The Cursed Prince

Chapter 277 - Good News

The two women were sharing happiness over the baby. One would soon be a grandmother, and the other one first time mother. Both had such a wonderful glow on their faces. They couldn't help smile so broadly whenever they talked about the baby.

After Harlow calmed down and no longer kicking, Queen Elara took Emmelyn to her private lounge and the two ladies sat leisurely while enjoying tea.

The queen took the opportunity to get to know Emmelyn better since now her true identity had been revealed. Queen Elara asked about her parents, what she liked and didn't like, and where she went before she came to Draec.

"I am truly, truly sorry for what happened to your family," Queen Elara said in a low voice while cupping Emmelyn's hands with hers. "I can imagine the pain and suffering that you have gone through because of the war. On behalf of my family.. please accept our apologies and condolences."

Emmelyn looked at the queen and bit her lip, trying hard not to break down and cry.

She had moved on from her grudge and no longer wanted to take revenge because she realized that no matter what, nothing could bring back her family from the grave.

However, when the queen herself talked to her about it and showed sympathy, Emmelyn couldn't help but be reminded again of her late family.

"Thank you, Queen Mother. I miss them every day, but I try to move on with life," Emmelyn finally said. "Mars has apologized for the invasion and we have talked about it many times."

"He has?" The queen looked relieved that her son had done the right thing by talking to Emmelyn and tried to resolve the issue between them. "Ah.. that's good."

She believed, even if both people were in love but if they didn't resolve the conflict between them, and treated it like an elephant in the room, pretending that everything was okay, things wouldn't go well in the future.

Openness, forgiveness, and understanding were just as important as love in building and maintaining a healthy relationship. She was glad to know Mars and Emmelyn seemed to be quite open and honest with each other.

"Yes, His Highness has done many things to make up for what happened in the past," Emmelyn replied. "I know things have not been easy on his part too, because he is feeling guilty for the war and the events that happened before we even met."

The queen agreed. It was war, and people died in the war. However, she was not that heartless to say those words.

She really hoped Emmelyn could truly forget about the past and moved on.. to grow roots in Draec and made this kingdom her new home.

"If you need someone to talk to, you can always come to me," Queen Elara said while patting Emmelyn's hand. "It was not easy for me too to start a new life in the capital. I was just a village girl who was used to living in the countryside. I had so much to learn and to adjust."

"Thank you for your kindness, Queen Mother," Emmelyn said softly. Mars was right when he asked her to move in with his mother while he was away.

In the queen, Elara found a companion, a friend, and a mother figure. She felt so blessed.

They drank tea while talking about their own experiences and what they think about motherhood. Emmelyn listened attentively when Queen Elara told her about her experience when he gave birth to Mars.

"It was really hard in the beginning..." The queen admitted. "My mother came to live with me after I became the queen, but she died a few years later. It was a really lonely time for me. Fortunately, after a while, I found companions among my ladies-in-waiting. You might still remember them?"

"Yes, Queen Mother," Emmelyn nodded. "Lady Athibaud, Lady Chaucer, and Lady Preston?"

"Yes, you are right. It's them. Actually, there was another one. She was the wife of the minister of trade, but she passed away during childbirth. So sad...." Queen Elara sighed.

She added, "We got through pregnancy and childbirth together and those experiences brought us closer. They were the ones to keep me company and consoled me when I lost my babies, and then, our children grew up together."

Emmelyn remembered that Lady Preston was childless. Maybe she felt outcasted because the other ladies shared the same experience as the queen and she didn't? Was that the reason why she took in her orphaned niece to stay with her?

"Did Lady Preston also have the same experience with you and the other ladies?" Emmelyn finally asked that question.

Queen Elara looked at her with a smile and shook her head. "Unfortunately no. It was very hard on her when all the women around her became pregnant and had children. It also put a strain in her marriage. There were some rumors that Duke Preston kept some mistresses to get children."

"Oh..." Emmelyn was very interested in knowing more about the Prestons. "Is that true?"

The queen shook her head. "I don't really know. But one thing for sure, suddenly Duke Preston became a well-behaved man, and all the gossips about him having mistresses died down. Lady Preston went to the countryside to care for her ailing sister and when she returned, she brought Ellena with her."

"Ohh..." Emmelyn knew what happened next. From what her husband told her, he and Ellena had been friends since childhood, together with Edgar and Gewen.

"Lady Preston never wanted to admit it, but I think Ellena is actually her husband's daughter from his mistress," the queen whispered all of a sudden. "Have you seen the duke? He and Ellena look so alike."

Emmelyn furrowed her brows and tried to remember Duke Preston's face. Now that the queen mentioned it, she kind of saw the similarities.

So, did this mean Ellena was actually the duke's biological daughter? What a scandal!

"If Ellena is truly the duke's bastard daughter from his mistress, then why did Lady Preston took her in and pretended she is her niece?" Emmelyn asked the queen.

Her mother-in-law shrugged. "That, you have to ask her. People have their own reasons to do things."

"Hmm.. maybe she just wanted to stay in your circle?" Emmelyn asked again. "I mean.. all the other ladies have children of their own and they could stay closer to you, mother. Maybe she thought she would be left out without a child of her own."

"Perhaps..." Queen Elara sighed. "It's too bad that things finally end this way."

"End how?" Emmelyn didn't quite understand.

"Well... after the incident between Ellena and Mars, our relationship became bad," Queen Elara explained. "Ellena also has broken off her friendship with Mars. They no longer wish to stay in the capital."

"What?" Emmelyn couldn't believe what she just heard. Ellena and her family no longer wanted to live in the capital? Why? And where did they go?

"Yes. After Ellena recovered, they asked His Majesty's permission to leave the capital and move to the countryside," said Queen Elara. "They left yesterday."

"Wh-what?" Emmelyn instantly felt her chest was filled with happiness. She didn't know that hearing the fact that Ellena finally gave up on chasing her husband and moved away could make her this happy.

At last, they no longer had to worry about Ellena.

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