The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 123 I'll Help Him

FaMo was the main culprit who interrupted Tristan and Zhen-Zhen's passionate moment by scratching Tristan's hand that was trying to remove Zhen-Zhen's blouse. That was the only way he could think of to tell Tristan "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!".

FaMo succeeded in stopping them. When Zhen-Zhen sat up to see what happened to Tristan, she saw FaMo standing in the middle of them. She frowned when she noticed the menacing look of FaMo directed at Tristan.

Then she averted her gaze to Tristan who was checking his hand. She saw the three long scratch marks at the back of his palm. Fortunately, it was not too deep but still, there was blood on them.

"FaMo, what did you do?" Zhen-Zhen asked FaMo exasperatedly as she reached out to hold Tristan's hand.

Tristan also sat up while scratching the back of his head. He chuckled after seeing Zhen-Zhen's upset expression.

"Hey, Zhen, don't be mad at FaMo. I think he got upset that we had forgotten his presence here." Tristan said, defending FaMo. Though Tristan was surprised by FaMo's action, he was not mad at him.

Zhen-Zhen's expression softened after hearing that. She just got worried at Tristan that's why she unintentionally raised her voice at FaMo.

"I'm sorry, FaMo." she immediately apologized to FaMo.

Tristan gently patted Zhen-Zhen's head before standing up and getting off the bed. "I'm just gonna go and wash my hand."

Tristan proceeded to his bathroom to clean his wound with water and soap. Zhen-Zhen and FaMo were now left alone in the bed. They started communicating through their minds.

'Zhen-Zhen, I'm sorry. I hurt Tristan. I just want to protect you. I think…' FaMo apologized to her. But he couldn't complete his sentence.

He knew that Zhen-Zhen cared so much about Tristan. If he would tell her that he didn't fully trust Tristan yet then Zhen-Zhen would be sad. So he didn't know how he would explain to her the reason why he did that.

Meanwhile, Zhen-Zhen just looked at him helplessly. She was not mad at FaMo but she couldn't understand why he needed to do that. Protect her from Tristan? But Why?

'FaMo, I really appreciate your concern for me. But why do you think that you need to protect me from Tristan? I think he will not do something to hurt me.' Zhen-Zhen asked FaMo in confusion.

'Because I think he might hurt your feelings. I think he is not being honest with you. I have a hunch that he is hiding something from you. I don't want Tristan to take advantage of your innocence.' FaMo told her truthfully. He was still bothered by Tristan's feelings for Hannah.

Zhen-Zhen fell silent. After spending more time with Tristan, she got to know him better. She was convinced that Tristan was a good man. The way he treated her well really warmed her heart.

But she had to admit that she could also sense it. Tristan was hiding something from her especially when she learned from FaMo that Tristan was in love with Hannah. But she decided not to confront him. She knew how heartbroken Tristan felt when he got drunk before.

When Tristan made his first wish in his drunken state, Zhen-Zhen had no idea what's going on at that moment. But later on, everything became clearer to her. Zhen-Zhen had understood the complicated situation between Tristan and Andrew.

She was not that naive girl anymore who knew nothing. She already connected the dots. Tristan was in pain because he loved Hannah but Hannah and Tristan's brother, Andrew was a couple. She understood what Tristan was going through.

She decided not to bring it up or confront Tristan because she didn't want to make him sad by talking about those things. She was waiting for him to share those things with her willingly.

'FaMo… I understand where you were coming from. I could feel it too. But I decided to trust him. Don't worry too much, FaMo. I know Tristan is a good person. Please believe in him too.' Zhen-Zhen requested FaMo.

'I will try,' he responded to her after taking a deep sigh.

FaMo and Zhen-Zhen were still talking when Tristan joined them. He was already holding a medicine kit. They didn't notice when Tristan came out of the bathroom and went out to grab the medicine kit.

FaMo and Zhen-Zhen averted their gaze to Tristan. Then suddenly Zhen-Zhen mumbled something to FaMo, communicating with him through a mind link.

'FaMo, I will help Tristan.' Her voice filled with determination.

'Help him with what?' FaMo asked her curiously.

'I will help him forget about Hannah.' Zhen-Zhen promptly responded, her blue eyes were fixed on Tristan who was now sitting on the edge of their bed.

FaMo's eyes lit up after hearing Zhen-Zhen's last words. It only meant that Zhen-Zhen would make Tristan fall for her in order to forget Hannah. That was FaMo's interpretation by her last words.

He could hear the determination after she said those words. FaMo smiled, feeling relieved. He knew that Zhen-Zhen would be able to do it. He had full confidence in her. The demon god's daughter would get what she truly wanted. That's what FaMo was thinking.

'Go for it, Zhen-Zhen. I am just here, rooting for you. I will support you all the way!'

'Thank you, FaMo.'

'Don't worry Zhen-Zhen! If Tristan doesn't want you then you can always find another man. As they said, there are plenty of fishes in the ocean. You will find someone who is better than him. Someone who will cherish you. If he betrays you then I will be the one to search the man who will suit you well.' FaMo spoke spontaneously. He was still really in doubt with Tristan.

Zhen-Zhen didn't know whether to cry or laugh with FaMo's last remarks. She had not started yet and she just got married to Tristan but he was clearly planning to matchmake her with other men already.

'FaMo, are you trying to become cupid now? Or a matchmaker? Please don't be negative. Let's hope that everything will be fine between us.'

After saying that, Zhen-Zhen decided to help Tristan in applying ointment to the scratch mark on the back of his hand that was caused by FaMo's claws.

FaMo knew that was the cue that Zhen-Zhen's attention was back to Tristan. He could only roll his eyes and shake his head.

'I know… they don't need to remind me. I am the third wheel here.' FaMo lamented to himself while watching Zhen-Zhen take care of Tristan's wound.

"Does it hurt?" Zhen-Zhen asked Tristan with her worried look. She was holding his hand while applying some ointments to his wound.

Tristan smiled at him tenderly. It was just a scratch but Zhen-Zhen was already worried sick about him.

"Zhen-Zhen, I'm just fine. Don't give me such a sad face. Just a few scratches won't kill me. In just a few days, it will be back to normal again." Tristan reassured Zhen-Zhen while stroking her hair with his free hand.

Zhen-Zhen gave him a faint smile. "Are you mad with FaMo? Tristan, don't hate him. He's a good cat. It's just that-"

Zhen-Zhen was not able to finish her sentence since Tristan stopped her by pressing his forefinger on her lips.

"Wifey… It's alright. I don't hate FaMo. I'm not blaming him." Tristan said, correcting her wrong assumption.

Then Tristan turned to FaMo who was silently sitting beside Zhen-Zhen. FaMo was not looking in Tristan's direction because he somehow felt guilty after seeing the long scratch marks on his hand.

But he didn't regret doing it. Because if he didn't interfere then Tristan and Zhen-Zhen would probably do the deed.

Suddenly, Zhen-Zhen spoke up on FaMo's behalf. "Tristan... I think FaMo wants to apologize for what he did."

FaMo: "..."

FaMo immediately gazed up to see Zhen-Zhen. He looked at her with disbelief.

'Eh, when did I say I'm sorry' to him? Hmmph… I will never apologize to him unless he will prove to me how much he cares about Zhen-Zhen.' FaMo complained inwardly.

Tristan, on the other hand, couldn't explain why but he sensed that FaMo didn't like him.

'Is he jealous of me? Is FaMo only want Zhen-Zhen's attention to focus on him? Did he see me as a competitor to Zhen-Zhen's attention?' Tristan couldn't help but marvel at that thought.

After a few seconds, Tristan shook his head, dismissing that thought. FaMo was not a human to get jealous of him. That's what he was thinking.

Later on, Tristan's hand reached out, petting FaMo's head. This time, FaMo did nothing. He just let Tristan do what he wanted because Zhen-Zhen was there. She smiled when she saw the scene in front of her, Tristan petting FaMo's head.

'Good. I want them to get along well in the future.' Zhen-Zhen thought to herself.

"Zhen-Zhen, I think it's time to go to bed. Let's sleep," Tristan said.

She just nodded at him with a gentle smile on her face. This time, Zhen-Zhen and Tristan lay down on the bed together while FaMo was in the middle of them.

FaMo was very determined to stay on guard so that the passionate moment between Tristan and Zhen-Zhen a while ago would not happen again.

Tristan could only heave a deep sigh while watching FaMo whose sharp eyes were fixed in his direction.

'Why do I feel like FaMo is glaring at me?'

He shook his head helplessly before clicking the switch just above the headboard to turn the lights off.

"Good night, wifey! Good night FaMo!"

"Good night, hubby!"

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