The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 278: Eternal Banishment

Chapter 278: Eternal Banishment

“Damn it....” Fang Lin muttered as he stared at the panicking Fang and Zhou Clan Patriarch.

“Fang Yu gets to earn money in a match, and yet here I am, fighting for my life!” Xue’er, who was still in Fang Lin’s embrace, frowned as she saw what was happening.

“Do you want me to use one of my tail spells?” Xue’er said as her body began to gather energy. Fang Lin could feel her tails lighting up as she prepared her spells.

Fang Lin out his hands on her shoulders while shaking his head.

“You don’t need to, wifey. Let’s retreat further first.”

“Ok.” Xue’er nodded as she and Fang Lin tried to rush away from the powerful opponents.

But to their chagrin, they realized that they will be caught up by them in no time at all!

“S**t!” Fang Lin cursed as he racked his brains on what to do.

Those approaching the God Continent Branch were all Sixth Stage Practitioners, and their powers were unbridled here. Not even Fang Lin with his improved powers, can hope to match up against even one of them!

“Wait... Sixth Stage Practitioners?” Fang Lin then paused as a savage grin appeared on his face. He started laughing uncontrollably as he unexpectedly found the solution to his problems!

“How come I did not think of that!”

What Fang Lin was referring to was the planetary approval bestowed by the Planet Thrae to the Sixth Stage Practitioners.

Since the Planet Thrae was a Fifth Stage Planet, the maximum power of a practitioner that was allowed to stay here was at the Fifth Stage.

If a Practitioner breaks through the Sixth Stage, he/she had to leave this planet. If they did not leave, the planet will expel them.

But they can avoid that expulsion if they were able to obtain the planet’s approval to stay, which was called the Planetary Approval.

In order to get this approval, the said practitioner must conduct a ritual appeasing to the planet Thrae’s soul, allowing them to stay even if they exceeded a stage limit by one stage.

If the ritual was done well, the planet’s soul will then allow this Sixth Stage Practitioner to stay.

But if the said practitioner reaches the Seventh Stage, he will have no choice but to leave Planet Thrae.

This ritual allowed Sixth Stage Powerhouses to proliferate on the whole Planet Thrae.

As for why Fang Lin turned happy because of this information, the answer was just simple.

Fang Yu was currently accompanied by the reincarnated soul of the Planet Thrae, in the form of Tang Li!

Since Tang Li was the soul of the Planet Thrae, it’s highly possible that she can revoke the planetary approvals that she gave before she was reincarnated!

That means Fang Lin can just ask Tang Li to revoke her planetary approval on the practitioners chasing the Fang and Zhou Clan Patriarch!

“Hahahaha!” Fang Lin laughed hysterically as he realized that he now held all the Sixth Stage Practitioners on this planet at his hands! Just one word of Tang Li, and they will be banished from this planet!

Fang Lin rubbed his hands excitedly as he used Fang Yu to talk to Tang Li.


Fang Yu was alerted by what Fang Lin had thought of. She looked at Ricardo as she said,

“Hey Ricardo, do you mind if I rest in a room first? I had to condition my body after all.”

“Sure thing Fang Hao.” Ricardo said in encouragement. “Use all the time that you can use there.”

Fang Yu nodded as she and Andromeda rented the apartment just in front of the building they were in.

With their current money, Fang Yu was able to acquire a good and cozy room.

Once they entered the room, Fang Yu immediately placed sound-dampening and barrier talismans around her room. This way, nobody will eavesdrop her on her next actions.

She then sighed as she woke up the sleeping Tang Li.

“Sis...” Tang Li muttered sadly as she stared at Fang Yu morosely. Her eyes drooped as she tried to look sorry. “Good mowning Sis....”

Fang Yu shook her head, steeling her nerves as she said,

“Tang Li, I need your help.”

“No! Tang Li ish angwy to you!” Tang Li immediately rejected her request on the spot. “Sis ish angwy to Tang Li, sho Tang Li ish angwy too!”

Fang Yu somewhat expected this reply from Tang Li. After all, would you really help someone who just ‘punished’ you earlier? Even Fang Yu will find it hard to do that.

“Ok.... If you help me now, I will remove the punishment.” Fang Yu said amicably. “Is that good for you?”

“Naw, give Tang Li moar!” Tang Li said abruptly. Her eyes stared at Fang Yu intensely as she slowly said,

“Moar, moar, moar!”

“This cheeky girl!” Fang Yu thought as her eyebrows twitched. “She must have realized how much I needed her help now!”

Fang Yu gritted her teeth as she realized she was losing in a negotiation against a baby!

But what she could do? If she will not follow Tang Li, she will probably have another tantrum, rendering their negotiation void.

Because of that. Fang Yu had no choice but to compromise.

“Fine.... What do you want?” Fang Yu said after a long, awkward silence.

“Muuu.....” Tang Li tilted her head as she used her young mind to think up of her terms. Her eyes then brightened as she said,

“Feed me milk thweee timesh a day!”

“...Agreed!” Fang Yu replied with gritted teeth.

“Play with me and Mithwa! Play fighting gamesh!”

“Ok.” Fang Yu does not care what fighting games Tang Li was talking about. She just agreed to it too.

“Be Tang Li’sh mount fow thiwty minutesh! Tang Li wantsh to ushe Sis as a howsh!”

“Aghh!!! Fine!” Fang Yu then tensed as she awaited more demands from Tang Li.

Tang Li then gave Fang Yu a giggle as she said,

“As fow the lasht one, Tang Li will keep it!”

“....Is that all you want Tang Li?” Fang Yu asked with a sigh. From the looks of it, Tang Li wants to use the last demand as a reserve demand for the future.

Well, Fang Yu had no qualms about it. She just wished it will not be another ridiculous wish.

“That’sh all!” Tang Li said as she giggled happily. She then stared at Fang Yu hungrily as she said,

“Milk, milk!”

“Later Tang Li.” Fang Yu said as she raised her arms. “You have to listen to my request first.”

Fang Yu then told Tang Li about the matter of banishing the Sixth Stage Practitioners.

“Can you banish them Tang Li?” Fang Yu asked worriedly. “Sis will not get mad if you can’t do it...”

“Of courshe I can!” Tang Li huffed as she placed her hands on her hips. “Tang Li will do it now!”

“Great!” Fang Yu grinned as she held Tang Li.

She then fused with Fang Lin at the planet Thrae, bringing the devious baby with her.

Xue’er’s ears perked when she felt Fang Lin becoming more... whole. She then saw Tang Li who was now floating beside Fang Lin.

It did not take Xue’er too long before she realized what Tang Li will do next. Her eyes brightened as she gave Fang Lin an amazed look.

“See those guys Tang LI?” Fang Lin pointed to the 5 Sixth Stage Practitioners chasing the Fang and Zhou Clan Patriarch. “They are the one that you must banish!”

“Kay!” Tang Li waved her tiny fists as she shouted adorably,

“Begone, tho- old fogeys!”

To Fang Lin’s delight, those 5 pursuers actually disappeared! As for where they are right now, they were surely at the outer space.

With the banishment done by Tang Li, these banished practitioners will find it impossible to come back.

There was just one little snag that Tang Li did...

“Tang Li?”

“Yesh? Tang Li did gweat wight? Tang Li ish a good giwl!” Tang Li said as she laughed happily. Xue’er could not take it anymore as she hugged the adorable baby.

“Yes you did well... but you know, you should have not included in the banishment the two old guys that were being chased in front by the other five....”

“Eh? Tang Li tilted her head as she struggled out of Xue’er’s hug. “The two oldiesh in fwont musht shtay hewe?”

“Yes!” The two old guys Fang Lin was referring to were the Fang and the Zhou Clan Patriarch!

Tang Li accidentally included them on the banishment!

“But Sis, you pointed to them eawliew too...”


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