The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 195: (Self Edited) Orlon Boff

The Boff Household was a relatively new household as a General household. The current Boff Household’s territory was established about two hundred years ago, after which it had been under the control of a General household called the Mulan Household.

At that time, the head of the Mulan Household was a man named Aaron Mulan, who was somewhat hot-blooded and prided himself on being outspoken and unrestrained. The queen at that time was a narrow-minded woman with a slight inclination towards Witches and a dislike for masculine culture.

During a night gathering at the royal castle, the two got into an argument. According to legend, Aaron Mulan greatly enjoyed a troubadour’s song that happened to be performed that day, drank heavily, and lost his temper. The queen reproached him for his behavior, which was deemed an insult that went too far. Subsequently, they started a quarrel that left other attendees pale-faced.

At that time, there was no one in the royal family to mediate the situation, so Aaron Mulan returned angrily to his own territory to the north.

Afterward, the queen sent the Queen’s sword to the Mulan Household in an attempt to assassinate the head of the household. When that failed, the head raised an army, marched south, and defeated the royal guard. Though their invasion was swift, they struggled to take the royal castle, and before they could act, the military of the Noza Household, who had promptly responded, arrived over the pass.

The Mulan army, exhausted from the battle with the royal guards, decided to avoid a decisive battle and instead attempted an assault on the Queen Castle Island. Despite sending eagles to attack the royal castle, they faced a heavily fortified defense, and success seemed unlikely. Ultimately, they failed and were taken down by the royal guard.

The Mulan Household was dissolved, and the Noza family received the Order of the Star for their achievements.

While the Mulan Household made a grave mistake at the end, they had generally governed their territory well and were highly respected. Despite losing the war quickly and with minimal damage to their land, many residents who admired the Mulan Household harbored resentment towards the royal family.

As a result of various negotiations, a member of the esteemed Noza family was granted a branch family to inherit the Mulan territory. The new head was the younger brother of the then-Noza Household head. However, the condition was that he marry the youngest daughter of the Mulan family to ensure the continuation of their bloodline.

And so arose the new Boff family. While the Mulan Household’s territory was gradually diminished to the north and south by the Rube Household and the royal territories, the majority remained as the Boff Household ‘s territory. However, whether this benefited the Noza Household was a delicate matter.

Within the Noza Household, there remained a tradition of looking down upon the Boff family as a branch family through generations, and this sentiment exploded after three generations. A serious rift occurred between the two households, relationships soured to their worst, and after three generations of intermarriage, the tradition was discontinued, effectively turning the two households into entirely separate entities.

However nowadays, that was all in the past.

The current head of the Boff Household, Orlon Bof, had entered the royal castle.

A few days earlier, he had received a written message under the name Carol Full Chartres, stating, “If you did not pledge allegiance to Carlia Full Chartres, come again to swear fealty.” Thus, he had no choice but to come. However, he deliberately adjusted his arrival time in the royal capital to nighttime, stayed overnight at a separate residence, and ascended to the castle the next day. This was intended to gauge the Hou Household’s response, but the Hou Household did nothing, not even sending a messenger, resulting in a fruitless effort.

Upon entering the royal castle, he was permitted to bring five guards with him.

“This way, please. The knights of your guard are to remain here.” (??)

As the maid guide spoke, Orlone felt a sense of dread.

“Why?” (Orlon)

“Inside, there are only Yuri Hou-sama and his secretary.” (??)

Interrupting Orlon’s words, the maid opened the door. Beyond it, only a desk was visible. There was no one in sight.

“Understood.” (Orlon)

Orlon entered the room. The door closed behind him with a soft pat. In the small room, there was a square table with four legs, and across from it sat Yuri Hou.

Still youthful as ever. It was no wonder, as Yuri Hou was technically still a squire. Standing beside Yuri was a secretary with short hair, whose appearance was somewhat ambiguous, leaning towards a youthful figure.

“How are you, Yuri-dono?” (Orlon)

Orlon spoke. It wasn’t clear what position Yuri Hou held. Was he the prince consort, or did he hold a natural nobility? What was certain was his leadership role in the Hou Household and his status as a student.

“Please, have a seat.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou solemnly said.

“Y-yes, of course.” (Orlon)

Orlone took a seat as instructed. Despite the attitude that could be considered disrespectful given the age difference, Orlon didn’t feel anger. Perhaps it was because he felt indebted.

“First, read this.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou said shortly, taking a paper from his secretary and sliding it towards Orlon. That paper embodied Orlon’s sense of obligation. It was the pact he had signed with the Witches. Orlone hoped it hadn’t been passed on, but it seemed it had already left the Witch’s hands and fallen into the possession of the Hou Household.

“I have no recollection of this.” (Orlon)

Orlon said, uttering the prepared response. The secretary, standing nearby, smoothly moved towards the door. Orlon thought they might be fetching tea, but instead, they locked the door before returning.

“I see… well, it doesn’t matter.” (Yuri)

“Hmm. I don’t remember it. My household and I, Oron Boff, will continue to pledge allegiance to the royal family.” (Orlon)

Orlon hadn’t failed to foresee this turn of events. Since he had signed the document himself, he naturally anticipated it. He had gathered clever advisors among his entourage and discussed potential developments. The conclusion they reached was that the Hou Household wouldn’t become enemies with the Boff Household. Orlon also agreed. After all, the Crusaders were about to arrive. The military strength of the Boff Household was undoubtedly necessary. There was no advantage in making enemies out of them.

“That won’t do. The Boff Household must cease to exist.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou said coldly.

“W-what do you mean?” (Orlon)

“Do those who make pacts with Witches have the qualifications to lead Knights? I don’t think so.” (Yuri)

“What are you implying!” (Orlon)

Orlon couldn’t help but slam his hand on the table and stand up. He wasn’t actually enraged. It was a habit ingrained in him to express his frustration by standing up in situations like this. As the head of the Boff Household for thirty years, he had always done this and resolved situations in this manner.

“Be silent. Sit down.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou commanded.

“This thing…” (Orlon)

Orlon clenched the paper placed on the desk in his palm, crushing it with a crunch.

“I know nothing about this paper! Who do you think I am? Does the Hou Household disregard the Boff Household?” (Orlon)

Orlon thrust his fist towards Yuri Hou, shouting while still standing.

“Be quiet. Listen to what I have to say.” (Yuri)

“This paper…”  (Orlon)

Orlon tore the crumpled paper into four pieces and forcefully swallowed them, wetting them with saliva and using his throat to push them down. A gulp echoed from Orlon’s throat.

“It never existed. This discussion is over.” (Orlon)

“Are you a fool…” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou signaled to his secretary, who handed him another piece of paper, which he placed on the table. It was an exact replica of the pact he had just swallowed. Orlon could only stare blankly, his mouth agape.

“There’s no way I would hand over the original. Are you stupid?” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou said with exasperation. Orlon tried to argue back but found no words coming out of his throat.

“Well, listen.” (Yuri)

Yuri Hou’s expression remained unchanged, observing Orlon with the same disdainful gaze as before.

“If you willingly renounce your natural nobility and return the territory entrusted to you by the royal family, I’ll allow your household to continue as minor landowners. I’ll provide enough to support the last three generations of your family.” (Yuri)

The conditions presented by a Knight-in-training many decades younger were unacceptable to Orlon Boff.

“Don’t mess around!” (Orlon)

“Okay. Sit down because it’s too much trouble.” (Yuri)

“Do you know who you’re talking to?!” (Orlon)

Orlon Bof spoke in the same tone he used when scolding his retainers. Whenever he needed to assert control over unwilling individuals, this was always his most practiced method.

“I am the head of the Boff Household-…” (Orlon)

“Enough.” (Yuri)

One of Yuri Hou’s hands was no longer visible on the desk. With a slight lowering of his right shoulder, his right hand slipped beneath the desk. A sharp click was heard, followed by a whooshing sound and a loud explosion. Orlon felt a powerful impact as if he had been kicked hard in the lower abdomen.

“Ugh!” (Orlon)

Suddenly unable to support his weight, Orlon collapsed on the spot. Blood gushed profusely from just below his sagging, obese belly, and he felt a strange heat a moment later. Upon touching it, he realized there was a hole.

“I told you to sit down.” (Yuri)

Approaching after rising from his seat, Yuri Hou held a dagger in his hand.

“W-wait! Wait!” (Orlon)

Orlon Boff pleaded while pressing on the wound in his lower abdomen, but Yuri Hou’s expression remained unchanged, and he didn’t stop his movements. With the casual ease of a skilled chef breaking down a chicken in the kitchen, Yuri grabbed Orlon’s hair, lifted his chin, and smoothly slid the blade across his throat.

“Guh!” (Orlon)

His windpipe filled with fresh blood, Orlon tried to cover his throat. As he felt the warmth of his own blood gushing, Orlon’s consciousness quickly faded away.

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