The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 193: (Self Edited) Conference in Andal (1)

On that day, Angelica Sacrament was in Andal, the imperial capital of the Tyrellme God-Protected Empire. She had been summoned by her brother, Alfred Sacrament. In the meeting room of the castle in Andal, nobles under the Sacrament royal family were gathered. Among them sat Angelica Sacrament.

(Aniue… looks aged.)

Angelica thought as she looked at her brother. He must have been around thirty, but perhaps unable to bear the weight of ruling the country or burdened by the anxieties of the struggle for the throne, strands of white hair were prominent amidst his burnt-brown hair. Their family didn’t have a history of premature graying. Rather, they tended towards baldness, so this development now was rather ominous.

“Now, the reason I’ve gathered you all here today is to discuss participation in the Crusade.” (Alfred)

Alfred said so and among the nobles, a few murmurs rose.

Angelica, having already known the information, remained unsurprised as she casually listened and checked her understanding. While the known information was being conveyed to her, Ange was looking out the open window while listening to the information from the side and checking the answers.


Though inland, the gentle flow of a great river was ideal for river transport, with numerous ships docked at the port. The river in Andal could be navigated upstream with sails when the wind was favorable, or pulled by oxen or horses along the riverbank road when there was no wind, allowing ships to be brought upstream. It was a prosperous city, and the reasons for its prosperity were well understood. However, historically speaking, Andal hadn’t always been the imperial capital of the Tyrelme God-Protected Empire. It was a city that the Sacrament royal family took from one of the fallen lords 282 years ago.

The Sacramenta royal family, to which Angelica belonged, did not originate from the Tyrellme region. They descended from the Emperor of the Xerxes God-Protected Empire, and about a thousand years ago, during the madness of Cranixes V, when he enacted the National Bleaching Order and the empire collapsed, their lineage should have vanished with it.

A thousand years ago, a man named Catholic Wichita zealously studied ancient texts to decipher the location where the Holy Body of Isus lay dormant. He was a perseverant genius who, through diligent investigation, finally discovered the whereabouts that had been lost for about a thousand years.

This marked the beginning of the decline of the glorious God-Protected Empire of ancient times. According to the doctrine of Isus, even now, He was said to be asleep, and disturbing that sleep was considered taboo. To make matters worse, the cave where the Holy Body was sealed was not within the realm of Isus worship. Rather, it was located in the newly formed military power of the Kururuan Dragon Empire, near their imperial capital.

In the vicinity of the Holy Body of Isus, making noise was forbidden, as it would disturb His sleep. Therefore, it was impossible to move the Holy Body. There were no ships stable enough to prevent disturbance during long-distance travel, and moving such a sacred object without disturbing its rest was simply not feasible. Thus, the Holy Body had to remain in the cave. However, the fact that this location existed in a country not of the Isus faith could not be overlooked.

At that time, the Xerxes God-Protected Empire was ensnared in a dilemma that seemed nothing short of madness. Naturally, the only solution was to seize the land and make it their own. After several negotiations, Angelica’s ancestors ultimately ended up fighting against the Kururuan Dragon Empire.

This war was disadvantaged from the start and was lost. In a foolish endeavor called the “Apologies and Transfers,” the body of Isus was transported to Vatican. Originally, the founder of the Dragon Empire, Ananta I, had always intended to return the body at will, so in retrospect, this war was entirely futile.

However, the folly of Cranixes V did not end there. Instead, it was just the beginning. Through numerous meetings of a gathering of fanatics called the Monastic Council, they concluded that their defeat in the war was due to insufficient faith and began imposing strict adherence to faith on the citizens.

This adherence was severe. Everyone, including ordinary citizens, was monitored, and anyone whose faith was questioned was executed. This extended not only to the common people but also to regional governors, bureaucrats, and military personnel, disrupting their duties and paralyzing the functioning of the state. Additionally, those involved in the administration of the state were required to obtain qualifications corresponding to their status, resulting in many high-ranking regional governors being ousted from their positions. Merchants were coerced into donations, and those who hid their wealth were whipped.

As rebellions erupted frequently in the provinces distant from Vatican and various states like the Kalghinion Kingdom splintered, they fought wars of attrition and bloodshed, gradually becoming independent. Seeing provinces becoming independent and new nations emerging without accommodating their faith, Cranixes V descended into madness.

Gathering monks who knew nothing of the secular world from infancy, he formed an organization called the Bleaching Brigade, granting them absolute judicial authority and unleashing them upon the world. They indiscriminately slaughtered anyone whose faith was even slightly questionable, be they commoners, nobles, merchants, or military personnel.

Ultimately, the Vatican Guards, tasked with protecting Vatican, rebelled, and Cranixes V was assassinated. By massacring the Bleaching Brigade, the events finally came to an end.

And thus, the Xerxes God-Protected Empire also disappeared.

Angelica’s ancestor was a man who was the younger brother of the disgraced King Cranixes V. Centered around the Grand Chamberlain of the Holy Sleep Temple, the newly established Catholic Papal States, in their thorough adherence to faith, did not hold the blood relatives of the mad emperor accountable for their sins. However, instead of providing anything, they were exiled, and if they seemed to be struggling, they were admitted to a monastery and provided with basic care but were not allowed to advance within the church and were left to live out their days in obscurity.

Angelica’s ancestor chose not to live in a monastery but used their hidden wealth to quietly spend their remaining years in a fishing village in the southern part of the Kusul Peninsula. His son took up fishing in the village and eventually became a fisherman. Perhaps due to the education provided by his father or his charisma, he became the village chief.

The first emperor of the Tyrellme God-Protected Empire was the son of that village chief. In other words, he was the grandson of Cranixes V’s brother. After the collapse of the Xerxes God-Protected Empire, the Tyrellme region became a patchwork of marquisates and principalities. At that time, the majority of Isus worshippers were followers of the Kalghi Sect, but the Catholic Papal States, based on new doctrines devised by Catholic Wichita, sought to reclaim faith and were attempting to reverse the balance of power.

The Tyrellme lords attempted to switch allegiance to the Catholic Sect and, in their arrogance, confiscated the property of Kalghi clergymen and began to oppress Kalghi believers within their territories. This angered the Kalghinion Empire, which sent its armies. Despite having overwhelming numbers, the Tyrellme lords suffered defeat after defeat and never won a single battle. It became apparent that they were a ragtag assembly, so the Tyrellme lords realized they needed unity and chose a blood relative of the Xerxes God-Protected Empire’s emperor as their leader. Thus, the inaugural emperor brought in was Leon Sacrament.

In other words, the Sacrament royal family was created by the Tyrellme lords. Knowing that they couldn’t survive without the lords’ support, the kings were not chosen by kings but by elector princes through elections. The initial territory granted to Leon was not vast. It consisted of a small city and its surrounding lands, nothing more.

Leon harbored dreams and hopes for the small city’s future and, praying for its development, grandly renamed it “Ultima.” Unfortunately, the small city failed to develop for reasons beyond its control. It was distant from major trade routes, had a river but was unsuitable for river transport, and lacked a fertile granary zone in its vicinity. Its lack of development was only natural. Using this as his base, Leon expanded the power of the Sacrament royal family by acquiring new territories in the newly commenced crusades. This trend has continued to the present day. Participation in the crusades is one of the few major events that the royal family can undertake without seeking permission from the lords.

Ultima, once the imperial capital, also had limited potential for growth. As larger new cities were acquired, the capital was relocated successively. The current final destination is here in Andal. Despite its grand name, Ultima remained the imperial capital for only a little over seventy years in the end. Currently, Ultima serves as Angelica’s stronghold.

Since the canal opened 120 years ago, although the river route to the sea was circuitous, trade conditions had improved, and the land was no longer considered as bad, but still not good. There was virtually no industry, but quality grapes were harvested from the lean soil, and the only viable industry that earns foreign currency was wine production.

King Alfred Sacrament, Angelica’s brother, continued to talk endlessly about matters already familiar to Angelica, but finally, it came to an end.

“Therefore, we have decided to participate in the 16th Crusade.” (Alfred)

Alfred Sacrament said to his subordinate generals.

“Isn’t it too early… What about the preparations for the colonists…?” (??)

Someone present expressed doubt. Indeed, it was understandable to have doubts. Having land was meaningless without people to settle it. It was the same as having empty land.

Recruitment for settlement typically attracts surplus farmers’ third or fourth sons. For example, they were those without occupations or uncertain futures and they were willing to participate. This naturally led to male-dominated groups, with women who was established as a prostitute headed to the area in search of a marriage partner. She, then, chose a hardworking man from a family of men who were young and start a family.

Such groups accumulate during the intermission between Crusades and were potentially latent in society, so it was easy to imagine that they wouldn’t gather much within just two years since the last Crusade. The scheduling of the Crusade takes such factors into account. Especially after the relatively warm southern regions were conquered, only frigid areas where even leftovers freeze over remained. Sending people blindly was easy, but settling required state support, and I wasn’t just about acquiring land one after another.

In the Peninsula Kingdom in the south, humans could live by diving naked into the sea to catch fish. However, this wasn’t the case in the frigid north. Simply surviving required ingenuity and tools. Without axes to fell trees, one couldn’t make firewood, and without firewood, humans couldn’t survive the winter. It was that kind of land. There was no fertility where sowing wheat in tilled land would automatically yield a crop.

To stabilize life, one must understand the region’s nature well, know the animals that inhabit the forests, and adapt to the climate. The settlers were mostly uneducated and penniless, so even if the investments were made through debt to be recovered later, immediate care must be provided by the state.

“We’ll postpone colonization. We have decided that it can’t be helped. The Papal State is enthusiastic about this. If we sit back and watch, we’ll be left behind. We can’t afford to miss out.” (Alfred)

“Yes, indeed.” (??)

It was true. Whether it was empty land or not, it was best to acquire it if possible. If they didn’t acquire it, they might not be able to settle later.

“However, this is an urgent matter. We must quickly plan for supplies. Each of you, promptly report the stocks of grain and provisions, and if necessary, prepare to bring out everything.” (Alfred)

“Yes, understood!” (??)

Everyone except Angie responded in unison. She merely opened her mouth as if to blend in.

“Probably, this Crusade will be the last Crusade. It’s urgent, so things may not proceed smoothly, but other countries are in the same boat. We have the advantage. Let’s make sure it succeeds.” (Alfred)

“When this is over, a peaceful era will come. We must seize land now while we can.” (??)

One nobleman said.

‘Is that really so? Human nations are always looking for enemies. If they exist within, they’re enemies within. if outside, they’re enemies outside.

After the Crusade, there will be no common enemy for the Isus Doctrine nations. The Kururuan Dragon Empire is one such example, but they are a huge nation with a powerful army, and unlike Shan nations they have fought against up until now, they aren’t weak nations that can simply be taken over. They aren’t opponents who can be treated like harvesting grass in a field, engaging in profitable business.

Without a common enemy, the Isus Doctrine nations will end up fighting among themselves. In fact, the mosaic-like enclaves known as the Isus City-States have formed precisely because they had a common enemy for a long time and thus didn’t fight amongst themselves. If external pressure is applied, the dangerous substances ready to mix and explode will quickly dissolve. The extended abnormal period with no external pressure is what has kept them intact.

In fact, once external pressure was applied, the Galilea Union came into being in no time, and now it has become a major state comparable to the Tyrellme God-Protected Empire. After the Crusade, it will be an era of Isus Doctrine nations fighting among themselves.’

Angelica held such a sense.

“Angelica, do you have something to say?” (Alfred)

Alfred called out from afar to Angelica, who was seated at the far end.

“Yes. If I may dare say, it might be prudent to investigate again regarding the Witch rebellion claimed to have been incited by the Papal State. The first and second summonses were intended to march directly into the royal capital, but this latest letter indicates a direct confrontation. There seems to have been some oversight, without a doubt.” (Angelica)

Angelica spoke, knowing it was futile.

“Hmph… I never expected such a spineless remark. Are you suggesting that someone who suffered a disastrous defeat fighting two nations last time will suddenly win against one?” (Alfred)

As expected, Alfred dismissed Angelica’s statement without consideration, not merely disparaging her words but also diminishing her abilities. In this manner, steps were being taken to ensure that Angelica wouldn’t garner any support whatsoever. Angelica felt as though she had been brought here almost as a spectacle.

“My apologies. I am in awe of Aniue’s discerning eye.” (Angelica)

Angelica stopped speaking without needlessly pushing back. Alfred grimaced, clearly displeased. The siblings had never gotten along well from the start.

“Well then, we’ll adjourn for today. Angelica, come to the office later.” (Alfred)

Alfred concluded the meeting with these words.

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