The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 306: It’s time to Play

Chapter 306: It’s time to Play

“Muuuu...” Tang Li had a bored expression on her face as she wandered inside the hotel room. Before Fang Lin left, he had explicitly told Tang Li to not leave the room at all costs.

“Sis, I want to join you!” Tang Li pouted as she protested at that time. She used her ‘cute aggrieved face’ to make Fang Lin yield to her.

But Fang Lin had been desensitized already. Tang Li’s ‘cute aggrieved face’ had no effect against him now.

“No. It’s too dangerous to go outside.” Fang Lin said as he rubbed Tang Li’s head. “Be a good girl and stay here ok?”


Tang Li could only watch as her Sis left her in the room.

The only person in the room beside her was Andromeda, who was currently tied up in the ceiling.

Her whole body was tied with the ropes while she hung upside down, with the other end of the rope tied to the ceiling.

Andromeda looked like an insect caught by a spider that was wrapped in silk and was hung upside down for storage purposes.

Fang Lin was so pissed with what Andromeda did to him that after he tied her up, he also fed Andromeda some concoctions which paralyzed Andromeda.

He also made sure that these concoctions will prevent Andromeda on using her suit to escape.

Because of that, Andromeda was unable to move at all as she hung from the ceiling. She could only stare around morosely as she ‘repented’ on her mistakes, just like what Fang Lin told her to do.

“Tang Li, a little help here if you can.” Andromeda said as she pleaded Tang Li to free her.

“If you help me, I will help on feeding you.”

“No! Sis towd me to guawd you!” Tang Li said as she stared at Andromeda in pity.

“Beshidesh, you have shmall bweashtsh, sho you have no milk!”

“Guh!” Andromeda flinched, as if she was damaged by Tang Li’s commentary.

“Sis alsho shaid that if you ashk me to eshcpae, I had to shpin you!” Tang Li then proceeded to spin the tied-up Andromeda.

“Ughh.....” Andromeda almost gagged as Tang Li continued spinning her.

“Thish ish fun!” Tang Li tittered as she enjoyed seeing a spinning person. “Shpin, shpin!”


It was only after a minute passed by that Andromeda stopped spinning. Her face was green as her cheeks bulged. She seemed to be stopping something from coming out.

Tang Li grimaced as she realized that she seemed to have spun Andromeda far too much.

“Andwomeda, you ok?”


Andromeda was not able to answer, with her throat busy on stopping certain things from coming out.

Tang Li immediately flew up, intent on avoiding what Andromeda was about to spew out.

But to her relief, she saw Andromeda’s expression turning back to normal after 30 minutes passed by.

“TANG LI!!!!” Andromeda took deep breaths to remove her nausea. “I am so angry now! If I come out here, I will also spin you like what you did to me! Let’s see if you can keep all of Fang Yu’s milk inside your stomach!”

“Muu!!!!” Tang Li rushed towards the door, intent on going out. She already forgot her promise to her Sis as she just wanted to get away from Andromeda as far as possible.

But before she could do so, she and Andromeda saw the door being forced open from the outside.


Tang Li’s survival instincts kicked in as she immediately turned undetectable. She then floated high up until she almost touched the ceiling.

As for Andromeda, she was still tied up so she was not able to hide.

“There, I see one!” One of the intruders said as he saw the tied-up Andromeda. “But she seems to be tied-up in a certain way...”

“Shut it Billy!” The person beside the first speaker said. “Boss Shax commanded us to investigate the acquaintances of this Lin Fang guy. You know who that guy was right?”

“Of course I know Louie.” Billy replied. “That guy was Miss Shamaila’s escort for her coming of age ceremony! Damn him! He dared to touch her!”

“Yes, how dare he!” Louie replied as he seemed to be extremely angry too.

“So Boss Shax told us to kidnap Lin Fang’s acquaintances. That girl seems to be his only acquaintance, so I think we should take her.” Louie said as he made a chopping motion with his hand towards Andromeda’s neck.

Because of Fang Lin’s concoctions, Andromeda was paralyzed and unable to defend herself.

Those concoctions also prevented her from using the defense features of her suit.

Her eyes rolled as she fell unconscious.

“Do you think this Lin Fang guy is a creep? Look at her! He left her tied up in the ceiling! I reckon he is one of those perverts!” Billy said as he placed Andromeda inside a body bag.

“Why should we care? Louie said as he ignored that question. “Let’s get going now!”

“So where will we bring this girl now?”

“Boss Shax told us to bring her to the Altar of Solomon. We will just leave her there and wait for further instructions from him.” Louie and Billy prepared to leave the room, until Billy paused as he thought of something.

“Maybe Boss Shax will use this girl we kidnapped to make that Lin Fang leave Miss Shamila alone!” Billy said as he happily prodded the body bag. “That will be for the best!”

“That will be the best indeed.” Louie said as they left the hotel. “But let’s just shut up and do our job okay?”

“You’re right.”

“Muu...” Tang Li shivered as she watched Andromeda being kidnapped by the two men.

Tang Li did not try to fight, since she sensed that those two were skilled fighters.

Besides, Fang Lin told her that the big baddy in this place might want to consume Tang Li. That made Tang Li scared to make any powerful moves like her devouring attacks.

“I musht tell Sis!” Tang Li flew away from the hotel, still in her undetectable form.

“How can I find Sis? Ah my shuit!” Tang Li touched her tummy as she remembered her Sis and Andromeda saying some things to make their suit’s ‘search function’ to work.

“Owpen! Wowk! Actiwate!” Tang LI tried countless commands to make her suit activate.

“Shearch!” Only when she said these words that her suit worked.

Tang Li immediately realized this. She looked around her as she said,

“Look fow Sis!”


A notification sounded from her suit, showing Tang Li where Fang Yu was.

“Sis, I’m coming!” Tang Li employed her maximum speed to rush where Fang Yu was.

But she suddenly stopped as she smelled something fragrant.

“Milk...” Like a shark smelling blood, Tang Li followed her instincts as she followed this fragrant smell.

“Sho hungwy.....” Tang Li’s stomach rumbled as she saw a large processing building. Inside that building, countless bottles were being filled with milk every second.

These bottles of milk were then packed in boxes and sent away by countless carriages.

“Sho many milk!” Tang Li’s eyes glittered as she saw all these delicious and fragrant milk in front of her.

Even though she had been fed by Fang Yu earlier, Tang Li felt the wanting to drink more milk after seeing tens of thousands of them in front of her!

“Muuu...... But I need to tell Sis about Andwomeda.....” Tang Li then tilted her head as her 3 year-old logical reasonings started to kick in.

“But Sis is faw away fwom me.... I will get exhaushted if I go now.... I need to dwink many milk to have many enewgy!”

Tang Li’s eyes brightened as she used this reasoning of hers to indulge on the milk bottles.

With her stealth capabilities, she was able to enter the building without any hitch at all.

She picked up two milk bottles when nobody was looking, and she started drinking them in a hidden corner.

“Slurp, slurp, slurp.....” Tang Li greedily drank these milk bottles as if she was just a thirsty traveler who saw water after a week of parched journey.

“Sho dewicioush!” Tang Li let out a sigh of contentment as she finished those two milk bottles in one go.

“Thish ish the besht! If I can jusht bottwe Sis’ milk...”

Tang Li then stared greedily at the tens of thousands of milk bottles in front of her. She slowly flitted towards them as she said,

“Moar, moar, moar!”


“Fine. Go enjoy yourself at the party.” Shax said as he suddenly dropped his hostile act. “Just don’t do anything lewd to Shamaila ok?”

“Ah, ok?”

Fang Lin suddenly felt that something was suspicious with Shax right now. It was as if he lost interest of throwing Fang Lin out.

“What could it be?”

Fang Lin could not place it, but he was sure that Shax was scheming something right now.

And Fang Lin was 100% sure that it was related to him.

“Ok, ok, so you want to play that game huh. Then I shall entertain you then.” Fang Lin thought as he gave Shax a slight bow.

“Don’t worry, I will give Shamaila the night of her life. I am sure she will not forget about it, DAD.”

Fang Lin then rushed out of the room before Shax realized the meaning of his sentence.

“What the!!!!!”

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