The Cursed Prince

Chapter 195 - She Is Glad She Is Not His Enemy

Morning finally came. Emmelyn felt her body devoid of strength and she could barely open her eyes. All night long, she and Mars were making love, round after round, to relieve the aphrodisiac effect.

The man was finally asleep. Emmelyn turned to the side and saw Mars sleep next to her like a baby. His breathing was regular and he looked at peace. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

Emmelyn let out a sigh and yawned. She remembered what happened the night before and, immediately, she gritted her teeth.

Gosh...! She suspected that one of the Milot girls must have spiked Mars' drink somehow with the intention of forcing herself on him.

Was it Lori? Yeah.., it must be her. Emmelyn remembered how coquettish she was toward the prince during dinner and when she offered to prepare his bed for him.

Emmelyn realized that if one girl tried this once, there would be countless others who would try to do this stupid thing, unless the crown prince set an example.

She massaged her temple. Mars being freed from his curse apparently came with side effects. In the past, since women would die if they touched him, the prince always made sure that no women were allowed to be near him.

Such incidents like this would never happen in the past. No one would dare anyway since he portrayed himself as a ruthless monster who hated women.

This was the first occasion outside of the royal gala where the prince allowed women to be around him.

Come to think of it, Emmelyn realized they were too relax in Havertown because they were in their own kingdom and didn't expect someone could be so cunning to take advantage of the prince.

This was surely a very important and expensive lesson to learn. Luckily Emmelyn was around this time. Imagine what would happen if Mars was drugged with an aphrodisiac while he was with another woman?

Emmelyn didn't want to think about it. Mars might not be strong enough to handle it on his own and....


She shuddered at the thought that Mars having sex with another woman. She felt disgusted and furious.

Emmelyn cupped her face with her hands in frustration and let out a muffled shriek. She and Mars must talk about this and make sure that it would never happen again in the future.

Mars opened up his eyes when he heard her shriek. He had always been a light sleeper and her voice instantly woke him up from his restless sleep.

He pulled her body closer into his arms and asked her what happened with a hoarse voice. "Are you okay, Honey?"

"Oh, sorry for waking you up..." Emmelyn touched his hair. "I was so angry that someone had the audacity to drug you last night."

Mars's forehead immediately creased. He now remembered what happened the night before, in fragments. He wasn't really aware of his surroundings and his mind was quite fuzzy after the aphrodisiac took effect.

However, he was a very smart man and now he could piece together all the flashes of memories from last night and made his conclusion.

Someone spiked his drink and he suddenly couldn't control his desire.? He stumbled with difficulty to Emmelyn's chamber and quenched his desire by making love with her so many times that they both became exhausted.

He still remembered her asking him to do it slowly and gently, so he wouldn't hurt their baby...


His face suddenly turned pale. Mars quickly sat up in bed and held her arm. "Did I hurt you??!!"

Emmelyn sat up too and shook her head with a smile. "No, you didn't. Don't worry. You are always gentle to me."

Mars let out a long sigh. His hands clenched into fists as he punched the bed angrily. "I will make sure this whole family gets what they deserve. How dare they!"

Emmelyn couldn't agree more. However, she realized that they were only traveling with 100 soldiers. Their number was too small.

If Mars was quick to punish Marquis Milot and his family, the marquis might actually become desperate and decided to save his family by attacking the prince and his little entourage.

It would be a life-and-death situation in Havertown.

This town was small, but it still had at least 1000 soldiers to guard the city.

If Marquis Milot was desperate for his life and his family's lives, he would not hesitate to exert all the soldiers under him to attack Mars, Edgar, Gewen, Emmelyn, and the rest of their guards.

"Honey, I know you are furious right now, I am too. But we shouldn't act rashly," Emmelyn held his hands, and slowly the balled fists opened. "I am pregnant with a baby. We are currently outnumbered if Marquis Milot decided to attack us. What will happen to our child?"

Mars looked at her with an impressed expression. This woman was very level-headed, he thought in admiration.

He could tell that Emmelyn was just as upset as he was, but she could control her emotions and talk some sense into him. She was truly a remarkable woman and he felt so lucky to have her in his life.

"You are so wise," he commented with a smile.

Emmelyn smiled faintly. "Am I? I just think about what's best for the baby. Somehow, being pregnant changes me.. not always for the better, you know my mood swing and such, but now I definitely always think about what's in the baby's best interest."

Mars did realize that. He too felt the same. Maybe this was how being a parent felt like? They no longer think about themselves, but always think about how they could do better for their children.

"Okay.. I'm listening," he said. "What do you think we should do?"

"Let's go down for breakfast and see what Marquis Milot would do. They might pretend that they don't know something happened last night. If they don't talk, we shouldn't say anything about it."

Emmelyn added, "I think Lori was the one who drugged you since I saw how she was so eager to be all over you last night."

Mars' face was instantly filled with an expression of contempt. He grunted. "Yeah.. it's her. I remember a little bit. I asked her to get me water so I could drink my sleeping potion. I think she mixed something into the water and drugged me."

"Ugh.. that bitch!" Emmelyn gritted her teeth. "I will make her pay."

"Didn't you say we shouldn't say anything to the Milots?" Mars asked her.

"Ah, that's right. Let's keep quiet. Let's see what they have to say about it first. They might actually think last night you went to sleep with a man, and this will be a secret that they could use to smear your name or blackmail you in the future," Emmelyn replied. "They'd think they have something that they could use against you."

"Like hell, I will let them get away with this!" Mars blurted. "To dream that they will blackmail me? They? might not even live to see the sunrise tomorrow."

"It's okay. Let's just get away from here and once we arrive in Glendale, you can send an army to capture the Milots. Then, you can punish them to your heart's content," said Emmelyn.

Mars thought about it and finally nodded. "Fine, we'll do as you said."

"Thank you!"

That's right. At the moment, their priority was to get away out of Havertown safely, for their child's sake. Mars could punish the Milots anytime.

Mars yawned and looked around them. He realized that he wasn't in his chamber and he didn't have his clothes here.? There were only his pants on the floor and Emmelyn's torn nightgown.

He massaged his temple and turned to Emmelyn. "Let me get back to my chamber and get dressed. I will come and get you so we can go downstairs together."

Emmelyn nodded. She planted a kiss on his cheek and let him put on his pants and leave her chamber.

Once the prince was out of her sight. Emmelyn quickly got dressed too and freshen up.

She would have to put on a straight face when they got to the dining room. Let's see how the Milots would react to see them looking cool as cucumbers.



Mars came to get her to have breakfast together and continued their journey to Glendale. Emmelyn was ready. She wore a men's outfit and had her bag filled with their personal items.

"Do you have everything?" Mars looked around the chamber to make sure Emmelyn didn't leave anything behind.

"Yes, let's go." Emmelyn walked out through the door and closed it behind her.

There was nobody in the hallway, and the marquis' mansion felt especially quiet that morning. Emmelyn was wondering if the Milots actually ran away before they woke up, to avoid punishment.

"Where is everybody?" she asked in bewilderment.

"Hm.. We'll soon find out," Mars replied.

"If they escape, will you send people to chase them?" Emmelyn asked him.

"I'll ask the governor in Glendale to take care of the Milots," Mars said. "I don't have time to chase them right now."

"Good idea," Emmelyn nodded. She let out a long sigh when she remembered Lori's vile scheme. To think that someone so young could do something like that.

Her parents must be behind this.

Her steps halted. Mars stopped walking too and turned around. "What happened? Did you forget something?"

Emmelyn pursed her lips and said, "We need to be more cautious now that you can touch women. Some might try to pull a stupid stunt like last night. What if I wasn't around? If Lori could make you sleep with her and ask you to take responsibility, what will you do?"

Mars furrowed his brows. "Of course I will kill her for even trying to trick me. I don't have to take responsibility for anyone. So what if she made me sleep with her?"

Emmelyn gulped when she heard his answer.

The crown prince seemed so nonchalant about it and that made her feel relieved and worried at the same time.

Emmelyn was relieved that Mars apparently would never bend to any women just because he slept with them, and worried because he was so cold and ruthless when it came to people who wronged him.

She was glad that she was not his enemy.

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