The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 274: Ceasefire Negotiations

New chapter of The Demon King is out! (12 chapters)

Myaro and I brought Halifa into one of the ship’s cabins.

“Well then, first of all, let me praise your impressive apology earlier. You seem to be more than a capable diplomat.” (Yuri)

Since his pride might have been hurt more than necessary by kneeling, I started by praising him.

“…I see, so you were testing me.” (Halifa)

“I was actually angry too. But still, you should have had the sense to handle something of that level.” (Yuri)

Diplomacy isn’t something driven by emotions, but it’s a problem if someone doesn’t get angry when they should. Just like someone who smiles foolishly when insulted will be underestimated by others, they will be looked down upon. Though it might seem trivial, in the long run, it leads to significant disadvantages.

“He was truly the only suitable person. I beg for your forgiveness.” (Halifa)

“I don’t mind. However, make sure the emancipation from slavery is not just words, but is carried out.” (Yuri)

“We will certainly do that――so then…” (Halifa)

Halifa tried to move on to the main topic, but I stopped him with my hand.

“Let me introduce myself first. I am Yuri Hou. I serve as the regent of the Shaalta Kingdom. And this here is Myaro, who holds a similar position to you.” (Yuri)

“Pleased to meet you.” (Myaro)

Myaro bowed her head slightly.

“I see……I suspected as much, but you look even younger than what I’ve heard.” (Halifa)

“People of your race often say that, but Shanti is generally seen as younger than their actual age. I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t think of me as some kid.” (Yuri)

“Well then, how is Crown Prince Adil doing at present?” (Halifa)

He immediately brought up the main issue.

He’s rather hasty. I wonder if he’s quite desperate, as he seems indifferent to appearances. Well, that’s probably why he made such a basic mistake earlier.

“Your asking that question means the power of His Majesty Aknar III is wavering, doesn’t it?” (Myaro)

Myaro interjected.

While I was out negotiating the surrender of the remnants, Myaro was learning about the internal affairs of the Kururuan Dragon Empire from a former diplomat of the Galilia Union. It was to make the best use of the fortunate acquisition of Crown Prince Adil. Therefore, Myaro knew more about this matter than I did.

“Now that the heir, Crown Prince Adil, is absent, isn’t the Empress Midia, of lowly origin, in a very precarious position? If His Majesty Aknar III protects her, there is a chance they could both fall together.” (Myaro)

“…” (Halifa)

Halifa was at a loss for words after Myaro frankly stated her theory.  Having been asked a question he couldn’t answer, he looked at us with eyes that seemed to criticize us a little.

“We are not unhappy with the reign of His Majesty Aknar III, so it would be troubling if he were to fall. As for the ceasefire, we hope to extract as favorable terms as possible, while ensuring that your empire remains intact. This is our genuine desire.” (Myaro)

Myaro clearly stated our position.

It’s odd to say there are no falsehoods in diplomacy, but it’s also true that if both sides stick to their facades during discussions aimed at solving problems, things won’t progress.

In the first place, Crown Prince Adil has value because he is the legitimate son of Aknar III. If the regime were to collapse and someone else took control of the Kururuan Dragon Empire, Crown Prince Adil would naturally lose all value. Aknar III is a man with the weakness of being unable to let go of Empress Midia, a former slave who loves luxury.

For instance, even if a general leading the army were to rebel and defeat Aknar III, he could make a statement that he could not bear to see the Empress dominating politics and living a life of luxury, while the burden of this was being passed on to the people in the form of heavy taxes, and so on, and this would provide a fairly noble cause. After that, he could marry a woman from a family said to be descendants of Emperor Ananta I, and have her bear children. In the history of the Dragon Empire, there have been many successful examples of such usurpations, so the bar is low.

If something like that were to happen, the piece we worked so hard to obtain would become useless. We need the regime of Aknar III to remain intact.

“If that’s truly how you feel, I would like you to cease hostilities immediately and return the Crown Prince. If you have any conditions, please let me know.” (Halifa)

“Naturally, since His Excellency Yuri and I are here, we have already agreed upon the terms. Shall we discuss them first?” (Myaro)

“Please do. We can’t begin negotiations without hearing them first.” (Halifa)

Prompted by Halifa’s words, Myaro, who looked a bit tense, let out a small breath.

When I think about it, this is Myaro’s first time conducting proper diplomacy with a normal foreign nation. Diplomacy didn’t even exist with the Catholic Sect, as it was only about bloody wars, schemes, and conspiracies. And during the time of the Albio Republic, she stayed behind to protect the mainland and didn’t participate.

“There are two conditions for the ceasefire. One is the free passage through the Telumur Strait. The other is the leasing of Engira Island for 30 years. In exchange, we will immediately cease hostilities and continue to treat Crown Prince Adil in a favorable environment.” (Myaro)

When Myaro presented the conditions, Halifa furrowed his brow and fell silent, as if thinking over the terms two or three times. After a moment…

“In short, you’re holding the Crown Prince hostage and trying to force us into accepting these one-sided terms, aren’t you?” (Halifa)

He looked at us with resentful, glaring eyes.

“We don’t think these conditions are that severe.” (Myaro)

Myaro continued, unfazed by his gaze.

“First, regarding the free passage through the Telumur Strait, this is not a loss for your country. The benefits you’ve been receiving from the Galilia Union will simply disappear with the fall of that nation. Next, regarding the lease of Engira Island, this too shouldn’t be considered a major loss. Of course, for our country, having a base in the Mediterranean is of great significance. However, Engira Island isn’t particularly important to your country. It’s just one of many islands, without any significant industry. From what we hear, it’s merely a small fishing village, with most of the island’s land remaining unused except for the area with a port.” (Myaro)

In essence, it’s just a request for free passage through the strait and to lease one small island for 30 years. It’s not an unreasonable demand.

“Indeed, those conditions might be reasonable. If we ignore the fact that Crown Prince Adil remains a captive, that is.” (Halifa)

Well, that’s how it is.

“Rest assured. In truth, we’ve brought two sets of conditions. One set if we return Crown Prince Adil, and the other if we don’t. I have presented the conditions where we don’t return him first, but if your country wishes, you can choose the terms where we do return him.” (Yuri)

“…I don’t understand your intentions at all. If you had any sense of politics, you’d know without explanation that we wouldn’t choose to lose the Crown Prince.” (Halifa)

As expected, it seems like he’s questioning whether I even have a brain.

“However, I think that’s not necessarily the case. It’s possible that not returning him could actually be more beneficial for your country. After you hear what I have to say, if you don’t like it, you can reject it. But if you have any sound judgment, I think you’ll find the proposal quite appealing.” (Yuri)

After all was said and done, Halifa stood on the deck of the ship.

“It was a fruitful discussion. I’ll consult with His Majesty the Dragon Emperor immediately, and we’ll visit Shantinion. With that, I’ll take my leave.” (Halifa)

Since the content of what I discussed wasn’t something Halifa could decide on his own, he would take it back and discuss it with the Dragon Emperor. He had been given full authority over the negotiations, so he could have dismissed our proposal outright. But at the very least, it seemed to be a set of conditions worth considering.

“Wait, there’s one thing I forgot to ask.” (Yuri)

“Yes?” (Halifa)

“About the Entak Dragon Kingdom. They were acting as mediators, but did your country request the intervention of the Dragon King?” (Yuri)

“Ah, that. Now that I think about it, given the proposal you had prepared, it seems there was no need to owe the Dragon Kingdom any favors.” (Halifa)

Halifa had the expression of a merchant who had incurred unnecessary losses from a failed business.

“As for your question, no. The Dragon King had somehow obtained information that our country was preparing to send reinforcements, and even before they departed, he had already given instructions to the ambassador. He ordered that if the battle ended in your victory and the two nations remained in conflict, the ambassador should act as a mediator.” (Halifa)

So, that’s why they acted so quickly. It is because the instructions had already been given in advance. It might be an overstatement to call it foresight, but the Dragon King is certainly a ruler who pays attention to details.

“As you know, the battle ended in a disastrous defeat for us, and to make matters worse, Crown Prince Adil was taken captive. At that time, I truly despised Fritz Roni, who had misled us.” (Halifa)

An unexpected name popped up at an unexpected moment.

Well, it’s understandable if he holds some resentment toward him.

“But no matter how much we resent him, it won’t bring the Crown Prince back. We knew almost nothing about your character, so we clung desperately to the Dragon King’s proposal.” (Halifa)

“I see. That explains a lot.” (Yuri)

To recover the Crown Prince as quickly as possible, the Prime Minister himself rushed to Telumur with the ambassador in tow. That’s when we arrived by ship.

“I apologize for asking this, but could you show some appreciation and give some credit to the ambassador? I sent him away because he was getting in the way of our frank discussions, but we don’t want to sour relations with the Entak Dragon Kingdom.” (Yuri)

It would be problematic to leave everything to Halifa, so we’ll need to send official documents through Telumur route from the Albio Republic. If the Telumur Strait were to be blocked and access to our base in the Mediterranean cut off, that base would be easily isolated. In such a case, there’s a huge difference between being able to receive supplies from the Entak Dragon Kingdom and not.

“…I understand. That should be acceptable. Our country also realizes that it’s not wise to let old grudges strain relations forever. Though it’s a burden to owe a favor, this might be a good opportunity.” (Halifa)

Strain relations? I’d heard the two nations had a brotherly relationship, but perhaps there’s been some tension between them. I think I should right now, but then, revealing my ignorance wouldn’t be wise. Myaro might know, and I can look into it later. For now, I’ll let it pass.

“That’s all. Please send my regards to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor.” (Yuri)

“Understood. With that, I’ll take my leave.” (Halifa)

With that, Khalifa bowed his head, climbed over the railing, and climbed down the rope ladder.

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