The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

Chapter 549

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine Chapter 549

Episode 549 Cruel Solution (2)

“Can’t we just send that guy to a place where no one is around, like the world that was already destroyed by the Demon King, and let him die alone?”

Berkis’ voice suddenly heard. His eyes are looking straight in this direction. There was no trace of laughter in his eyes. He just had an expression that seemed a little indifferent, as if he was asking if this was the simplest way, and on the other hand, felt even more cold-hearted.

“This is probably the simplest way. “It would also be the wisest way to reduce the damage to everyone.”


What did he say?

Honestly, I couldn’t believe it at first. I thought it was a joke. No, I wanted to believe that. Actually, it’s not like I haven’t thought about this too. Because I knew right away that it was the easiest way. But that was just a passing thought. I never once made up my mind to put it into practice.


“What did you just say?”

“You must have heard everything. “Don’t you already fully understand what I said?”


“As expected.” “I thought you would fully understand.”


“Can you suggest a better way?”


I don’t know.

I think there is. I think there might be a good way to save Damian somewhere in this world. But I don’t know right now. So, it felt like one part of my heart was falling apart. I wanted to answer right away, but I couldn’t get my mouth to open my mouth, which made it even worse.

Meanwhile, Dragon King Berkis continued speaking.

“ruler. Well then, let’s sort it out. I mean the Lou Gehrig’s disease you just mentioned. “It’s a disease that eventually kills all your motor nerves and puts you in a vegetative state where you can’t move and only have your eyes open, causing you to die quickly, right?”

“That’s right.”

“But they don’t know the cause, the principle, or the treatment.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Then you can’t save him anyway, right?”


I didn’t want to answer that question. It seemed like if I answered, that would be the conclusion of everything. I didn’t want to give up hope. Some might criticize me as unreasonable greed, recklessness, or obsession, but I didn’t want to give up just yet. I didn’t even want to leave Damian’s hand like this.

“But, Dragon King.”

“no. Now is not the time to rely only on warmth. “If that friend is going to die no matter what effort I make, then if the Demon King descends to the earthly world, who will stop it?”


“The archangel said that. The King of Demon World has already destroyed the world of existence and the world of darkness and absorbed the rulers of those worlds. That’s how much stronger I became.”


“You heard it too, right? That’s what I’m saying. According to what the archangel told me, the Demon King is stronger than me. Stronger than an archangel or the king of hell. Perhaps only if I and the Archangel King of Hell join forces, we will be able to fight back. Winning? “It’s impossible.”


“That kind of being wakes up. “It is not a matter for you to decide based on your personal feelings or mood.”

“So… you’re saying we’re going to send Damian to a destroyed world with no one there so he can die alone?”



This is such a neat opinion.

As if cutting it off with a scalpel.

All you have to do is send Damien.

“Then the Demon King will descend through that friend’s body in the ruins he has already destroyed, where no one is there. “In a world where there is nothing left to destroy or kill, there is only emptiness.”


“All the things that the King of Demon Worlds put so much effort into preparing have all come to nothing. What after that? Damian Kayen We’ll have to make a new doll that plays the same role as that friend and plant it in this world. “From the Demon King’s perspective, it would be like going back to the beginning.”

“But isn’t there a fundamental solution?”

“yes. But we can buy at least 3,000 years. “It is time to prepare to properly stop the Demon King.”


“Besides, what if it’s time for the second Damien Cayenne to descend on the Demon King again? It was the same back then. You can use the same method as this time. Then, the King of Demon World will never be able to set foot on the land of the earthly world in his original form.”


“Honestly, isn’t this the cleanest way?”


A reply came out unconsciously. Dragon King Berkis looked this way with meaningful eyes. An expression and expression that is no different from usual. So it was a look that felt even more intimidating.

But you can’t back down.

Rachiel looked around the conference hall.

Before we knew it, everyone was nodding their heads softly. Everyone seemed to agree with the Dragon King’s opinion. In fact, it could have been so. The Dragon King’s opinion is so clear and reasonable that even we can hear it. Because it is certain that it is the most efficient method.

But… that’s why I couldn’t nod my head at this point. The moment this side agrees, Damian’s death will be decided. This is a certainty, not a hunch. So you can never back down. I can’t let go of Damian’s hand like this.

“I don’t think so.”



“In what way?”

“We haven’t explored all options yet. “It is too early to draw conclusions.”

“Is it too early?”

“That’s right.”

Rachiel nodded strongly.

“I have just been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease. There remain numerous possibilities yet to be explored. Among them, there may be a path to complete cure. So I don’t want to give up just yet.”

“…as a medical professional? Or as that guy’s master?”

“It’s both.”


Actually there are three.

As that guy’s friend.

I can’t let Damian go yet. do not do that. I can’t leave him to die alone in the void with no one around, like abandoning someone who has devoted so much to his life. That would not be possible.

But was it because of this side’s thoughts?

Dragon King Berkis asked for the first time, a look of anger overlaid on his drowsy expression.

“Is this something you should decide based on your feelings?”

“It’s not just a feeling.”

“Then what is it?”

“I answered that I also have a position as a medical professional.”

“They say there is no cure.”

“So far so.”

“Are you going to make it happen in the future?”

“Yes, I plan to take a look.”

“Can things be done just by thinking?”

“It may not be possible, but you can’t give up without trying.”

“But if we treat Lou Gehrig’s disease well this time, what about the next incurable disease?”


“Are you sure you can stop it forever like this? really?”

“…I’m not sure.”

“Then one day, in the end, according to my opinion, I will send that friend to the world to die?”

“We won’t let that happen.”

“I heard that one day I won’t be able to get treatment.”

“We will make it.”

“Look at this. “You’re being stubborn right now, putting only your emotions first.”

“It’s not stubbornness.”

“Then what is it?”



The Dragon King frowned slightly.

It seemed like he was asking what he was talking about.

I spoke sincerely to him.

“Please. please. Give me a chance.”


“I will try my best. I will try harder. So please give us a chance to see more of the possibilities.”

“Write it. “Why are you doing this to make me feel weak?”

“I’m not saying that. What I am saying is to give yourself a little more leeway and avoid hasty conclusions. So, if you really get to the end and there is no hope… then wouldn’t you just send me and Damian to the world?”

“Why are you asking me to send you away?”

“Because there is such a thing as responsibility.”

“Do you talk about responsibility and bet the fate of the earthly world on unseen possibilities? “You’re arrogant.”

“It doesn’t matter if you criticize me for being arrogant.”

“He’s also arrogant.”

“I will take that too.”

“Do you really want to ask me a favor like that?”


I meant it.

Must take responsibility.

Because Damian is a patient here?

It wasn’t just because of that fact.

‘Because it happened because of me…’

The story of the Demon Sword Emperor in the novel came to mind. The original story in that world was not like this. Damian had never been pushed into such hopeless misery.

But things are different here.

Because of this side.

because of me.

When I entered the world of this novel, everything changed. Damian has become much more miserable. No, now he has gone beyond the point of misery and is left alone in the world of emptiness to die.

Of course, according to the archangel’s words, it was something that would happen someday, but beyond the ending of the novel, it was a catastrophe that would eventually come, but that will not change the fact that the timing was pushed forward because of this.

So, you have to take responsibility.


“Please. I understand the Dragon King’s opinion. “But if you leave that as a last resort… wouldn’t it be okay?”


Dragon King Berkis had no answer.

No one in the conference room could open their mouth.

The silence continued like that, with no idea how long it would last.

“I think the Dragon King’s opinion is reasonable.”

Someone raised their hand.

This person expressed the opinion they most wanted to hear. The moment I heard that, I felt overwhelmed without realizing it. What time is now? How desperate are we trying to persuade the Dragon King right now? Considering all of that, who would make such an opinion at this very moment?

I cast my gaze in that direction.

And I was able to find it.

The sight of Damian right next to me, gently raising one hand.

“I, Damien Kayen, express my opinion as a member of the All-Race Conference. By voting in favor of the solution to this situation proposed by Dragon King Berkis.”

The guy spoke.

So calmly.

As if it were just natural.

As if talking about someone else’s business.

“…hey. hey.”

I called the guy.

But the guy didn’t look back.

Instead, he looked around at everyone in the conference room and said.

“Everyone must have felt it while listening to it a little while ago. This means that the solution presented by Dragon King Berkis is the most reasonable, efficient, and clean. On the other hand, the alternative presented by the Crown Prince is ambiguous. You’re just appealing to emotions. Therefore, a fundamental question arises as to whether it is useful as a solution. That’s why.”

“hey. “What are you doing now?”

“I, Damien Cayenne, am appealing to everyone as a key party in this situation. I hope everyone here agrees with Dragon King Berkis’ opinion.”

“What are you doing now?”

“This was Damien Cayenne. thank you.”

“…What are you doing!”

Without realizing it, I screamed, jumped up from my seat, and grabbed the guy by the collar.

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