The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 209: (Self Edited) A Day in Ultima*

Angelica Sacrament was reading a communication from the Crusaders inside the castle of Ultima that day.

“A total of 150,000?” (Angelica)

Angie almost burst out laughing.

“No matter how you look at it, that’s excessive.” (Angelica)

‘Falsifying the number of troops announced is a practice carried out in any era. It’s always better to overstate rather than understate, so the numbers are consistently inflated. Announcing “The enemy has 50,000 troops. Our army also has 50,000 troops.” wouldn’t be as advantageous as proclaiming “Our army consists of 90,000 troops, giving us the upper hand.” Falsifying numbers doesn’t incur any loss or cost, so it is an easy morale-boosting tactic.

Even if you exaggerate by claiming “Our army consists of 10,000 troops” when you only have a hundred, no one will believe it. It would only attract suspicion. Therefore, it was considered reasonable to inflate to double the actual number or maintain it at around two to three times the actual size. If it were 150,000, and if the Crusaders claimed to have 70,000 troops, it would exceed double.’

“What do you think about that? It could be that it’s their final effort, so each country might be more motivated.” (Gustav)

Gustav said.

“Could be. However, there can’t possibly be 150,000.” (Angelica)

‘150,000 would be a considerable burden for each country. Alfred and the Papal States are very enthusiastic about this, so it wouldn’t become a small Crusade, but still, it’s still too many.’

“There might not be 150,000. But it might exceed 100,000.” (Angelica)

“Is that so? But the demand for slaves is declining. The benefits are minimal.” (Gustav)

“Is that true? Even if ten or twenty years pass, there won’t be any more Crusades. Considering that, it can be said that the value of these properties will surely increase from now on.” (Angelica)

‘Well, that’s certainly true.’

“Moreover, with the disappearance of the Long-Ears’ country, there will be a need for breeding from now on.” (Gustav)

“…It makes me sick.” (Angelica)

‘Normal humans couldn’t breed with Long-Ears. Attempts had been made to breed them several times, but they had always failed. The mechanism isn’t well understood, but it seems that even when male Long-Ears were assigned to work in brothels and mated with female Long-Ears, they wouldn’t conceive. To induce pregnancy, it is necessary to create a period where they wouldn’t have any sexual intercourse with regular humans and instead mate exclusively with Long-Ears for an extended period. In other words, for several years, they would be engaged in regular labor, but there would be a period when they wouldn’t be involved in the sex industry. As a result, the offspring born wouldn’t necessarily be female.

That’s very inefficient as a business, and it becomes a very long-term investment for brothels and slave traders. Until now, there haven’t been any attempts like that since slaves are newly circulated with each Crusade. However, things might change from now on. If the circulation of Long-Ear slaves stops, their value will naturally increase. By selecting breeding partners, it’s possible to intentionally create individuals with excellent appearance to a certain extent. Considering intervals of fifty or sixty years, those who manage to overcome this “long-term investment” might earn immense wealth.’

“Angie-sama, are you not enthusiastic about this war?” (Gustav)

“No… it’s not like that.” (Angelica)

“You might take offense, but seizing the opportunity to make wealth here could be the first step towards supremacy. There won’t be such a victorious opportunity in the future.” (Gustav)

“Well, that’s true…” (Angelica)

From a rational standpoint, it was indeed true.

“I understand Angie-sama’s concerns. Certainly, we don’t know what might happen in war. However—” (Gustav)

“I know.” (Angelica)        

Angie waved her hand impatiently.

“With a hundred thousand troops, the military disparity will double. Moreover, we can consider the enemy weak. There are no solid fortresses, so there’s no potential for unexpected delays. You’re worrying too much, that’s what you want to say, right?” (Gustav)

“There’s no need to worry too much. We shouldn’t let our guard down and should prepare fully, of course. But there’s no need to be pessimistic when we have the advantage.” (Angelica)

It was a completely logical argument.

“I understand. However, we have no grasp whatsoever of the situation on their side. The only thing certain is the numerical superiority of their army. Everything else is unclear. We don’t even know who their current king is.” (Angelica)

To Angie, that seemed like a tremendously unsettling factor. The Euphos Federation and the Papal States might have some insight, but she hadn’t been to the Euphos Federation for about a month, so she was behind on information.

“In past Crusades, there were many such uncertainties. However, we crushed them with sheer military force. Having double the enemy’s forces is a significant factor. It usually tramples over most strategies.” (Gustav)

Gustav stated a sound argument without any hesitation.

“…Hmm. Well, that’s true…” (Angelica)

“…Once again, I’ve spoken too much. Angie -sama, please follow your own heart.” (Gustav)

“I understand.” (Angelica)

‘However, what should I do next?’

“There’s no option of not going.” (Gustav)

‘That’s too timid.’

“In that case, let’s secure provisions. Especially preserved food. So that we can endure even if a situation like last time occurs again.” (Angelica)

During the escape with the Volunteering Knights led by Epitaph, they were struck by hunger severe enough to cause starvation deaths.

If they hadn’t encountered the herd of deer at that time, if they didn’t have firearms, if they had run out of bullets, they might not have been able to return. It was the blood and flesh of the three deer that saved the soldiers and Angelica. Never before or since had meat tasted as delicious as it did then.

“That sounds like a good idea.” (Gustav)

“Let’s also thoroughly investigate the routes. Securing a retreat is important.” (Angelica)

“That sounds like a good idea too.” (Gustav)

Gustav repeated similar lines and stood in front of Angie’s desk. He wasn’t offering any eye-opening strategies. That was something she had to think about. However, she didn’t come up with plans as naturally as water springs from a well. She didn’t have money. While she could think of diligent efforts, she couldn’t come up with a method that could dramatically improve the situation.

“Sigh… That’s enough. You may go.” (Angelica)

“Yes!” (Gustav)

Gustav saluted and left.

After Gustav left, there was a knock on the door after a while.

“Come in.” (Angelica)

Angelica said, and the door opened, revealing a woman who worked as a secretary in the castle.

“Angie-sama, someone claiming to be from the Papal States Supervisory Corps wishes to have an audience.” (??)

“What? Let him in.” (Angelica)

“Understood.” (??)

The door closed with a pat.

After a while, there was another knock on the door.

“Come in.” (Angelica)

“I’ve brought him.” (??)

First, a soldier opened the door and entered, followed by a man dressed in plain priestly attire. He wore entirely black clothing, similar to those worn by priests in Ultima’s church. He wore what looked like a tube-like cloak without buttons, with a high collar and a necklace worn over it. The necklace was distinctive, with a navy blue fabric shaped like a diamond, embroidered with silver thread and a cross. It was quite large, visible from afar. It was the emblem of the Supervisory Corps.

“Greetings, Your Highness Angelica.” (??)

The man from the Supervisory Corps bowed while standing.

As the name suggests, the Supervisory Corps has the role of overseeing warfare, an institution that has existed in the Papal States for a long time. In the past, they stood behind the formation in battles and prevented the collapse of the formation by striking and killing deserters with a hammer. However, nowadays, they were a mere shadow of their former selves.

The term “corps” is just a name. They are not warrior monks wielding weapons. Their current job was to travel to various countries and manage the progress of the Crusade. They meet with kings in various countries, confirm the number of troops mobilized for the Crusade, advise on matters such as the duration of travel and when to depart, and communicate with the Papal States. They also designate routes, place provisions in advance, and ensure that the routes of large armies do not conflict. Through such tasks, they ensure that all troops gather by the specified deadline.

Another important task of theirs is to verify whether the number of troops actually mobilized matches the number agreed upon in consultation with the king. For example, if a certain country promised to send 50000 troops but only sent 10000, keeping the rest on their mainland, the neighboring country would face the threat of invasion of their mainland. Naturally, it would no longer be about the Crusade.

By ensuring that the numbers are counted accurately and that large-scale deception was not occurring, kings could confidently confront the Crusade.  Though they were seen as nuisances for constantly interfering, they were also indispensable. They were not normally found in places like this.

“What brings you here today?” (Angelica)

Angie was constantly exposed to the risk of assassination, so she never met with external parties alone, nor did she allow them to enter first. The soldier stood beside Angie’s desk.

“I have something to discuss with Your Highness Angelica today, so I have come.” (??)

“Let’s hear it.” (Angelica)

“The scheduled departure date, Your Highness Angelica, have you heard it from King Alfred? If Your Highness Angelica plans to send troops, they must depart within three weeks.” (??)

“What!?” (Angelica)

She involuntarily began to rise. It was unexpected news.

“As expected… The sibling rivalry in Sacrament is quite troublesome.” (??)

Angelica quickly grasped the situation. Most likely, they intended to inform her at the last possible moment and send them off unprepared. Even three days ago, when inquired, the departure date was still uncertain, so it seemed intentional. It was a sly move.

“The Peninsular Kingdom and others have already dispatched their forces. They are scheduled to arrive at the border on June 10th…” (??)

“Hmm…” (Angelica)

With a departure schedule three weeks later, it was quite tight.

“His Highness Epitaph Palazzo highly regards your abilities.” (??)

It was undoubtedly at Epitaph’s behest. Even if praised, she felt no joy.

“His Highness also mentioned doubts about your faith, but… that’s the same for other kings. His Highness does not approve of your military strength being weakened due to sibling discord.” (??)

“That’s why you’ve come to convey this?” (Angelica)

“Exactly. As you know, ordinarily, we of the Supervisory Corps do not meet with vassals.” (??)

The Supervisory Corps typically only interacted with kings, and it was unusual for them to visit minor vassals like Angelica. Vassals were those who had entered into a contract of fealty with the king, and ultimately, the king reigned over them. When agents of the Papal States contacted vassals over their heads and provided information or instructions, most kings felt extremely uncomfortable.

In Angie’s case, she had already disliked enough to have assassins sent after her, so she doesn’t care if she’s perceived as unpleasant, but for normal vassals, it would be rude to send them away and meeting could pose problems, leaving them perplexed.

“Please consider this as a manifestation of His Highness’s expectations by bending the rules and providing you with information.” (??)

“Hmm… I shall express my gratitude for that. Though, even if I do, I can’t afford to be demanded compensation.” (Angelica)

She didn’t want to owe anything. With that man, she couldn’t imagine what he might demand.

“We do not seek compensation. His Highness only hopes for an increase in military strength.” (??)

“Why go to such lengths? 150000… Haha, isn’t that sufficient firepower?” (Angelica)

Even recalling it now, it seemed quite ridiculous. If it were to be exposed that he met with Angelica like this, he would surely incur Alfred’s wrath. It was somewhat incomprehensible to push for military reinforcement at such risk.

“It’s because Yuri How is alive.” (??)

The man from the Supervisory Corps unexpectedly dropped another bomb.

“What… Is that information from the spy infiltrated in Shaalta?” (Angelica)

The Papal States had succeeded in grooming one of the exiles from Shaalta into a spy, but from what she heard, that scheme had been crushed. Due to racial tensions and fortified borders with no diplomatic relations, infiltrating spies into Shaalta was exceedingly difficult.

“No, it’s from the Albio Republic. It seems some sailors let it slip… Multiple sailors, actually. So, it’s confirmed he’s alive. It appears he already has control over the capital.” (??)

It seemed like the latest information. Angie had been waiting anxiously for the departure date for about a month, unable to gather information.

“I see. So, he was no ordinary man after all.” (Angelica)

“His Highness changed his expression upon hearing this information. He urges for the utmost preparation and certainty… Hence why I came here.” (??)

“But even with excessive expectations, it’s troublesome. Our forces number less than a thousand strong. It’s not enough to make a significant difference…” (Angelica)

“That’s why I brought some money, albeit a small amount… I hope you’ll consider it as additional funds for your army.” (??)

‘…What is his intention exactly?’

“By the way, how much are we talking about?” (Angelica)

“5000 Kushapeni gold coins.” (??)

Kushapeni gold coins were the primary currency circulating in the Tyrellme Empire. Compared to coins from other countries, they were smaller, and six years ago, Alfred had them recast, reducing their gold content from 90 to 60 percent. Therefore, their individual value wasn’t that high. Still, 5000 coins amounted to double Angelica’s annual budget for her domain. Not all of the budgets could be used for military expenses, so it was a considerable sum.

“That’s… I can’t accept.” (Angelica)

After some consideration, Angelica declined. She desperately wanted it but dealing with Epitaph meant nothing good.

“I must reiterate, there’s no intention to burden you with a debt of gratitude. His Highness merely sees the potential in Your Highness Angelica’s capabilities, foreseeing that providing funds would enhance our military strength… Therefore, there’s no need for any form of receipt.” (??_

Not creating a receipt meant that there would be no evidence that Angelica had received the money. In normal loans or transactions, this would be unheard of. Bringing it up from their side meant they were fine with her taking it and acting like she didn’t.

“Essentially… Yes, that seems to be the case. In that case, we’ll leave it in front of the castle on our own accord. Your Highness Angelica can consider it picked up.” (??)

Indeed, it appeared to be the case.

“In that case… However, I truly don’t feel indebted.” (Angelica)

“For the Papal States, it’s not a significant amount of money. If we were to make a big deal out of such a small sum, it would tarnish the reputation of the Papal States.” (??)

While the Papal States itself was wealthy enough with its territory, it also collected a seven percent tax from all of the followers of the Isus faith throughout the entire Isus sphere, using churches in various locations. In reality, it leased the right to collect taxes to various local lords in exchange for receiving monetary compensation, but it was essentially the same thing. It was envy-inducing to Angelica that while she was laboring to increase revenue by selling wine herself, they were able to collect such taxes.

“Well, if you’re going to leave it on your own accord, then I’ll put it to good use.” (Angelica)

If they put it that way, there was no reason for her not to accept it. In reality, she had no intention of feeling indebted, and without a receipt or acknowledgment, there would be no evidence that she had received it.

“However, there’s just one condition.” (??)

‘A condition?’

“If there’s a condition—” (Angelica)

“No, I simply wish to confirm a matter that goes without saying.” (??)

‘What could it be?’

“The gold coins should be used not for expanding fields or repairing this castle, but for strengthening the army.” (??)

As she listened, it seemed like a strange request. But then again, it was understandable to worry about that. The castle was old and there were many parts that needed fixing. If it hadn’t been mentioned, she might have used about half of it already.

“Of course. While it can’t be put into writing, I promise. Since that’s what you’re providing it for, after all.” (Angelica)

“I appreciate your quick understanding. Well then, if that’s settled… ” (??)

“I’d like to inquire about just how much influence Yuri How has. Do you have more information than what you mentioned earlier?” (Angelica)

Angelica asked without much expectation.

“No, it’s just sailor’s bar talk, so there’s no further detail beyond that…” (??)

“Understood. Then, I have nothing more to add from my side. Thank you for the information.” (Angelica)

Angelica emphasized that she didn’t want to incur any debt, so she made it clear that the exchange of money never happened.

The officer from the intervention squad seemed to understand that. With a smirk on his lips, he said…

“Then, I’ll take my leave.” (??)

And with that, he exited the room.

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