t agree on the terms. But please rest assured, Your Highness will be treated with the utmost respect in Sibyaku.” (??)

“Send me back! Take me back to Dragon Palace!” (Adil)

Adil was more agitated than he had ever been. He had always believed he would eventually return to Dragon Palace. Just as the sun sets and rises again, or as summer gives way to winter, he thought it was inevitable. But now, he was being told that this wouldn’t happen.

Dragon Palace was his home. It had been ever since he was born, and he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

“Please! There must be something you can do!” (Adil)

“I’m afraid it’s simply not possible.” (??)

“This is outrageous!” (Adil)

His blood boiled. His face felt hot. He had never been this furious before.

“Don’t be so unreasonable! The expedition was decided without my input… it’s not my fault we lost or that I became a captive! So, it’s your responsibility to send me back!” (Adil)

“What’s impossible is impossible. Your servants are doing their best. Please understand the situation.”

No matter how much Adil raged, the official’s expression remained unchanged. There was not even a hint of concern. It was as if nothing Adil said mattered. The official didn’t see Adil’s anger as a threat. Back in Dragon Palace, everyone feared Adil’s words, but here, that power was gone.

“Of course, I will accompany Your Highness to ensure your safety. No harm will come to you.” (??)

“I don’t need you!” (Adil)

Adil was filled with despair. There was no longer any hope to be found in this man or his homeland.

“Leave!” (Adil)

“…Very well, then. I shall take my leave.” (??)

The official gave a Dragon Empire-style bow and exited the room. He didn’t even feel the need to justify himself. It was all too straightforward.

“I see.” (Sher)

When Sher Marmaset heard the situation, she spoke calmly. For more than two weeks, Adil had studied with Sher daily, but she showed neither sadness nor sympathy for his predicament.

“Well, that’s unfortunate. I guess this is goodbye, then. I learned a lot from you.” (Sher)

Sheer’s tone was casual, without any hint of reluctance. It was as indifferent as a cat leaving a human’s house when the food runs out.

“Sher, won’t you come with me?” (Adil)

Sher’s mouth fell open in surprise. She hadn’t expected such a suggestion.

“Why?” (Sher)

“I’m feeling anxious. I’d like you, someone I know, to accompany me.” (Adil)

“Impossible. Unfortunately, I plan to focus on learning Arn and Telor languages in Shantinion for the foreseeable future.” (Sher)

Sher didn’t hesitate.

“Then, I’ll ask them to delay my departure until you’re finished.” (Adil)

“That’s impossible, too. I’ve already rented a room in Shantinion, and I’m going to spend at least half a year studying.” (Sher)

Half a year.

Adil felt a wave of despair. A delay of a few weeks or a month might have been negotiable, but half a year was out of the question.

“The only reason I’ve stayed here this long is because I thought Shantinion would still be in chaos after the occupation. I don’t have a personal guard like Eisa-sensei, so it was convenient to study and wait here in the meantime.” (Sher)

“But if you’re studying Aarn, can’t we continue like before?” (Adil)

“I’m not just studying Arn, I’ll be learning Terol, too. Eisa-sensei doesn’t know much about the slang used by commoners, so I want to pick up those phrases before I leave.” (Sher)

“Then… when we meet again in the capital in six months, will you still look after me?” (Adil)

Adil, who felt uneasy inside, proposed an alternative.

“Of course not, why would I want to do that? Do you really think I’d play the part of your servant?” (Sher)

Sher said dismissively, her face showing a look of exasperation.

“…Do you dislike me, Sheer?” (Adil)

“I don’t dislike you, but… hmm, have you perhaps fallen for me?” (Sher)

“Huh?” (Adil)

Adil was confused by the word ‘fallen for’. He had heard it before in stories and knew what it meant, but it felt too distant, like something that had no connection to his own life.

“…I don’t know.” (Adil)

“Good. Because I don’t like you that way.” (Sher)

“You don’t like me… why?” (Adil)

Adil felt a twinge of hurt.

Sher doesn’t like me.

“I prefer people with ambition. You’ve had the best tutors in the palace, but you can’t even speak Telor. I mean, come on… and all you seem to talk about is your mother. Is that what they call a ‘mama’s boy’? I know you’re not a bad person, but… liking you? Not really.” (Sher)

Her words felt like a dagger plunging into Adil’s heart.

“I see…” (Adil)

Adil whispered, feeling a darkness fall over him. His spirit felt dead, as if his body had turned to stone.

“Are you frustrated?” (Sher)

Sher asked, her face smiling slightly.

“Frustrated…?” (Adil)

Adil didn’t quite grasp the meaning.


He had never felt such an emotion before. He had always been materially satisfied, never compared to others. Even when someone disapproved of him, his mother always affirmed him. She was the most powerful figure in the palace, and her approval was all that mattered. But now, Adil realized he wanted Sher to acknowledge him.

“Aren’t you frustrated?” (Adil)

“Maybe… I am frustrated.” (Adil)

“I see.” (Sher)

Sher nodded.

“Then, as thanks for studying with me, I’ll give you this.” (Sher)

Sher handed him the book she always carried around.

“A dictionary…?” (Adil)

It was the same book Sher had been carrying since they first met. He had glimpsed it before, seeing how the pages were crammed with handwritten notes in the margins. He had wondered if every page was filled like that.

“Yeah, it’s a dictionary from Shan to Telor. You already know a little Terol, so you should be able to study it if you work hard enough. Since you’re being taken to Sibyaku, learning Shan won’t hurt.” (Sher)

“…” (Adil)

Adil took the book. It was heavy when Sheer released it into his hands.

“If you’re frustrated, then study hard and prove me wrong. I’ll be packing my things and leaving for Shantinion today. If you’re still in Sibyaku in six months, maybe we’ll meet again.” (Sher)

With that, Sheer casually walked out the door without a trace of regret or sentimentality.

Three days later, after preparations for his transfer were complete, Adil loaded a few books into the carriage. While a dictionary was a tool for learning, it wasn’t enough to master an entire language on its own. After a couple of days of effort, he realized he needed more than just one book, and he struggled to communicate something that would have been easy when Sher was around. Eventually, he had more books brought to him.

“Hey.” (Adil)

Adil called out to the official from the Dragon Empire who was standing beside the carriage, ready to accompany him to Sibyaku.

“Pay for these books before you follow me. I borrowed them, but I’ve decided to buy them.”

Adil said.

“…Huh?” (??)

The official responded with a confused look.

“I borrowed these books for study, but I’ll need them in the future, so I’m buying them. You are to settle the payment and then follow me. Or do I need to repeat myself?” (Adil)

“No, it’s impossible. I am here to—” (??)

“Do I need to repeat myself?” (Adil)

Adil gripped the hilt of the sword the official had at his waist and drew it from its scabbard. Holding the somewhat heavy sword, he pointed its tip toward the official’s abdomen.

“Y-Your Highness, this is a joke, right—?” (??)

“I said this book is necessary for my studies.” (Adil)

Perhaps because he had been up all night studying, Adil’s mind felt nicely numb. Irritation at having to repeat the same thing over and over again mixed with his lingering anger, and even though he was doing something completely outrageous, for some reason, he felt no tension.

“This book was borrowed, and if I take it with me as is, it would be theft. As a prince, I cannot commit robbery. You will explain the situation, pay for the book, and buy it. Even a simple errand boy could handle such an easy task. If you can’t do that much, you’re useless to me. If you’re so incompetent, then stay here and go back to the country. If you’re too ashamed to return, I’ll stab you and kill you right here.” (Adil)

When Adil said this, the official stood with his mouth agape, utterly shocked. Unlike Adil, this official could speak the Telor language. He wasn’t asking for something particularly difficult, yet the official just stood there, not responding, completely dumbfounded.

“My arm is getting tired.” (Adil)

Unable to keep holding up the sword, Adil lightly poked the official’s abdomen with the tip.

“Y-yes! Yes, Your Highness!” (??)

It was unclear if that response indicated agreement, but since he had at least answered, Adil released the sword. A satisfying metallic clatter echoed off the cobblestones.

“Go. If I see you again without having paid for it, I’ll kill you.” (Adil)

Adil climbed into the carriage and shut the door. His head was foggy from the exhaustion of staying up all night.

The carriage’s swaying made reading difficult, so Adil decided to sleep during the ride to maximize his study time in the evenings when they stopped for the night. Over the past few days, he had been so driven by an intense new passion that he had barely slept, consumed by an unfamiliar fire deep within.

Adil laid down on the soft bench inside the carriage and closed his eyes.

He could hear the official speaking in Telor outside, but he had no interest in what was being said. Adil quickly drifted off to sleep. A jolt as the carriage started moving woke him for a moment, and just as he realized they were departing, he fell asleep once again.

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