The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 191: (Self Edited) Meeting with the Rube Household

April 5th. Twelve days after the fall of the capital.

That day, the sky was covered with grey clouds, and the weather was far from cheerful. I was drinking tea with Myaro in the conference room of the royal castle. Tillet was also present in the corner of the room.

“Yuri, let’s open it after all. There’s not much point in waiting.” (Myaro)

Myaro said while looking at the envelope on the desk. It was sealed with wax.

“No. I want to talk to them frankly. Attitude matters.” (Yuri)

As I said that, the door opened. In came Kien Rube and Liao Rube.

I stood up from my chair to greet them.

“Long time no see, Kien-dono.” (Yuri)

“Yes… This time was quite difficult.” (Kien)

Kien said with a troubled expression. He seemed unsure how to express condolences or how to address me. Liao, on the other hand, looked at me with a nonchalant expression. I didn’t miss the momentary glance he threw towards Myaro.

“Yes, somehow I managed to survive.” (Yuri)

I extended my hand to Kien. Kien shook hands firmly with me. The hands of an old man were dry and ungreased. Next, I extended my hand to Liao.

“You did well, Yuri.” (Liao)

“No, it was nothing but failures.” (Yuri)

After shaking hands with Liao, I sat back down. Liao looked at me with a quizzical look. He seemed unconvinced by my self-deprecating remarks.

“Now, please have a seat. Let’s talk comfortably.” (Yuri)

Kien and Liao sat down side by side. The seating arrangement was chaotic due to the etiquette, but Myaro was seated to my left, so there was no helping it.

“So, the contents were as written in the letter.” (Yuri)

I had written about the Crusade in the letter and called Kien to discuss it. Liao’s presence was an extra.

“This is the covenant that the Witches entered into with the Papal States. Copies of this have already been posted around the city, but this is the original document.” (Yuri)

I placed the documents brought from the Charleville Household’s house on the desk.

The contents were as follows.


The Papal States, as the sovereign sponsor of the Crusaders, demand the following from the Witch group of the Shaalta Kingdom:

  1. The extinction of the royal family of the Shaalta Kingdom by any means necessary, or the installment of a puppet royal family controlled by the Witch group, leading to a change in regime.
  2. Maintenance of the regime post-change until the arrival of the Crusaders, and continuous obstruction of defensive preparations against the Crusaders.
  3. Support for attacks on the Shaalta Kingdom by the Crusaders, and if requested, the opening of the port of the capital city of Sibyaku to the Crusader fleet.
  4. Securing individuals of the Shanti with golden hair, particularly Telor Tuni Chartres, to the extent possible, except where this conflicts with achieving Goal 1.
  5. Arrest and imprisonment of the heretic Iza Catholic Wichita, followed by extradition to the Papal States.

Upon achieving the above goals 1-5, the Papal States promise the following to the Witch group of the Shaalta Kingdom:

  1. Granting rights equivalent to the Kuran for up to five thousand members of the Witch group.
  2. Granting ducal titles to seven members of the Witch group.
  3. Protection of rights concerning the property of the Witch group.
  4. Permanent protection of land ownership of the Witch group.

By these terms, this constitutes the contract between the Crusaders and the witch group of the Kingdom of Shialta.

Representative of the Crusaders: Epitaph Palazzo

Representatives of the Witch group (six names):

Vivila Marmaset

Sharn Charleville

Keagel Cursfit

Jura Lakramanus

Gura Temper

Kiki Enphile

“I see.” (Kien)

“They are utter scum.” (Liao)

Liao echoed. Both of them had disgust on their faces.

“Now, Kien-dono, let us proceed with an equal footing in our discussion.” (Yuri)

“Hmm? Yes, of course. Yuri-dono is now the head of the Hou Household… Of course, that’s fine.” (Kien)

Until now, we had been using formal language. However, from now on, it would be difficult to have a frank conversation while maintaining excessive respect.

“Kien-dono, do you think the Crusaders will come?” (Yuri)

“I don’t know. After failing like this, they might not come, or they might come seeing the chaos. The fact is, with the Queen fallen, the royal capital is in extreme turmoil.” (Kien)

‘In reality, the situation is not as chaotic as Kien described. Originally, the Queen had incited the populace to view me as a hero. I had distributed leaflets portraying that image of me before the image was tarnished. The people, while anxious about Carol’s absence, largely welcome the new rulership of the Hou Household. The bureaucratic system has been destroyed, making tax collection and other matters this year quite troublesome, but at least public order is rapidly improving.’

“The answer lies here.” (Yuri)

I placed my palm on an envelope on the desk. The wax seal was intact.

“What is this?” (Kien)

“The day after the assassination, I sent word by ship to the Albio Republic to inquire about the movements of the Crusaders.” (Yuri)

Finally, the message had arrived.

“Typically, the round trip takes twenty days, but with favorable winds, it was completed in fourteen days. It arrived yesterday, prompting me to summon you.” (Yuri)

A fourteen-day round trip was considered lucky in this season’s wind conditions, occurring about once every five attempts. It was fortunate.

“That doesn’t add up. It’s been just over ten days since you took the royal capital.” (Kien)

“The situation indicated to me that they were in league with the Crusaders.” (Yuri)

“Yuri-kun, for you, this might be obvious, but it’s not so easy for others to understand.” (Myaro)

Myaro interjected.

“To avoid any misunderstandings, allow me to explain.” (Myaro)

Myaro simply and clearly explained the reasons and evidence for that judgment.

“So, Yuri-kun sensed that the Witches had joined forces with the Crusaders on that very day.” (Myaro)

“Hmm…” (Kien)

“Anyway, the reply is here. As you can see, it’s unopened. Shall we open it?” (Yuri)

“Why summon us without opening it? Since it’s addressed to you, you could have just read it.” (Yuri)

“Regardless, I see the situation regarding the Crusaders as one that cannot be managed without the cooperation of the Rube family. Therefore, instead of reaching a conclusion first and then discussing, I thought it would be better to wait together, hence the delay in opening it.” (Yuri)

“I see.” (Liao)

The intact wax seal was supposed to be evidence of that. However, it was an uncertain tale. Even if the wax seal were broken, it could easily be forged by placing the letter in a new envelope and sealing it with new wax. The stamp pressed into the wax bore the emblem of the Kucririson Household, but like a seal, it could be counterfeited and was not a definitive proof. While it served as rudimentary evidence, the reliability of the messenger who carried it was more important in terms of proof.

“Well, if you hadn’t come today, I would have opened it anyway. Let’s open it now.” (Yuri)

“Very well.” (Kien)

I broke the wax seal and opened the letter.

“Allow me to read it first. This also serves as a company business communication. It would be troublesome if there were any extremely confidential matters enclosed.” (Yuri)

“That’s fine.” (Kien)

I: General Matters

**Regarding Printed Scriptures:**

The new edition of the scriptures has been well received. Orders have increased, along with those for the bare scriptures (see attached sheet). Orders for the old-style (as we call it for convenience) scriptures have decreased by one-third.

Protests from the Karurugi faction’s Archbishop have intensified. I have received a rebuttal letter from Eisa-sensei, so I’m attaching it here.

(Regarding the assassination incident, I find it hard to believe, but if true, I offer my condolences to Her Majesty the Queen.)

II: Information

The call for the formation of the Third Crusade has been issued. This information was delivered across the strait and brought to the Albio Republic by an urgent messenger pigeon.

The spies from the Albio Republic, who are tasked with monitoring news about the Crusade, are rooted within the Euphos Federation. After the conclusion of the feudal council, they have decided to participate for now. This time, with the Pope’s approval and the confirmed participation of the Papal States’ army, the Crusade is assured to proceed without a doubt, prompting them to take action.

(The leadership of the Albio Republic seems reassured after receiving explanations from the chairman regarding the conspiracy. It’s tough but hang in there. It seems like they are taking the espionage aspect seriously due to the Euphos Federation being their simulated enemy.)

Due to the significantly delayed call compared to previous years, there is less time to prepare logistics, suggesting that this year’s Crusade may be delayed compared to usual timing.

III: Goods

As instructed, we have borrowed a large sum from the moneylender to purchase a large quantity of firearms and gunpowder. The interest rate is 8% per annum.

(The moneylender touched my butt. It’s infuriating.)

IV: Shipping

Delivery of the Holland XV and Mamiya XVI (small reconnaissance ship) is complete.

Loading of goods and returning to port.

Negotiations for the construction of newly built ships are on hold because the construction funds were allocated to the purchase of firearms.

“Well, that’s how it goes…” (Yuri)

I muttered to myself. If the Crusade had been canceled, that would have been preferable, so I was disappointed.

‘The die has been cast. Once you’ve raised your arm, in war, there’s no choice but to bring it down. Well, my luck has been bad lately, so this isn’t unexpected.’

I handed the paper over to Kien and began reading the attached separate sheet.

‘Trusting the designer with the binding was definitely the right choice. This could really boost profits. Well, not that I can afford to worry about profits right now…’

“It seems they’ll be coming within the year.” (Kien)

After Kien finishing reading it, he handed the paper to Liao.

“That’s right.” (Yuri)

“Of course, the Rube Household will fight. We have 12000 soldiers.” (Kien)

“The Hou Household’s army consists of 16000. The Second Army has 11000, and the First Army has 7000, totaling 46000. However, the Second Army is like garbage. You should consider them to be about one-third effective.” (Yuri)

“How is the Second Army doing now?” (Kien)

“They’ve been told that if they serve a year in the military, they’ll be pardoned for any charges of treason. They’ve been placed under senior soldiers from the Hou Household and are being ruthlessly disciplined in the barracks of the Hou Household and royal territories. We’ve also eliminated all the women who were acting as officers based solely on their positions, including those in the First Army.” (Yuri)

“We have a few months until the Crusaders arrive to see if they’ll be of any use after training…” (Yuri)

‘Well, that’s the problem.’

“Originally, these soldiers weren’t in it for war. They joined to be lackeys for the Witches, wanting to boast and make money easily. We’ll deploy them for the war for now, but realistically, even with training, they’ll probably only perform at half the normal level. So, subtract 5500, and you’re looking at around 40500 troops.” (Yuri)

“The total number of enemies last time was… around 80000, wasn’t it? It wouldn’t have been a battle without the help of Boff and Noza.” (Kien)

“Fortunately, we still have a grace period of about two to three months. Realistically speaking, even in a rush, that’s about how long it would take. They need to make arrangements for each country, prepare logistics. They’re starting everything from scratch.” (Yuri)

“I see… that’s true.” (Kien)

It seemed Kien also shared the same viewpoint.

“First, during this time, we need to neutralize Boh and Noza.” (Yuri)

I gave paper to Kien.


The Seven Great Witch Household hereby contract with Oron Boff, head of the Boff Household and their representative, as follows:

  1. In the event of turmoil in the capital, the Boff Household will not advance troops to the royal territories.
  2. The Boff Household will not allow the Rube Household to pass through their territory and will hinder their progress.
  3. The Boff Household will obstruct any attempt by the Rube Household to advance southward via the sea.

In the event that the above three conditions are upheld, the Seven Great Witch Households promise the following treatment as stipulated:

  1. Granting the Boff Household ‘s personnel (up to 2000) rights equivalent to the Kuran.
  2. Bestowal of the ducal title upon the head of the Boff Household.
  3. Assurances for the Boff Household ‘s fiefdom after the Crusade conquest.
  4. Possession of the right to armed self-defense.

With the above, this contract constitutes an agreement between the Boff Household and the Seven Great Witch Families.

Representative of the Boff Household: Oron Boff

Representatives of the Witch group (six names):

Vivila Marmaset

Sharn Charleville

Keagel Cursfit

Jura Lakramanus

Gura Temper

Kiki Enphile

“Those bastards…” (Kien)

Kien’s eyes burned with anger. He seemed angrier than when he discovered the Witches’ betrayal. After all, Rube and Boff were neighbors.

“As you can see, they’re worthless. Summon the head of the Boff Household to the royal castle and kill him.” (Yuri)

“What will we do with the army group after that?” (Kien).

“We’ll manage to absorb them within two or three months. It’ll be rushed, but we have no choice.” (Yuri)

“Hmm… but…” (Kien)

Kien seemed hesitant.

” I cannot trust an army whose general is someone who makes such a promise and then gives up before the fight begins. It seems foolish to fight while waiting to see what happens. It means that when placing them at key places, we would be wondering whether they would make a move or not, or even asking them to make a move.” (Yuri)

‘They were passive in the last war and hardly fought. I don’t think we can rely on them. If we win, then what? Instead of talking about judgment, we’ll be discussing rewards. If they’re of no use, we might as well eliminate them now.’

“But there will be a battle.” (Kien)

“We’ll distribute leaflets massively. Invite Oron Boff to the capital first. Then, with the Hou and Rube Households, we’ll encircle from the north and south. There shouldn’t be much resistance.”  (Yuri)

“However…” (Kien)

“The issue is the Noza family. Borafura Noza is a clever man. I have a similar document, but it’s in the form of a declaration. It’s a unilateral promise from the Witches without Borafura Noza’s signature or seal.” (Yuri)

Kien understood the danger of presenting such a two-way contract to the Witches. It could be used against us as leverage later.

‘If it’s in the form of a declaration, the Witches can forge it 100%. Then, they’ll burn the declaration they have and claim that they were just caught up in the Witches’ conspiracy.’

“I know him well. He’s a cautious man. He lacks the qualities to lead an army.” (Kien)

“Oron Boff will likely respond to the summons willingly, but Borafura probably won’t come.” (Yuri)

“Indeed. He’s a clever but cautious man. He won’t show up.” (Kien)

Kien seemed to share these sentiments.

“Well, there are various approaches we could take… Either way, it’s a discussion for after Oron Boff’s demise. It will be easier to bend the line after everyone but you become your enemy.”  (Yuri)

‘The real issue lay in how to handle the upcoming battle against the Crusaders. Now, the question was whether Kien would go along with my plan.’

“After dealing with Oron Boff, I want a decisive victory against the Crusaders. I want to be certain of winning, whether they have 100000 men or not. This time, it’s do or die.” (Yuri)

“Huh? Well, that would be ideal if we could pull it off.” (Kien)

Kien responded skeptically.

“To achieve that, I’m considering making the battlefield north of the capital. I would like the Rube Household to not fight the Crusades and let them pass through with their army intact.” (Yuri)

“What?!” (Kien)

Kien’s expression turned alarmed.

“We can evacuate the residents. We have three months. It shouldn’t be too difficult,” (Yuri)

“But the villages will be burned down. Are you asking us to abandon Mital?” (Kien)

“The Crusaders won’t easily destroy fortified cities like Mital to rubble. We can repair it upon our return. I’m willing to cover the costs.” (Yuri)

“Is that how you’re going to go?” (Liao)

Liao interjected.

“Mital has been safeguarded by our Rube Household for generations. Are you suggesting we let it be burned down without resistance?” (Liao)

“Then do as you wish.” (Yuri)

I responded.

“The Hou Household will withdraw. Fight as you please.” (Yuri).

“What did you say?” (Kien)

“What…!” (Liao)

Liao and Kien both exclaimed in surprise.

“With our current forces, it’ll be difficult to win near the northern border. I’m not willing to take that gamble.” (Yuri)

“What nonsense are you spouting like a child? We must unite and fight together…” (Kien)

Kien made a remark of no benefit.

“Kien-dono, then tell me, among our forces, how many reliable troops do we actually have? The Hou Household’s army, the Rube Household’s army. The First Army of the Royal Guards is also in a state of decline due to confusion in the chain of command, but let’s include them for argument’s sake. We have a total of 34000 soldiers. The Kuran will likely muster at least 60,000. Last time they had 80,000. Are these 34,000 soldiers comparable to the Kuran’s army? Are they all fearless and unrivaled in strength? No, in the previous battle, they struggled against ordinary infantry.

Kien-dono, the Rube Household’s army was also pushed back similarly when it came to infantry engagements. The other side is heavily armed with firearms while we’re left with spears and swords. It’s obvious they’d win.

The Second Army has about 11,000 soldiers, the Boff Household’s army around 9,000, and the Noza Household’s army with approximately 8,000 due to their unfavorable terrain. Altogether, that’s 28,000 troops. They’re significantly inferior to the Kuran’s force of 60,000.”

Kien-dono, in a battle where our nation’s survival and the extinction of our race are at stake, are we really planning to engage in a decisive battle without any strategy? Is our only strategy to stuff them with food before battle and then shout at them? Are we relying solely on our prideful Galloping Birds and Eagles to win?

If that’s your plan, then I have nothing more to say. Do as you wish.” (Yuri)

‘Sometimes, despite our best efforts, there are situations we can’t change. That’s reality. Rather than taking such a gamble, it might be better to retreat and save as many as we can on the New World.’

“Then, are you saying we can win by retreating to the capital?” (Kien)

“Yes, we can. I’m devising plans for that very purpose.” (Yuri)

‘Well, even if we couldn’t win, by then, the Rube Household would likely be in ruins. It’s better to let them believe.’

“Specifically, what plans are you talking about?” (Kien)

“I’m already implementing them. Preserving the Second Army while attacking the royal capital was part of the plan. Also, have you not found it strange that all these documents are conveniently in place without any loss? I took it away before I plotted and killed the witches.” (Yuri)

‘If we had mindlessly crushed the Second Army, what would have happened? It wouldn’t have been beneficial to slaughter thousands in a siege and laugh in front of a mountain of corpses. Had we simply burned the witches without interrogation, we wouldn’t have obtained evidence of collusion between the Boff and Noza Households. Finding Charleville ‘s hidden room a month later would have been too late. It’s really scary when you think about it.’

“Yuri-dono, if we’re going to abandon Mital…” (Kien)

“Oya-dono, are you serious?” (Liao)

Liao shook Kien’s knee.

It seems that he has a lot of feelings about Mital. However, if something is broken, you just need to fix it. It’s not irreversible like human life.’

“Liao, stay out of this… Yuri-dono, if we’re to abandon Mital, we need a good reason. Why is the royal capital the only option? If you don’t explain that to me, I won’t be convinced.” (Kien)

‘Well, I suppose so.’

“Let me explain. I’m sure once you hear it, you’ll understand.” (Yuri)

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