The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 419

Episode 419

A smile appeared on King Ahmed’s face when he heard the news that Choi Jun-ho was coming to Riyadh in person.

“They said a friend of mine was coming in person.”

“You look happy.”

In comparison, Nasir’s face is full of worry.

“I can’t help but be happy. “A lot has happened in the meantime.”

“I said I did it for a friend, but it was something that not just anyone could do.”

“Nothing in Nasir’s world is decided based on gain or loss.”

King Ahmed spoke with a hardened expression, but Nasir also did not back down.

“The things I had to endure at the time were not easy. “If Superhuman Choi Jun-ho’s return had been delayed, he would have risked his life.”

“I would have told you to hold on as long as you can.”

“I think Choi Jun-ho’s return is fortunate.”

At the time of Choi Jun-ho’s disappearance, Saudi Arabia was also embroiled in turbulence.

King Ahmed was a close friend of Choi Jun-ho and gained tremendous benefits from his interactions with him. If there is someone who gains, someone is bound to lose, and they took advantage of Choi Jun-ho’s absence to aggressively attack Saudi Arabia.

Nasir suggested a change in route due to the delay in Choi Jun-ho’s return, but King Ahmed persisted.

The damage suffered as a result was truly great.

It’s to the point where I wonder if the foundation of the country is shaking.

However, Choi Jun-ho eventually returned, and King Ahmed used this as an opportunity to completely purge the opposition.

“The reason my friend is coming is because of Franz’s work.”

“I had no idea that the wave that occurred in Europe would sweep over that area as well.”

Franz’s fall from office within the European Union caused enormous repercussions around the world.

The impact was so severe that it spread throughout the Middle East, and this is because this is the place that is currently resisting God’s influence the most strongly.

“It means that no one will forgive you if you disobey God.”

“With this, Europe is completely in God’s hands.”

“It’s funny because he’s a god.”

“But it is a being that appears in reality. “The disturbance caused by this is considerable.”

Different religions have led to conflict, but the impact of the revelation of God’s existence was enormous.

Since it was based in the Vatican, Europe accepted it without hesitation, but for the Islamic culture, it was like a thunderbolt.

“We’re denying the existence of God, but it’s not good for us.”

“yes. We need a solution.”


“Your Highness?”

“It’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing we can solve on our own. “If we can’t solve it, we have no choice but to borrow greater power.”

What King Ahmed was saying was clear. By accepting Choi Jun-ho, it meant that he wanted to eliminate Shin.

“No matter how strong you are, you are still human.”

“The man is opposing God.”


“I believe that if it’s a close friend, you can do it. So believe, Nasir.”

“…All right.”

Although he accepted the king’s confident words, Nasir’s worries grew.

No matter how strong Choi Jun-ho is, can a single human being stand up to God?

So how long can that person endure?

To be honest, it was negative.

If he fails, those closest to him who directly challenged the existence of God will bear the brunt of the repercussions.

Is it right to just quietly watch that?

“May he save us.”


* *

When we arrived at the Royal Palace in Riyadh, King Ahmed was there to greet us in person.

He came over with a bright smile and hugged me.

“It’s been a while, my friend. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

“Did you stay well?”

“I can’t say I’ve had a good time even with empty words. “I’m getting more and more worried about the pressure that’s getting stronger every day.”

“He is a troublesome opponent.”

“It’s a lot of trouble. Because the existence of a tangible God alone becomes an object of worship. I’m trying my best to hold on, but I won’t be able to hold on for long. “Many people will want to worship a real god.”

Since it is geographically not far from Europe, its influence will inevitably be strong.

“So you closed Suez?”

“If I had accepted any more than this, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it. “It’s unfortunate that I took action first and let you know.”

“it’s okay. “I would have made the same choice.”

“That’s a good thing.”

King Ahmed’s expression brightened, but his worries did not completely go away.

Entering the palace, I had a conversation with King Ahmed in the reception room.

It was about the emergence of a self-proclaimed god and his current influence on the Middle East.

To be honest, I thought that because they were geographically close, they must have been strongly influenced by the self-proclaimed god. But the Middle East region was holding up much better than I expected.

“Our strong faith has kept us going, but God’s miracles are forcing us to falter.”

“It held up a lot better than I thought.”

“Thank you for acknowledging me.”

[Fanatical faith is helpful in this direction.]

It was a firm faith that even Yongyong acknowledged.

Horus also played a role in this. When I went missing, people around me were looking for an opportunity, but Horus was alive and well, so I was able to maintain deterrence.

It was surprising that the self-proclaimed god left Horus alone.

“We will move to prevent further manipulation. I hope you can hold on until then.”

“Of course. Our faith is not weak enough to collapse like that. “I will warn you clearly.”

“I believe it.”

If you endure well on the front lines, the influence is bound to spread throughout the country.

I came to meet and say hello to Franz, but I feel like I gained an unexpected harvest.

“So what happened to old Franz?”

At first, I thought about going to Germany myself and bringing old Franz back, but I expressed my intention to leave Germany and come to Saudi Arabia myself.

“They said he arrived in Turkye via Italy. “They said they made contact with our personnel there.”

“To Turquoise in Italy?”

“It was an escape that caught the enemy off guard. His strategies are always accompanied by surprises. “Why but?”


I was concentrating on old Franz’s situation enough to ignore King Ahmed’s words.

Losing power in the European Union is something that cannot be helped since it is outside the eyes of the self-proclaimed god. However, if he has protected Europe throughout his life, he will be able to stay and be treated with sufficient respect.

Although he may have a burning sense of justice, it is difficult to think of easily abandoning the European Union that he has devoted his entire life to building.

Why does Franz want to abandon everything and come to where I am? Did you completely trust my words when I told you to come when you were having a hard time? Or do you have other plans?


“…I want to meet old Franz when he comes. “I hope to hear about the situation in Europe from him and come up with a strategy.”

“He is wiser than anyone else and does not forget reality. “That’s what I hope too.”

And a few days later, Franz, who departed from Turkiye, arrived in Riyadh.


* *

Old Franz’s appearance was indifferent, putting to shame the story that he was overthrown from the European Union and made a desperate escape.

Of course, since I arrived and washed and changed into new clothes, my senses indicated that my health did not look bad.

On the contrary, it was so normal that I felt a subtle sense of discomfort.

“Did you stay well.”

“It’s a shame that I said I would do my best but ended up not being able to do anything.”

“You and I both knew this would happen, but what do you mean?”

“I thought something could change if I tried. I would have embarrassed him, but I ultimately failed. “I’m embarrassed to have promised.”

“What you have experienced so far will be of great help.”

“I guess so, hehe.”

Old Franz was smiling with a nonchalant expression, but he could not hide his helplessness.

That’s what it feels like to lose what you’ve built up over a lifetime. I had similar feelings when I lost everything I had built up to a hematoma, although not in my entire life.

“So from now on, Europe will be God’s territory?”

“Yes, it has become inevitable.”

“In the end, with the saint taking the lead, wasn’t even the old man able to stop her?”

“That child was tactless when he attacked me, saying it was his will. Superhumans from all over the world want to receive God’s grace for sure, rather than being in an awkward position any longer. “My argument that we should do our best even if it is difficult no longer works.”

That’s human nature. If you can get stronger quickly and efficiently, you can even pull out the heart and consume its blood. I did it, and other guys are willing to take it too.

Because humans tend to be inclined towards beings that bring benefit to themselves.

“If I could receive grace by doing so, I should have tried it too.”

“you? Hehe, that’s a very interesting idea.”

“It’s late. “I hit it hard a few times.”

“You are also amazing for thinking of confronting him head on. Even if he is not a real god, now I have no choice but to think of him as a god.”

Old Franz took me for a ride, pretending to be impressed, but my sense of discomfort towards him was getting stronger.

No, this feeling of discomfort has been there since I left Korea.

Franz was once a teenage superhuman, but now he is only a decent superhuman. It can be said that it is strong, but it does not mean that it can easily escape the hand of a self-proclaimed god.

This means that it was intentionally sent by a self-proclaimed god.

Why him?

I looked at old Franz and asked him outright.

“So what was it that you were incited to do?”


“Did you think you could fool me with a few superficial words?”

Franz’s serious expression from a moment ago suddenly disappeared.

Instead, he shook his head with a light smile.

“Were you quick to notice? “I’m sure he knew what I was saying: it’s impossible to deceive you.”

“I refer to him as ‘him’ in a friendly way, but it’s strange that you don’t notice anything strange about him.”


“I didn’t know it would go this far.”

“Yeah, I used to doubt him too. But He came personally and performed a miracle for me. “After experiencing that miracle, I decided not to commit the blasphemous act of doubting Him anymore.”

Because we had been at odds for so long, the moment we turned around, we became more passionate supporters than anyone else.

Even old Franz didn’t know it would turn out like this.

“You too should stop your pointless resistance and take refuge in Him. He is merciful and willing to accept even if it was once revealed to him.”

“What did you agree to receive in return for licking the soles of God’s feet?”


Franz tried to laugh away his answer, but I caught a strong flow of power that was incomparable to before.

“…Is that what youth was like?”

“Isn’t it amazing? By taking refuge in Him, I was able to overcome the passage of time that no one could escape. “When new superhumans, including you, erase my existence, I will be able to make a name for myself in the world once again!”

“What do you do by making a name for yourself as God’s dog?”

“Just being able to recreate the old glory is enough. “If I use the experience I have had so far and the power I have been given, I will have absolute power that no one can match… Wow!”

Blood poured out of Franz’s mouth as he spoke. His brightly widened eyes were looking at me.

My right hand was piercing Franz’s chest.

From the moment I left Korea, I thought something like this might happen.

And the moment I confirmed that I had surrendered to God, I had no intention of keeping old Franz alive.

Since I had already killed him once, the second time was easier.

I said goodbye to him.

“good bye.”

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